48 research outputs found

    Organic continues to boom: Global market grew by double digits in 2016, the highest increase ever – 14 facts on organic agriculture worldwide

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    The latest data on organic agriculture worldwide (2016) indicate that exceptional growth continues. Data show a double-digit increase in 2016 for the three key indicators: farmland area, retail sales and producers. It is also notable that for the first time in recent years the organic farmland grew faster than the market. In the following article, the key data from the latest statistical yearbook, “The World of Organic Agriculture” are presented

    Organic Farming and Market Development in Europe and the European Union

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    In this chapter, the 2016 data on the organic sector in Europe and the European Union are summarized. The development of the European and the European Union’s organic sector in 2016 was characterized by two trends. On the one hand, the market showed a double-digit growth rate again (11.4 percent in Europe; 12 percent in the European Union). On the other hand, organic farmland growth continued to be slower than that of the market, but it was considerably faster than in the previous years, increasing by 6.7 percent in Europe and 8.2 percent in the European Union. The trend of the market growing at a faster rate than the area (Figure 68) has been occurring for several years, showing that production is still not keeping pace with consumer demand

    Organic Farming and Market Development in Europe and the European Union

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    In this chapter, the 2017 data on the organic sector in Europe and the European Union are summarized. In 2017, the development of the organic sector in Europe was characterized by two trends. On the one hand, the market showed a double-digit growth rate again (10.5 percent in Europe; 10.9 percent in the European Union). On the other hand, organic farmland growth continued to be slower than that of the market, but it was considerably faster than in the first years of the previous decade, increasing by 7.9 percent in Europe and 6.4 percent in the European Union. The trend of the market growing at a faster rate than the area has been occurring for several years, showing that production is still not keeping pace with consumer demand. However, the total organic area is only one factor. When comparing the development of the organic area with that of the retail sales, it is more important to look at land use and crop patterns, the types of livestock husbandry, and, most of all, the production value. It is also important to note in this context that growth rates of more intensive production like fruit and vegetables, or milk production have increased significantly over the past years

    Europe: Current Statistics

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    In this article, key area and operator data about organic farming in Europe and the European Union are presented. > In Europe, 11.2 million hectares were under organic agricultural management, constituting 2.2 percent of the agricultural area. Compared with 2003 (6.3 million hectares), the organic land has almost doubled. In 2012, the area increased by 0.63 million hectares or six percent. > In the countries of the European Union, there were almost 10 million hectares in 2012, constituting 5.6 percent of the agricultural land. Compared with 2003 (5.7 million hectares), the organic land increased by 75 percent. In 2012, the area increased by 0.54 million hectares or six percent. > The country with the largest organic agricultural area is Spain (1.6 million hectares), followed by Italy (1.2 million hectares), Germany and France (both slightly over 1 million hectares)

    The World of Organic Agriculture 2018: Summary

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    In this chapter, the key findings of the statistical yearbook "The World of Organic Agriculture", 2018 edition, are summarized

    Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019 Part 3: Organic agriculture in the regions

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    About this presentation - There are 3 presentations summarizing the key results of the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019(data 2017). Apart from the global data, key results on crop and on regional data are presented. - More information is available at www.organic-world.net - The following three presentations are available at https://www.organic-world.net/yearbook/yearbook-2019/slide-presentations.html: -- Part 1: Global data 2017 and survey background -- Part 2: Land use and key crops in organic agriculture 2017 -- Part 3: Organic agriculture in the regions 201

    Growth Trends in European Organic Food and Farming

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    Content Organic market and production trends 2014 Organic market Organic operators Organic agricultural land Organic land use, crops and livestoc

    FiBL Survey on Organic Agriculture Worldwide – Metadata

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    For the 18th FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide, data on organic agriculture were available for 179 countries. Since 1999, when the data collection started, at that time carried out by the German-based Foundation Ecology and Agriculture (SĂ–L), the number of countries included has more than doubled. The survey is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO), the International Trade Centre (ITC), and NĂĽrnbergMesse, the organizers of the Biofach trade fair. In the following article, the data collection, processing, and publication process are described. This description follows the structure of the reference metadata provided by Eurostat for its data collection on organic agriculture covering the European Union, the EFTA countries and the EU candidate countries (Eurostat 2016)

    La producció ecològica continua en auge

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    El mercat mundial va créixer en dos dígits en 2016, el major augment de tots els temps: 14 dades sobre l’agricultura orgànica a tot el món. Les últimes dades sobre agricultura orgànica a tot el món (2016) indiquen que l’excepcional creixement continua. Les dades mostren un augment de dos dígits en 2016 per als tres indicadors clau: àrea de terres de conreu, vendes al detall i productors. També és notable que, per primera vegada en els últims anys, les terres agrícoles orgàniques creixessin més ràpid que el mercat. En aquest article, es presenten les dades clau de l’últim anuari estadístic, “El món de l’agricultura orgànica”

    The Organic Market in Europe 2012

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    In 2012, the organic market continued to grow in the European Union, even though some countries were still affected by the economic crisis, leading to stagnation or even decline. According to data provided by the EU-funded project OrganicDataNetwork(www.organicdatanetwork.net), the organic market in Europe increased by approximately 6 percent in 2012. It now amounts to approximately 22.8 billion euros (European Union: 20.9 billion euros). In this article, key developments of the organic market as well as tables and graphs are presented