110 research outputs found

    The milliarcsecond-scale radio structure of AB Doradus A

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    Context. The fast rotator, pre-main sequence star AB Dor A is a strong and persistent radio emitter. The extraordinary coronal flaring activity is thought to be the origin of compact radio emission and other associated phenomena, such as large slingshot prominences. Aims. We aim to investigate the radio emission mechanism and the milliarcsecond radio structure around AB Dor A. Methods. We performed phase-referenced VLBI observations at 22.3 GHz, 8.4 GHz, and 1.4 GHz over more than one decade using the Australian VLBI array. Results. Our 8.4 GHz images show a double core-halo morphology, similar at all epochs, with emission extending at heights between 5 and 18 stellar radii. Furthermore, the sequence of the 8.4 GHz maps shows a clear variation of the source structure within the observing time. However, images at 1.4 GHz and 22.3 GHz are compatible with a compact source. The phase-reference position at 8.4 GHz and 1.4 GHz are coincident with those expected from the well-known milliarcsecond-precise astrometry of this star, meanwhile the 22.3 GHz position is 4σ off the prediction in the north-west direction. The origin of this offset is still unclear. Conclusions. We have considered several models to explain the morphology and evolution of the inner radio structure detected in AB Dor A. These models include emission from the stellar polar caps, a flaring, magnetically-driven loop structure, and the presence of helmet streamers. We also investigated a possible close companion to AB Dor A. Our results confirm the extraordinary coronal magnetic activity of this star, capable of producing compact radio structures at very large heights that have so far only been seen in binary interacting systems.J.B.C., R.A., J.C.G., and J.M.M. were partially supported by the Spanish MINECO projects AYA2012-38491-C02-01, AYA2015-63939- C2-2-P, PGC2018-098915-B-C22 and by the Generalitat Valenciana projects PROMETEO/2009/104 and PROMETEOII/2014/05

    NIKA2: a mm camera for cluster cosmology

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    Galaxy clusters constitute a major cosmological probe. However, Planck 2015 results have shown a weak tension between CMB-derived and cluster-derived cosmological parameters. This tension might be due to poor knowledge of the cluster mass and observable relationship. As for now, arcmin resolution Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) observations (e.g. SPT, ACT and Planck) only allowed detailed studies of the intra cluster medium for low redshift clusters (z < 0:2). For high redshift clusters ( z > 0:5) high resolution and high sensitivity SZ observations are needed. With both a wide field of view (6.5 arcmin) and a high angular resolution (17.7 and 11.2 arcsec at 150 and 260 GHz), the NIKA2 camera installed at the IRAM 30-m telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) is particularly well adapted for these observations. The NIKA2 SZ observation program will map a large sample of clusters (50) at redshifts between 0.5 and 0.9. As a pilot study for NIKA2, several clusters of galaxies have been observed with the pathfinder, NIKA, at the IRAM 30-m telescope to cover the various configurations and observation conditions expected for NIKA2

    Systematic effects on the upcoming NIKA2 LPSZ scaling relation

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    In cluster cosmology, cluster masses are the main parameter of interest. They are needed to constrain cosmological parameters through the cluster number count. As the mass is not an observable, a scaling relation is needed to link cluster masses to the integrated Compton parameters Y, i.e. the Sunyaev-Zeldovich observable (SZ). Planck cosmological results obtained with cluster number counts are based on a scaling relation measured with clusters at low redshift (z<0.5) observed in SZ and X-ray. In the SZ Large Program (LPSZ) of the NIKA2 collaboration, the scaling relation will be obtained with a sample of 38 clusters at intermediate to high redshift (0.5 < z < 0.9) and observed at high angular resolution in both SZ and X-ray. Thanks to analytical simulation of LPSZ-like samples, we take into account the LPSZ selection function and correct for its effects. Besides, we show that white and correlated noises in the SZ maps do not affect the scaling relation estimation

    Towards the first mean pressure profile estimate with the NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program

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    High-resolution mapping of the hot gas in galaxy clusters is a key tool for cluster-based cosmological analyses. Taking advantage of the NIKA2 millimeter camera operated at the IRAM 30-m telescope, the NIKA2 SZ Large Program seeks to get a high-resolution follow-up of 38 galaxy clusters covering a wide mass range at intermediate to high redshift. The measured SZ fluxes will be essential to calibrate the SZ scaling relation and the galaxy clusters mean pressure profile, needed for the cosmological exploitation of SZ surveys. We present in this study a method to infer a mean pressure profile from cluster observations. We have designed a pipeline encompassing the map-making and the thermodynamical properties estimates from maps. We then combine all the individual fits, propagating the uncertainties on integrated quantities, such as R500 or P500, and the intrinsic scatter coming from the deviation to the standard self-similar model. We validate the proposed method on realistic LPSZ-like cluster simulations

    IAS/CEA Evolution of Dust in Nearby Galaxies (ICED): The spatially-resolved dust properties of NGC4254

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    We present the first preliminary results of the project ICED, focusing on the face-on galaxy NGC4254. We use the millimetre maps observed with NIKA2 at lRAM-30m. as part of the IMEGIN Guaranteed Time Large Program. and of a wide collection of ancillary data (multi-wavelength photometry and gas phase spectral lines) that are publicly available. We derive the global and local properties of interstellar dust grains through infrared-to-radio spectral energy distribution fitting, using the hierarchical Bayesian code HerBIE. which includes the grain properties of the state-of-the-art dust model. THEMIS. Our method allows us to get the following dust parameters: dust mass, average interstellar radiation field, and fraction of small grains. Also, it is effective in retrieving the intrinsic correlations between dust parameters and interstellar medium properties. We find an evident anti-correlation between the interstellar radiation field and the fraction of small grains in the centre of NGC4254. meaning that, at strong radiation field intensities, very small amorphous carbon grains are efficiently destroyed by the ultra-violet photons coming from newly formed stars, through photo-desorption and sublimation. We observe a flattening of the anti-correlation at larger radial distances, which may be driven by the steep metallicity gradient measured in NGC4254

    The NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program

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    The NIKA2 camera operating at the IRAM 30-m telescope excels in high-angular resolution mapping of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect towards galaxy clusters at intermediate and high-redshift. As part of the NIKA2 guaranteed-time, the SZ Large Program (LPSZ) aims at tSZ-mapping a representative sample of SZ-selected galaxy clusters in the catalogues of the Planck satellite and of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, and also observed in X-ray with XMM-Newton or Chandra. Having completed observations in January 2023, we present tSZ maps of 38 clusters spanning the targeted mass (3 < M500/1014M⊙ < 10) and redshift (0.5 < z < 0.9) range. The first in-depth studies of individual clusters highlight the potential of combining tSZ and X-ray observations at similar angular resolution for precised mass measurements under the hydrostatic assumption MHSE. These were milestones for the development of a standard data analysis pipeline to go from NIKA2 raw data to the thermodynamic properties of galaxy clusters for the upcoming LPSZ data release. Final products will include measurements of the mean pressure profile of unprecedented quality and MHSE-observable scaling relation using a distinctive SZ-selected sample, which will be key for ultimately improving the accuracy of cluster-based cosmology

    NIKA2 observations of 3 low-mass galaxy clusters at z ~ 1: Pressure profile and YSZ – M relation

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    Three galaxy clusters selected from the XXL X-ray survey at high redshift and low mass (z ~ 1 and M500 ~ 1 – 2 × 1014 M⊙) were observed with NIKA2 to image their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZ) signal. They all present an SZ morphology, together with the comparison with X-ray and optical data, that indicates dynamical activity related to merging events. Despite their disturbed intracluster medium, their high redshifts, and their low masses, the three clusters follow remarkably well the pressure profile and the SZ flux-mass relation expected from standard evolution. This suggests that the physics that drives cluster formation is already in place at z ~ 1 down to M500 ~ 1014 M⊙

    The AB Doradus system revisited: The dynamical mass of AB Dor A/C

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    Context. The study of pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars with model-independent measurements of their masses is essential to check the validity of theoretical models of stellar evolution. The well-known PMS binary AB Dor A/C is an important benchmark for this task, since it displays intense and compact radio emission, which makes possible the application of high-precision astrometric techniques to this system. Aims. We aim to revisit the dynamical masses of the components of AB Dor A/C to refine earlier comparisons between the measurements of stellar parameters and the predictions of stellar models. Methods. We observed in phase-reference mode the binary AB Dor A/C, 0.2′′ separation, with the Australian Long Baseline Array at 8.4 GHz. The astrometric information resulting from our observations was analyzed along with previously reported VLBI, optical (Hipparcos), and infrared measurements. Results. The main star AB Dor A is clearly detected in all the VLBI observations, which allowed us to analyze the orbital motion of the system and to obtain model-independent dynamical masses of 0.90 ± 0.08 M⊙ and 0.090 ± 0.008 M⊙, for AB Dor A and AB Dor C, respectively. Comparisons with PMS stellar evolution models favor and age of 40−50 Myr for AB Dor A and of 25−120 Myr for AB Dor C. Conclusions. We show that the orbital motion of the AB Dor A/C system is remarkably well determined, leading to precise estimates of the dynamical masses. Comparison of our results with the prediction of evolutionary models support the observational evidence that theoretical models tend to slightly underestimate the mass of the low-mass stars
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