17 research outputs found

    Play Behavior and Attachment in Toddlers with Autism

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    Play helps to develop social skills. Children with autism show deviances in their play behavior that may be associated with delays in their social development. In this study, we investigated manipulative, functional and symbolic play behavior of toddlers with and without autism (mean age: 26.45, SD 5.63). The results showed that the quality of interaction between the child and the caregiver was related to the development of play behavior. In particular, security of attachment was related to better play behavior. When the developmental level of the child is taken into account, the attachment relationship of the child with the caregiver at this young age is a better predictor of the level of play behavior than the child's disorder

    Transparency Reforms: Theory and Practice

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    The experience of Mexico’s 2002 transparency reform sheds light on the challenge of translating the promise of legal reform into more open government in practice. An innovative new agency that serves as an interface between citizens and the executive branch of government has demonstrated an uneven but significant capacity to encourage institutional responsiveness. A ‘‘culture of transparency’’ is emerging in both state and society, although the contribution of Mexico’s transparency discourse and law to public accountability remains uncertain and contested.Freedom of information, government secrecy, Mexico, transparency, Latin American Studies, Models and Methods

    Transparency Reforms: Theory and Practice

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    Mexico, Transparency, reform, International and Area Studies, Latin American Studies, Political Science

    Proporcionar transparencia. ¿Hasta qué punto responde el gobierno mexicano a las solicitudes de información pública?

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    En qué medida las reformas en materia de transparencia hacen verdaderamente pública la información? En este trabajo se documentan patrones de respuestas organizacionales a solicitudes ciudadanas de información. Este estudio empírico se basa en evaluaciones tanto oficiales como independientes realizadas durante los primeros años de implantación de la reforma de 2003, relativa a la apertura del gobierno en México. Los datos muestran un avance sustancial conjunto, combinado con una variación significativa entre los organismos federales y una tendencia creciente hacia la negativa oficial de la existencia de la información solicitada. Los hallazgos indican que el apoyo al gobierno abierto y la resistencia al mismo se distribuyen de manera desigual en el sector público. Los análisis futuros de los cambiantes patrones de acatamiento organizacional deberían ocuparse tanto de los incentivos específicos de las entidades como de sus culturas institucionales