4 research outputs found

    Alkyl-quinolone-dependent quorum sensing controls prophage-mediated autolysis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa colony biofilms

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a model quorum sensing (QS) pathogen with three interconnected QS circuits that control the production of virulence factors and antibiotic tolerant biofilms. The pqs QS system of P. aeruginosa is responsible for the biosynthesis of diverse 2-alkyl-4-quinolones (AQs), of which 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline (HHQ) and 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4(1H)-quinolone (PQS) function as QS signal molecules. Transcriptomic analyses revealed that HHQ and PQS influenced the expression of multiple genes via PqsR-dependent and -independent pathways whereas 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (HQNO) had no effect on P. aeruginosa transcriptome. HQNO is a cytochrome bc 1 inhibitor that causes P. aeruginosa programmed cell death and autolysis. However, P. aeruginosa pqsL mutants unable to synthesize HQNO undergo autolysis when grown as colony biofilms. The mechanism by which such autolysis occurs is not understood. Through the generation and phenotypic characterization of multiple P. aeruginosa PAO1 mutants producing altered levels of AQs in different combinations, we demonstrate that mutation of pqsL results in the accumulation of HHQ which in turn leads to Pf4 prophage activation and consequently autolysis. Notably, the effect of HHQ on Pf4 activation is not mediated via its cognate receptor PqsR. These data indicate that the synthesis of HQNO in PAO1 limits HHQ-induced autolysis mediated by Pf4 in colony biofilms. A similar phenomenon is shown to occur in P. aeruginosa cystic fibrosis (CF) isolates, in which the autolytic phenotype can be abrogated by ectopic expression of pqsL

    RsaL-driven negative regulation promotes heterogeneity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing

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    In its canonical interpretation, quorum sensing (QS) allows single cells in a bacterial population to synchronize gene expression and hence perform specific tasks collectively once the quorum cell density is reached. However, growing evidence in different bacterial species indicates that considerable cell-to-cell variation in the QS activation state occurs during growth, often resulting in coexisting subpopulations of cells in which QS is active (quorate cells) or inactive (non-quorate cells). Heterogeneity has been observed in the las QS system of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon have not yet been defined. The las QS system consists of an incoherent feedforward loop in which the LasR transcriptional regulator activates the expression of the lasI synthase gene and rsaL, coding for the lasI transcriptional repressor RsaL. Here, single-cell-level gene expression analyses performed in ad hoc engineered biosensor strains and deletion mutants revealed that direct binding of RsaL to the lasI promoter region increases heterogeneous activation of the las QS system. Experiments performed with a dual-fluorescence reporter system showed that the LasR-dependent expression of lasI and rsaL does not correlate in single cells, indicating that RsaL acts as a brake that stochastically limits the transition of non-quorate cells to the quorate state in a subpopulation of cells expressing high levels of this negative regulator. Interestingly, the rhl QS system that is not controlled by an analogous RsaL protein showed higher homogeneity with respect to the las system

    Whole-Cell Biosensors for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Quorum Sensing Signal Molecules and the Investigation of Quorum Quenching Agents

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    In Pseudomonas aeruginosa relevant features including virulence and biofilm formation are controlled by quorum sensing (QS), a cell density-dependent intercellular communication system based on the production and response to signal molecules. P. aeruginosa has evolved chemically distinct compounds employed as QS signal molecules (QSSMs) that can be detected and quantified through rapid, sensitive, and low-cost methods based on whole-cell biosensors. Here, we present a series of protocols based on whole-cell biosensors for qualitative and quantitative analysis of QSSMs produced by P. aeruginosa. These protocols can be used to investigate the impact of environmental conditions, genetic modifications, or quorum quenching agents on the production of QSSMs in P. aeruginosa

    PqsE Expands and Differentially Modulates the RhlR Quorum Sensing Regulon in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    In the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, many virulence traits are finely regulated by quorum sensing (QS), an intercellular communication system that allows the cells of a population to coordinate gene expression in response to cell density. The key aspects underlying the functionality of the complex regulatory network governing QS in P. aeruginosa are still poorly understood, including the interplay between the effector protein PqsE and the transcriptional regulator RhlR in controlling the QS regulon. Different studies have focused on the characterization of PqsE- and RhlR-controlled genes in genetic backgrounds in which RhlR activity can be modulated by PqsE and pqsE expression is controlled by RhlR, thus hampering identification of the distinct regulons controlled by PqsE and RhlR. In this study, a P. aeruginosa PAO1 mutant strain with deletion of multiple QS elements and inducible expression of pqsE and/or rhlR was generated and validated. Transcriptomic analyses performed on this genetic background allowed us to unambiguously define the regulons controlled by PqsE and RhlR when produced alone or in combination. Transcriptomic data were validated via reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and transcriptional fusions. Overall, our results showed that PqsE has a negligible effect on the P. aeruginosa transcriptome in the absence of RhlR, and that multiple RhlR subregulons exist with distinct dependency on PqsE. Overall, this study contributes to untangling the regulatory link between the pqs and rhl QS systems mediated by PqsE and RhlR and clarifying the impact of these QS elements on the P. aeruginosa transcriptome. IMPORTANCE The ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to cause difficult-to-treat infections relies on its capacity to fine-tune the expression of multiple virulence traits via the las, rhl, and pqs QS systems. Both the pqs effector protein PqsE and the rhl transcriptional regulator RhlR are required for full production of key virulence factors in vitro and pathogenicity in vivo. While it is known that PqsE can stimulate the ability of RhlR to control some virulence factors, no data are available to allow clear discrimination of the PqsE and RhlR regulons. The data produced in this study demonstrate that PqsE mainly impacts the P. aeruginosa transcriptome via an RhlR-dependent pathway and splits the RhlR regulon into PqsE-dependent and PqsE-independent subregulons. Besides contributing to untangling of the complex QS network of P. aeruginosa, our data confirm that both PqsE and RhlR are suitable targets for the development of antivirulence drugs.The ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to cause difficult-to-treat infections relies on its capacity to fine-tune the expression of multiple virulence traits via the las, rhl, and pqs QS systems. Both the pqs effector protein PqsE and the rhl transcriptional regulator RhlR are required for full production of key virulence factors in vitro and pathogenicity in vivo