63 research outputs found

    Automated Few-shot Classification with Instruction-Finetuned Language Models

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    A particularly successful class of approaches for few-shot learning combines language models with prompts -- hand-crafted task descriptions that complement data samples. However, designing prompts by hand for each task commonly requires domain knowledge and substantial guesswork. We observe, in the context of classification tasks, that instruction finetuned language models exhibit remarkable prompt robustness, and we subsequently propose a simple method to eliminate the need for handcrafted prompts, named AuT-Few. This approach consists of (i) a prompt retrieval module that selects suitable task instructions from the instruction-tuning knowledge base, and (ii) the generation of two distinct, semantically meaningful, class descriptions and a selection mechanism via cross-validation. Over 1212 datasets, spanning 88 classification tasks, we show that AuT-Few outperforms current state-of-the-art few-shot learning methods. Moreover, AuT-Few is the best ranking method across datasets on the RAFT few-shot benchmark. Notably, these results are achieved without task-specific handcrafted prompts on unseen tasks.Comment: EMNLP2023 Finding

    Parameter and Data Efficient Continual Pre-training for Robustness to Dialectal Variance in Arabic

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    The use of multilingual language models for tasks in low and high-resource languages has been a success story in deep learning. In recent times, Arabic has been receiving widespread attention on account of its dialectal variance. While prior research studies have tried to adapt these multilingual models for dialectal variants of Arabic, it still remains a challenging problem owing to the lack of sufficient monolingual dialectal data and parallel translation data of such dialectal variants. It remains an open problem on whether the limited dialectical data can be used to improve the models trained in Arabic on its dialectal variants. First, we show that multilingual-BERT (mBERT) incrementally pretrained on Arabic monolingual data takes less training time and yields comparable accuracy when compared to our custom monolingual Arabic model and beat existing models (by an avg metric of +6.416.41). We then explore two continual pre-training methods -- (1) using small amounts of dialectical data for continual finetuning and (2) parallel Arabic to English data and a Translation Language Modeling loss function. We show that both approaches help improve performance on dialectal classification tasks (+4.64+4.64 avg. gain) when used on monolingual models

    Federated Learning's Blessing: FedAvg has Linear Speedup

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    Federated learning (FL) learns a model jointly from a set of participating devices without sharing each other's privately held data. The characteristics of non-iid data across the network, low device participation, and the mandate that data remain private bring challenges in understanding the convergence of FL algorithms, particularly in regards to how convergence scales with the number of participating devices. In this paper, we focus on Federated Averaging (FedAvg)--the most widely used and effective FL algorithm in use today--and provide a comprehensive study of its convergence rate. Although FedAvg has recently been studied by an emerging line of literature, it remains open as to how FedAvg's convergence scales with the number of participating devices in the FL setting--a crucial question whose answer would shed light on the performance of FedAvg in large FL systems. We fill this gap by establishing convergence guarantees for FedAvg under three classes of problems: strongly convex smooth, convex smooth, and overparameterized strongly convex smooth problems. We show that FedAvg enjoys linear speedup in each case, although with different convergence rates. For each class, we also characterize the corresponding convergence rates for the Nesterov accelerated FedAvg algorithm in the FL setting: to the best of our knowledge, these are the first linear speedup guarantees for FedAvg when Nesterov acceleration is used. To accelerate FedAvg, we also design a new momentum-based FL algorithm that further improves the convergence rate in overparameterized linear regression problems. Empirical studies of the algorithms in various settings have supported our theoretical results
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