2 research outputs found

    Descripci贸n comparativa entre Espa帽a y Pa铆ses Bajos: Sistemas educativos y educaci贸n afectivo sexual.

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es analizar y comparar c贸mo se imparte la educaci贸n afectivo sexual en dos pa铆ses europeos cultural y socialmente diferentes. En primer lugar, se describir谩n c贸mo funcionan sus sistemas educativos, para as铆 poder entender mejor la manera en la que se imparten los contenidos. En segundo lugar, se justificar谩 de qu茅 se trata y la necesidad de implementar la educaci贸n afectivo sexual en las normativas educativas. A continuaci贸n, se expone c贸mo se lleva a la pr谩ctica docente, en algunas regiones, este tipo de educaci贸n. Ahora bien, aunque Europa trata de unificar los est谩ndares educativos, tambi茅n con respecto a la educaci贸n afectivo sexual, estos no se dan de manera uniforme en todos los pa铆ses miembros. La diferente organizaci贸n estatal y educativa provocan variaciones que ocasionan que haya diferencias de un pa铆s a otro, incluso de un territorio a otro dentro del mismo pa铆s. A pesar de esto, tambi茅n existen similitudes entre las diferentes regiones estudiadasThis project aims to analyze and compare how two European countries, that are culturally and socially different, teach affective-sexual education. First, it is described how their educational systems work, in order to better understand their teaching methods. Second, it is fundamental to explain what affective-sexual education means and justify the implementation of this kind of education into educational laws. Then, it is shown how they actually teach these contents in the classroom in some regions. Even though Europe pretends to unify the educational standards, regarding affective-sexual education as well, these standards are not clearly integrated into all their countries. This is caused because of the different state and educational organizations, which produce variations that foment differences among countries, even among regions inside the same country. However, there are also some similarities among the different analyzed places