4 research outputs found
Relevance Versus Irrelevance of Scientific Research Skills to the Practice of the Accounting Profession
Assessing the relevance of scientific accounting research to the practice of the profession is a
topic less present in the literature, and the results of empirical research are often divided. In this
context, the research aims to analyse the extent to which scientific accounting research is necessary
and relevant for the practice of the profession. The views and opinions presented in this paper will
represent the author's perceptions of students' and practitioners' attitudes towards indigenous
accounting research, formed both from an academic perspective and from the perspective of the
practicing accountant
The present paper suggests discussing and debating
the main elements that should be considered
in connection with the adoption and application of
the new International Financial Reporting Standard
IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”.
Some changes, as well as opportunities are worthwhile,
and it is beneficial to identify them and to
analyze how to apply and capitalize on them for better
quality of financial reporting. The present paper
is, on the one hand, a fundamental research aiming
at the acquisition of new knowledge and the development
of the theory in this area of accounting and,
on the other hand, an applied research as it is designed
to analyse new theories and find solutions and
practical applications, thus contributing to the improvement
of accounting and financial reporting of
revenues with a direct impact on the process of substantiation
of decisions. The results of the research
can be used in the development and improvement of
both the relevant regulations regarding the accounting
and financial reporting of revenues, and in the
practical activities of legal entities, as well as in the
educational process in educational institutions
Obiectivul acestui studiu este de a examina şi compara modul de recunoaştere, contabilizare şi raportare financiară a pierderii de depreciere a mijloacelor fixe din perspectiva Standardelor Naţionale de Contabilitate şi în comparaţie cu prevederile Standardelor Internaţionale de Raportare Financiară. În acest sens, pentru început au fost expuse prevederile SNC „Deprecierea activelor” cu privire la deprecierea mijloacelor fixe, avându-se în vedere cele mai importante etape ale ciclului contabil – recunoaşterea, evaluarea, înregistrarea în conturi şi prezentarea în situaţiile financiare. Apoi, a fost urmărită prezenţa acestor etape în deprecierea mijloacelor fixe din perspectiva IAS 36 „Deprecierea activelor”, cu identificarea similitudinilor şi neconcordanţelor.ACCOUNTING OF DEPRECIATION OF FIXED ASSETS IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TERMSThe objective of this study is to examine and compare the accounting and financial reporting of fixed assets impairment from the perspective of the National Accounting Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards. In this respect, initially we exposed the provisions of NAS "Impairment of Assets" referring to fixed assets in view of the most important steps in the accounting cycle - recognition, measurement, recording and presentation in the financial statements. Then these steps and their presence were followed and reviewed based on the terms of IAS 36 "Impairment of Assets" regarding fixed assets, identifying the similarities and discrepancies. </p
Study Regarding the Evolution of the Financial Balance in the Pharmaceutical Industry
This article aims at analysing the financial balance within the global pharmaceutical industry, starting from the assumption that „In the pharmaceutical industry there is sufficient liquidity to cover payment obligations”. The analysed companies are part of the exclusive group comprising the top 20 global companies, e.g. GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co., Sanofi-Aventis and Bayer. The research conducted is based on an analysis over time of the relationship between floating assets, floating assets requirement and net cash from 2006 to 2013, and highlights the main developments of the indicators before the onset of the financial and economic crisis and after its outbreak