33 research outputs found

    Open Source Software for Developing Digital Library: Comparative Study

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    The open source software (OSS) makes source code available to users, who can change the software to modify it more closely to their own requirements. Now the OSS is available for library and information management Examples of such systems include GSDL, DSpace, NewGenlib, Fedora, and Ganesha digital library software, etc. The OSS is popular with technically sophisticated users, who are often also the software developers. The OSS is becoming an increasingly popular software development method. This paper highlights the comparison of features, functions and usability of OSS, i.e., GSDL, DSpace, E-Prints, Fedora, Ganesha, Invenio, XTS, Dienst, VuDL, and NewGenlib. Ranking of the software have been done based on the assigned points for each criteria. The GSDL scored maximum points, i.e., 47 and hence it is in rank first followed by VuDL which scored 43 points

    Open Access Library and Information Science Journals on DOAJ: An Analytical Study

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    The study of 100 open access journals in Library and Information Science is represented in the article. All these open access journals were accessed through DOAJ site and analyzed based on various parameters like Country, Languages, Subject Headings, Keywords, their accessibility and availability of Archives of online journals in LIS

    E-Learning Initiatives in India

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    Abstract: emergence of world wide web has completely globalized the whole world into a global village business, entertainment, education, teaching, learning every field has achieved new dimensions and plays important role in the development of nation.one of the outcome of this is e learning. E-Learning is the extended form of traditional classroom teaching. The paper highlights concept, tools and initiatives taken by several and institutions and Library centers around the world and in India

    Creating Blended Learning with Virtual Learning Environment: A Comparative Study of Open Source Virtual Learning Software

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    Virtual learning environment (VLE) provides students a common platform where they can get the subject-wise tutorial, course content, assignments, worksheets, notes, lectures, etc., anywhere, anytime. The slated features, unique characteristics, and availability of basic required features, consorting VLEs as the need of the today in academic sector. Besidesmaking, learning and teaching virtually real, VLEs are also equipped with tremendous, unique and never ending exhaustive features. Present paper is an endeavor to evaluate, compare, and assess the most widely used five open source VLE software tools. The VLE software studied are Chamilo, ILIAS, Forma.LMS, OpenSIS, and Opigno. It compares the features, pre-requisites, basic requirements for any organizational needs, uniqueness, and unison, etc. for each of the VLE. Based on the evaluation, observation, and comparison, the ranking in terms of excellent, very good, good, average was given to each of the five VLEs. The paper also sums up main comparisons among all the five VLEs especially in terms of the variety of the features available in them

    Scientific Publications of Shivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018): a Scientometric Study

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    The study is relies uponthe scientific publications published by theShivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018). The data collected from the Web of Science. The analysis includes yearly output of research productivity. The study focuses on Author Productivitypattern, types of documents/records, individual author’s research productivity and their TLCS (Total Local Citation Score), TGCS (Total Global Citation Score) TLCR (Total Local Citation References) and TLCSb (Total Local Citation Score in the beginning), H-index and citation count of core contributors, Journal Publications, geographical collaboration of authors (countries of contributing authors) and distribution of research output by language

    Open Access Library and Information Science Journals on DOAJ: An Analytical Study

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    The study of 100 open access journals in Library and Information Science is represented in the article. All these open access journals were accessed through DOAJ site and analyzed based on various parameters like Country, Languages, Subject Headings, Keywords, their accessibility and availability of Archives of online journals in LIS

    Open Source Software for Developing Digital Library: Comparative Study

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    The open source software (OSS) makes source code available to users, who can change the software to modify it more closely to their own requirements. Now the OSS is available for library and information management Examples of such systems include GSDL, DSpace, NewGenlib, Fedora, and Ganesha digital library software, etc. The OSS is popular with technically sophisticated users, who are often also the software developers. The OSS is becoming an increasingly popular software development method. This paper highlights the comparison of features, functions and usability of OSS, i.e., GSDL, DSpace, E-Prints, Fedora, Ganesha, Invenio, XTS, Dienst, VuDL, and NewGenlib. Ranking of the software have been done based on the assigned points for each criteria. The GSDL scored maximum points, i.e., 47 and hence it is in rank first followed by VuDL which scored 43 points

    Applications of Web 2.0 tools in IIT Libraries in India: a Study

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    Web 2.0 is a second generation website that deals with the ability, of people being able to exchange information online. Web 2.0 based technologies have provided more opportunities and opened up new ways of communicating and collaborating. The transition to Web 2.0 is based on ‘interactive’ use of web. Users can carry on interaction with others. People can collaborate on the same document at fairly much at the same time. Users can post thoughts and creative expressions, and there are places for other to leave comments. Web 2.0 has created a platform for increasing interpersonal content facilitation, sharing, creativity, service delivery, innovation, and collaboration. Organizations have been taking advantage of Web 2.0 technologies in many ways- by providing a better communication channel for all stakeholders for sharing their experiences & collaborative working and introducing innovative way of marketing products and services etc. Web 2.0 technologies have played a significant role in our ability to keep up with the changing needs of library users. This article focuses on the impact of web 2.0 on libraries and information services of IIT Libraries in India. Also discussed the Web 2.0 tools used by IIT libraries for providing library 2.0 services to their users

    Creating Blended Learning with Virtual Learning Environment: A Comparative Study of Open Source Virtual Learning Software

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    Virtual learning environment (VLE) provides students a common platform where they can get the subject-wise tutorial, course content, assignments, worksheets, notes, lectures, etc., anywhere, anytime. The slated features, unique characteristics, and availability of basic required features, consorting VLEs as the need of the today in academic sector. Besidesmaking, learning and teaching virtually real, VLEs are also equipped with tremendous, unique and never ending exhaustive features. Present paper is an endeavor to evaluate, compare, and assess the most widely used five open source VLE software tools. The VLE software studied are Chamilo, ILIAS, Forma.LMS, OpenSIS, and Opigno. It compares the features, pre-requisites, basic requirements for any organizational needs, uniqueness, and unison, etc. for each of the VLE. Based on the evaluation, observation, and comparison, the ranking in terms of excellent, very good, good, average was given to each of the five VLEs. The paper also sums up main comparisons among all the five VLEs especially in terms of the variety of the features available in them

    E-Learning Initiatives in India

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    Abstract: emergence of world wide web has completely globalized the whole world into a global village business, entertainment, education, teaching, learning every field has achieved new dimensions and plays important role in the development of nation.one of the outcome of this is e learning. E-Learning is the extended form of traditional classroom teaching. The paper highlights concept, tools and initiatives taken by several and institutions and Library centers around the world and in India