92 research outputs found

    GyroFlow: Gyroscope-Guided Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning

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    Existing optical flow methods are erroneous in challenging scenes, such as fog, rain, and night because the basic optical flow assumptions such as brightness and gradient constancy are broken. To address this problem, we present an unsupervised learning approach that fuses gyroscope into optical flow learning. Specifically, we first convert gyroscope readings into motion fields named gyro field. Then, we design a self-guided fusion module to fuse the background motion extracted from the gyro field with the optical flow and guide the network to focus on motion details. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep learning-based framework that fuses gyroscope data and image content for optical flow learning. To validate our method, we propose a new dataset that covers regular and challenging scenes. Experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-art methods in both regular and challenging scenes

    Exposure Fusion for Hand-held Camera Inputs with Optical Flow and PatchMatch

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    This paper proposes a hybrid synthesis method for multi-exposure image fusion taken by hand-held cameras. Motions either due to the shaky camera or caused by dynamic scenes should be compensated before any content fusion. Any misalignment can easily cause blurring/ghosting artifacts in the fused result. Our hybrid method can deal with such motions and maintain the exposure information of each input effectively. In particular, the proposed method first applies optical flow for a coarse registration, which performs well with complex non-rigid motion but produces deformations at regions with missing correspondences. The absence of correspondences is due to the occlusions of scene parallax or the moving contents. To correct such error registration, we segment images into superpixels and identify problematic alignments based on each superpixel, which is further aligned by PatchMatch. The method combines the efficiency of optical flow and the accuracy of PatchMatch. After PatchMatch correction, we obtain a fully aligned image stack that facilitates a high-quality fusion that is free from blurring/ghosting artifacts. We compare our method with existing fusion algorithms on various challenging examples, including the static/dynamic, the indoor/outdoor and the daytime/nighttime scenes. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method

    GyroFlow+: Gyroscope-Guided Unsupervised Deep Homography and Optical Flow Learning

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    Existing homography and optical flow methods are erroneous in challenging scenes, such as fog, rain, night, and snow because the basic assumptions such as brightness and gradient constancy are broken. To address this issue, we present an unsupervised learning approach that fuses gyroscope into homography and optical flow learning. Specifically, we first convert gyroscope readings into motion fields named gyro field. Second, we design a self-guided fusion module (SGF) to fuse the background motion extracted from the gyro field with the optical flow and guide the network to focus on motion details. Meanwhile, we propose a homography decoder module (HD) to combine gyro field and intermediate results of SGF to produce the homography. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep learning framework that fuses gyroscope data and image content for both deep homography and optical flow learning. To validate our method, we propose a new dataset that covers regular and challenging scenes. Experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in both regular and challenging scenes.Comment: 12 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2103.1372

    Nonlinear fatigue damage of cracked cement paste after grouting enhancement

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    Grouting reinforcement is an important part of modern engineering and has grown in popularity due to the benefits of grouting enhancement on cyclic loading. Understanding the fatigue mechanism of grouting-enhanced structures is vital to the design and the long-term stability analysis of such structures. In this study, the fatigue mechanical properties of cracked cement paste after epoxy resin grouting enhancement under different cyclic conditions were investigated in the laboratory and an inverted S-shaped curve was proposed to describe the damage accumulation. The test results indicated that the fatigue axial deformation can be divided into three stages: the initial stage, constant velocity stage and accelerating stage. The irreversible deformation can be used to describe the damage accumulation. The fatigue process is significantly affected by the upper limit stress level and the stress amplitude. In addition, the exponential relationship between stress amplitude and fatigue life was obtained. The proposed S-shaped curve was validated by an experimental fatigue strain test. The tests result upon various load conditions and crack types represented a good agreement with the predicted data

    Supervised Homography Learning with Realistic Dataset Generation

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    In this paper, we propose an iterative framework, which consists of two phases: a generation phase and a training phase, to generate realistic training data and yield a supervised homography network. In the generation phase, given an unlabeled image pair, we utilize the pre-estimated dominant plane masks and homography of the pair, along with another sampled homography that serves as ground truth to generate a new labeled training pair with realistic motion. In the training phase, the generated data is used to train the supervised homography network, in which the training data is refined via a content consistency module and a quality assessment module. Once an iteration is finished, the trained network is used in the next data generation phase to update the pre-estimated homography. Through such an iterative strategy, the quality of the dataset and the performance of the network can be gradually and simultaneously improved. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance and existing supervised methods can be also improved based on the generated dataset. Code and dataset are available at https://github.com/megvii-research/RealSH.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Efficient Test-Time Adaptation for Super-Resolution with Second-Order Degradation and Reconstruction

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    Image super-resolution (SR) aims to learn a mapping from low-resolution (LR) to high-resolution (HR) using paired HR-LR training images. Conventional SR methods typically gather the paired training data by synthesizing LR images from HR images using a predetermined degradation model, e.g., Bicubic down-sampling. However, the realistic degradation type of test images may mismatch with the training-time degradation type due to the dynamic changes of the real-world scenarios, resulting in inferior-quality SR images. To address this, existing methods attempt to estimate the degradation model and train an image-specific model, which, however, is quite time-consuming and impracticable to handle rapidly changing domain shifts. Moreover, these methods largely concentrate on the estimation of one degradation type (e.g., blur degradation), overlooking other degradation types like noise and JPEG in real-world test-time scenarios, thus limiting their practicality. To tackle these problems, we present an efficient test-time adaptation framework for SR, named SRTTA, which is able to quickly adapt SR models to test domains with different/unknown degradation types. Specifically, we design a second-order degradation scheme to construct paired data based on the degradation type of the test image, which is predicted by a pre-trained degradation classifier. Then, we adapt the SR model by implementing feature-level reconstruction learning from the initial test image to its second-order degraded counterparts, which helps the SR model generate plausible HR images. Extensive experiments are conducted on newly synthesized corrupted DIV2K datasets with 8 different degradations and several real-world datasets, demonstrating that our SRTTA framework achieves an impressive improvement over existing methods with satisfying speed. The source code is available at https://github.com/DengZeshuai/SRTTA.Comment: Accepted by 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023

    GAFlow: Incorporating Gaussian Attention into Optical Flow

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    Optical flow, or the estimation of motion fields from image sequences, is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision. Unlike most pixel-wise tasks that aim at achieving consistent representations of the same category, optical flow raises extra demands for obtaining local discrimination and smoothness, which yet is not fully explored by existing approaches. In this paper, we push Gaussian Attention (GA) into the optical flow models to accentuate local properties during representation learning and enforce the motion affinity during matching. Specifically, we introduce a novel Gaussian-Constrained Layer (GCL) which can be easily plugged into existing Transformer blocks to highlight the local neighborhood that contains fine-grained structural information. Moreover, for reliable motion analysis, we provide a new Gaussian-Guided Attention Module (GGAM) which not only inherits properties from Gaussian distribution to instinctively revolve around the neighbor fields of each point but also is empowered to put the emphasis on contextually related regions during matching. Our fully-equipped model, namely Gaussian Attention Flow network (GAFlow), naturally incorporates a series of novel Gaussian-based modules into the conventional optical flow framework for reliable motion analysis. Extensive experiments on standard optical flow datasets consistently demonstrate the exceptional performance of the proposed approach in terms of both generalization ability evaluation and online benchmark testing. Code is available at https://github.com/LA30/GAFlow.Comment: To appear in ICCV-202
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