35 research outputs found

    Analysis of nonlinear poroviscoelastic flows with discontinuous porosities

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    Existence and uniqueness of solutions is shown for a class of viscoelastic flows in porous media with particular attention to problems with nonsmooth porosities. The considered models are formulated in terms of the time-dependent nonlinear interaction between porosity and effective pressure, which in certain cases leads to porosity waves. In particular, conditions for well-posedness in the presence of initial porosities with jump discontinuities are identified.Comment: 34 page

    Mean-field optimal control for biological pattern formation

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    We propose a mean-field optimal control problem for the parameter identification of a given pattern. The cost functional is based on the Wasserstein distance between the probability measures of the modeled and the desired patterns. The first-order optimality conditions corresponding to the optimal control problem are derived using a Lagrangian approach on the mean-field level. Based on these conditions we propose a gradient descent method to identify relevant parameters such as angle of rotation and force scaling which may be spatially inhomogeneous. We discretize the first-order optimality conditions in order to employ the algorithm on the particle level. Moreover, we prove a rate for the convergence of the controls as the number of particles used for the discretization tends to infinity. Numerical results for the spatially homogeneous case demonstrate the feasibility of the approach

    Detection of high codimensional bifurcations in variational PDEs

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    We derive bifurcation test equations for A-series singularities of nonlinear functionals and, based on these equations, we propose a numerical method for detecting high codimensional bifurcations in parameter-dependent PDEs such as parameter-dependent semilinear Poisson equations. As an example, we consider a Bratu-type problem and show how high codimensional bifurcations such as the swallowtail bifurcation can be found numerically. In particular, our original contributions are (1) the use of the Infinite-dimensional Splitting Lemma, (2) the unified and simplified treatment of all A-series bifurcations, (3) the presentation in Banach spaces, i.e. our results apply both to the PDE and its (variational) discretization, (4) further simplifications for parameter-dependent semilinear Poisson equations (both continuous and discrete), and (5) the unified treatment of the continuous problem and its discretisation

    A Deterministic Gradient-Based Approach to Avoid Saddle Points

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    Loss functions with a large number of saddle points are one of the major obstacles for training modern machine learning models efficiently. First-order methods such as gradient descent are usually the methods of choice for training machine learning models. However, these methods converge to saddle points for certain choices of initial guesses. In this paper, we propose a modification of the recently proposed Laplacian smoothing gradient descent [Osher et al., arXiv:1806.06317], called modified Laplacian smoothing gradient descent (mLSGD), and demonstrate its potential to avoid saddle points without sacrificing the convergence rate. Our analysis is based on the attraction region, formed by all starting points for which the considered numerical scheme converges to a saddle point. We investigate the attraction region's dimension both analytically and numerically. For a canonical class of quadratic functions, we show that the dimension of the attraction region for mLSGD is floor((n-1)/2), and hence it is significantly smaller than that of the gradient descent whose dimension is n-1

    Auxin transport model for leaf venation.

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    The plant hormone auxin controls many aspects of the development of plants. One striking dynamical feature is the self-organization of leaf venation patterns which is driven by high levels of auxin within vein cells. The auxin transport is mediated by specialized membrane-localized proteins. Many venation models have been based on polarly localized efflux-mediator proteins of the PIN family. Here, we investigate a modelling framework for auxin transport with a positive feedback between auxin fluxes and transport capacities that are not necessarily polar, i.e. directional across a cell wall. Our approach is derived from a discrete graph-based model for biological transportation networks, where cells are represented by graph nodes and intercellular membranes by edges. The edges are not a priori oriented and the direction of auxin flow is determined by its concentration gradient along the edge. We prove global existence of solutions to the model and the validity of Murray's Law for its steady states. Moreover, we demonstrate with numerical simulations that the model is able connect an auxin source-sink pair with a mid-vein and that it can also produce branching vein patterns. A significant innovative aspect of our approach is that it allows the passage to a formal macroscopic limit which can be extended to include network growth. We perform mathematical analysis of the macroscopic formulation, showing the global existence of weak solutions for an appropriate parameter range.HJ is supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (grant GAT3395-PR4). LMK is supported by the EPSRC grant EP/L016516/1 and the German National Academic Foundation

    Γ-Convergence of an Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation scheme for image segmentation

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    Given an image u0, the aim of minimising the Mumford-Shah functional is to find a decomposition of the image domain into sub-domains and a piecewise smooth approximation u of u0 such that u varies smoothly within each sub-domain. Since the Mumford-Shah functional is highly non-smooth, regularizations such as the Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation can be considered which is one of the most computationally efficient approximations of the MumfordShah functional for image segmentation. Our main result is the Γ-convergence of the AmbrosioTortorelli approximation of the Mumford-Shah functional for piecewise smooth approximations. This requires the introduction of an appropriate function space. As a consequence of our Γconvergence result, we can infer the convergence of minimizers of the respective functionals