40 research outputs found
Pendekatan Geomorfologi Dalam Survei Kejadian Erosi
Geomorphology is the study of land shape, a process that causes the alteration of land shape and on both sides relationship between land shape and process of shape formation. In its application, Geomorphology is required in many fields which need land shape information and its implementation. Geomorphologic exploration results land classification into geomorphologic units. Erosion survey, by using geomorphologic approach, results some important information in land shape alteration such as to determine the cartography of design erosion, the cartography of erosion development, plain distribution into some 0erosion units that is marked by erosion intensity and the estimation of sediment result that is come from erosion process
ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui potensi objek wisata Pantai Bolihutuo sebagai objek tujuan wisata dan usaha pengembangan potensi objek wisata Pantai Bolihutuo sebagai objek tujuan wisata.Penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan geografi pariwisata atau pendekatan kelingkungan yaitu untuk mengetahui aspek geografi yang terdapat pada lokasi penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini adalah observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Setelah data diperoleh, penulis menganalisis data dengan menggunakan SWOT melalui identifikasi dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternalr. Setelah melakukan analisis dari data-data yang diperoleh dari tiga titik yang berbedah yaitu titik pertama memiliki kekuatan 3,64 kelemahan 1,87 peluang 3,58 ancaman 1,66, titik kedua memiliki kekuatan 3,64 kelemahan 1,65 peluang 3,58 ancaman 1,66 dan pada titik tiga memiliki kekuatan 3,36 kelemahan 1,87 peluang 3,58 ancaman 1,66 dari data tersebut selanjutnya dimasukan kedalam diagram SWOT dan hasilnya pada ketiga titik terletak pada kuadran 1 yaitu memiliki nilai kekuatan dan peluang yang besar sehingga Pantai Bolihutuo dapat di kembangkan dengan mengoptimalkan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang bagi objek wisata Pantai Bolihutuo untuk bersaing dengan objek wisata lainnya. Kata Kunci : Analisis, Potensi, Pengembangan, Wisata Bolihutuo       ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine the potential of Bolihutuo Beach tourism objects as tourist destinations and efforts to develop the potential of Bolihutuo Beach tourism objects as tourist destinations. Data collection techniques from this research are observation, documentation, and interviews. After the data was obtained, the authors analyzed the data using SWOT through the identification of internal factors and external factors. After analyzing the data obtained from three different points, the first point has strengths 3.64 weaknesses 1.87 opportunities 3.58 threats 1.66, the second point has strengths 3.64 weaknesses 1.65 opportunities 3.58 threats 1.66 and at point three have strengths 3.36 weaknesses 1.87 opportunities 3.58 threats 1.66 from the data then entered into the SWOT diagram and the results at the three points are located in quadrant 1 which has a large value of strengths and opportunities so that Bolihutuo Beach can be developed by optimizing strengths to take advantage of opportunities for Bolihutuo Beach attractions to compete with other tourist attractions. Keywords: analysis, potential, development, Bolihutuo Tourism     Â
Sebaran Pedagang Kaki Lima Dalam Perspektif Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Di Kecamatan Dungingi, Kota Gorontalo
Abstrak Sebaran Pengembangan Kaki Lima Dalam Perspektif Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Di Kecamatan Dungingi Kota Gorontalo. Tujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran lokasi pedang kaki lima dan kesesuaian kegiatan pemanfaatan ruang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survey, variabel yang digunakan pola ruang, jenis kegiatan, lokasi usaha, jenis bangunan, lebar jalan, drainase, trotoar, tempat penampungan sampah, ketentuan intensitas pemanfaatan ruang dan tata bangunan. Hasil penelitian dari aspek pola ruang bahwa kegiatan pedagang kaki lima pada Zona Perdagangan Dan Jasa Skla Wilayah Perencanaan sesuai dengan peruntukannya sedangkan ketentuan tata bangunan pedagang kaki lima tidak sesuai dengan yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan Rencana Detai Tata Ruang Kota Gorontalo.Kata kunci: Sebaran, Kesesuaian pemanfaatan ruang, Pedagang kaki lima. Abstract Distribution of Street Vendors in Perspective of Detailed Spatial Planning in Dungingi Subdistrict, Gorontalo City. The research aims to determine the Distribution of Street Vendorse and the suitability of space utilization activities. the research applies a survey method, The variables used are space pattern, types of activity, businiess location, types of building, road width, drainage, side walk, trash bin, provision for the intensity of space utilization, and building design. The researcher from the aspect of space pettern, the activities of street vendors in the Trade and Service Zone of the Planning Regional Scale are allowed, while in regards to building design provision the street vendors are not in accordanse with the stipulation of Detailed Spatial Planning of Gorontalo City. Keywords: Distribution, Suitability of Space Utilization, Street Vendors
Karakteristik Kawasan Wisata Pantai Taula'a Kecamatan Bilato Kabupaten Gorontalo Provinsi Gorontalo
Collaborative practices in the management of Taulaa Beach have not been maximized, including the minimal role of the community in beach maintenance and the lack of facilities and accessibility. This study aimed to assess the appropriateness of tourism in the Taula'a Beach area, located in the Bilato District of the Gorontalo Regency, inside the Gorontalo Province. The chosen research methodology entails the utilization of a survey-based approach. The process of data acquisition via direct observation and field measurements. The criteria that determine the acceptability of a tourism destination include water depth, beach type, beach breadth, water base material, current speed, beach slope, water brightness, land cover, presence of harmful biota, and availability of fresh water. The appropriateness of beach tourism is analyzed using the Tourism Suitability Index (IKW). The research findings yielded an IKW value of 77.4%. This value indicates that land suitability in the Taula'a Beach Tourism Area is included in the very suitable classification, specifically in the S1 category
The research carried out in alo-pohu watershed gorontalo province aims at
identifying the effect of watershed conditions and land use on the amount sheet
erosion, sediment yield and sediment delivery ratio. It is also intended to develop
them in a spatio-temporal distribution, and give recommendation for management
of environmental condition and land use in alo-pohu watershed to prevent damage
erosion and sediment. Data on environmental condition and land use were
collected by interpreting landsat images and topography map. Data on surface
erosion were obtained by means of direct measurement using 10 erosion plots
placed in the land units. Data on sediment were obtained by collecting water
samplesfrom the upper course, middle course, and lower course of the rivers. Data
on sheet erosion and.sediment yield were analyzed in a spatio-temporal manner
using geographic information systems (gis) and effect of watershed conditions and
land utilization on sheet erosion, sediment yield, and sediment delivery ratio are
tested using double regression analysis. The research results suggest significant
effect of watershed conditions and land use on sheet erosion. the largest amount of
erosion very likely occurred in wasteland (bero land) with steep slopes whereas the
least amount of erosion was found in undergrowth with flat slope (0-8%). the
amount of sheet erosion was 122.24 ton/ha/year. sediment yield in alo-pohu was
affected to a large extent by runoff rate, the width of watershed, percentage of
wasteland, and drainage density
Development of Learning Media based on Sparkol VideoScribe Integrated with Wondershare Filmora on Geography Subject with Material of Natural Disaster Mitigation. This research aims to know the development of learning media based on Sparkol VideoScribe integrated with Wondershare Filmora on geography subject with material of natural disaster mitigation. This research applies Research and Development (R and D) method developed by Borg and Gall and adapted to the needs of the researcher. Data collection was conducted using observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation in which the instrument used in the form of assessment criteria to know the feasibility of the media from the material expert, media expert, and geography teachers as well as students' responses on the learning media by using questionnaires. The collected data is research finding regarding the quality of learning media and suggestions for product revisions. The results of the validation of the material expert, media expert and the geography teacher obtained an average rating of 94.90% which is classified into "extremely valid " category. While the students’ responses based on the results of a limited scale trial obtained a value of 89,88%, which is classified into the “extremely good” category. Then the students’ responses based on the results of the general scale trial obtained a value of 84,59%, which is classified into the “extremely good” category. Thus, it can be concluded that learning media based on Sparkol VideoScribe integrated with Wondershare Filmora on geography subject with the material of natural disaster mitigation can be used as learning media in school and obtained good responses by students
The Use of Animated Video Media in Improving Students’Learning Outcomes on Geography Subject of Lithosphere Topic: A Study Conducted in Senior High School, SMAN Kabila, Bone Bolango Regency. The objective of this classroomaction research is to improve students’ learning outcomes by the application of animated video media on the subject of geography of the lithosphere topic; it was conducted in senior high school SMAN Kabila, Bone Bolango Regency. This study relied on the data of students’ learning outcomes, which were from multiple-choice test. Further, as many as 33 this study comprised two cycles i.e., cycle I and II. According to the result of cycle 1, out of 33 students, 17 students met the standard score, while the remaining 16 ( 53,33% ) was the opposite. The percentage increased in cycle II, where 26 students ( 86,67% ) were able to meet the minimum standard, and only 23,33% were yet to satisfy the standard completion. All in all, the use of animated video media improves students’ learning outcomes in the site area
Kondisi fisik lahan di Kabupaten Pohuwato sangat menunjang untuk pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Oleh sebab itu salah satu kebijakan pembangunan bidang pertanian dan perkebunan adalah pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Pengembangan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Provinsi Gorontalo khususnya di Kabupaten Pohuwato memberikan peluang untuk peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah. Hal ini disebabkan karena kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan yang memainkan peranan penting dalam perekonomian dan merupakan salah satu komoditas penghasil devisa. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi dampak erosi permukaan pada pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Pohuwato pada saat kegiatan operasionalisasi. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh rencana lokasi pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang memiliki ijin dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Pohuwato seluas 120.750,46 Ha yang terdiri dari PT. Sawit Tiara Nusa, PT. Sawindo Cemerlang, PT. Banyan Tumbuh Lestari, PT. Inti Global Laksana, PT. Wira Sawit Mandiri, PT. Wiramas Permai. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan satuan lahan bahwa sebagai stratanya berdasarkan kemiringan lereng atau stratified random sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah besarnya erosi permukaan yang dihitung dengan metode USLE pada Tahun 2009 dan Tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prediksi erosi permukaan yang mungkin terjadi pada Tahun 2009-2015 masih dalam kriteria sangat ringan untuk lahan dengan tindakan konservasi dan kategori sedang hingga berat pada lahan tanpa tindakan konservasi. Pada tahun 2009 tingkat erosi yang mungkin terjadi pada setiap lahan rencana perkebunan kelapa sawit dengan total luas wilayah 50.736,18 ha adalah 543,54 ton/ha/th. Pada prediksi Tahun 2015 tingkat erosi permukaan yang mungkin akan terjadi tanpa tindakan konservasi adalah 923,74 ton/ha/th. Erosi yang akan terjadi pada lahan dengan tindakan konservasi adalah 53,58 ton/ha/th (sangat ringan)
Tinjauan Geografis Terhadap Upaya Pengembangan Kawasan Objek Wisata Alam Puncak Meranti
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor geografis apa saja yang mendukung pengembangan objek wisata Puncak Meranti. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan  wawancara dan menggunakan teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui faktor geografis yang berperan sangat mendukung dalam pengembangan obyek wisata Puncak Meranti meliputi vegetasi, material batuan, infrastruktur dan aksesibilitas karena kriteria penentuan kelasnya sangat mendukung. Faktor geografis yang mendukung dalam pengembangan objek wisata alam Puncak Meranti adalah suhu, kualitas air, daya tarik, dan fasilitas karena kriteria penentuan kelasnya mendukung. Sedangkan faktor geogarafis yang kurang mendukung dalam pengembangan objek wisata yaitu kemiringan lereng dan bentuk lahan. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut maka objek wisata alam Puncak Meranti ditinjau dari faktor geografisnya mendukung untuk dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata alam dengan memperhatikan kondisi kemiringan dan bentuk lahan dari objek wisata tersebut
Analisis Hubungan Jumlah Kendaraan Dan Konsentrasi Karbon Monoksida (CO) Di Kota Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo
The major source of air pollution in Indonesia comes from the transportation sector, particularly from motor vehicle emission pollution. One of the pollutants is carbon monoxide (CO) gas, which is highly hazardous if surpassing the ambient air quality standard. Gorontalo City is a place with a yearly increase of number of motor vehicles. Meanwhile, motorcycle contributes to 72,42% of affecting air quality. The research objective was to analyze the relationship of CO concentration and number of vehicles in Gorontalo City. This study included correlational research type discussing the number of motor vehicles and concentration of CO in Gorontalo City. The research samples were retrieved 3 times a week, on Monday, Friday, and Sunday in location with high, medium, and no vegetation in the roadside. The calculation of number of motor vehicles was carried out with the assistance of traffic survey from, while the measurement of CO concentration was done by using impinger. The research finding showed that the highest number of vehicles was on Prof. H.B Jassin Street, and the lowest was on Manggis Street. The highest concentration of CO was on Jend. Sudirman street and the lowest was on Mayor Dullah Street. The relation of number of motor vehicles and concentration of CO had value of interpretation of r= 0,416 with regression equation of y= 0,0271x + 104,17. The result indicated a positive relation pattern. The determinant factor was vegetation factor in the roadside, weather, and research time. Keywords: Number of Motor Vehicle, Concentration of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Gorontalo City ABSTRAKSumber utama pencemaran udara di Indonesia berasal dari sektor transportasi, khususnya dari pencemaran emisi kendaraan bermotor. Salah satu pencemar tersebut adalah gas karbon monoksida (CO) yang sangat berbahaya jika melebihi baku mutu udara ambien. Kota Gorontalo merupakan kota dengan peningkatan jumlah kendaraan bermotor dari tahun ke tahun. Sedangkan sepeda motor memberikan kontribusi 72,42% terhadap kualitas udara. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis hubungan konsentrasi CO dengan jumlah kendaraan di Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian korelasional yang membahas tentang jumlah kendaraan bermotor dan konsentrasi CO di Kota Gorontalo. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan 3 kali dalam seminggu, yaitu pada hari Senin, Jumat, dan Minggu di lokasi dengan tinggi, sedang, dan tidak ada vegetasi di pinggir jalan. Perhitungan jumlah kendaraan bermotor dilakukan dengan bantuan survey lalu lintas, sedangkan pengukuran konsentrasi CO dilakukan dengan menggunakan impinger. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kendaraan terbanyak berada di Jalan Prof. H.B Jassin dan terendah di Jalan Manggis. Konsentrasi CO tertinggi terdapat pada Jend. Jalan Sudirman dan terendah berada di Jalan Walikota Dullah. Hubungan jumlah kendaraan bermotor dan konsentrasi CO memiliki nilai interpretasi r= 0,416 dengan persamaan regresi y= 0,0271x + 104,17. Hasilnya menunjukkan pola hubungan yang positif. Faktor penentunya adalah faktor vegetasi tepi jalan, cuaca, dan waktu penelitian.