2 research outputs found

    Contract on long-term biomass supply for energy generation

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    Proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih izvora i povećanje koriŔćenja obnovljivih izvora energije na 20% u ukupnoj bruto potroÅ”nji energije do 2020. godine, jedan je od ciljeva energetske strategije Evropske unije. Kroz proces Energetske zajednice i proces Stabilizacije i pridruživanja, Republika Srbija je preuzela obavezu implementacije određenih propisa Evropske unije u svoj pravni okvir. Kao cilj Energetske politike Republike Srbije, utvrđeno je stvaranje uslova za stimulisanje koriŔćenja obnovljivih izvora u ukupnoj bruto potroÅ”nji energije, Å”to je preuzeto i u strateÅ”kim dokumentima u oblasti energetike. KoriŔćenje biomase za proizvodnju toplotne i/ili električne energije je jedan od načina ostvarivanja ovog cilja. Ipak, da bi se ovaj cilj ostvario, potrebno je obezbediti neophodnu količinu biomase, shodno mogućnostima samog energetskog objekta i potrebama kupaca energije. U ovom radu se analizira ugovor o dugoročnom snabdevanju biomasom za proizvodnju toplotne i/ili električne energije, a između ostalog i pojam, predmet, modaliteti ovog ugovora, obaveze i odgovornost ugovornih strana.One of the goals incorporated in the EU energy strategy is energy generation from renewable sources aimed at achieving a 20% increase in the share of overall gross energy consumption by 2020.Within the process related to the Energy Community and the process of Stabilization and Association, the Republic of Serbia committed itself to incorporate certain EU regulations into its own legal framework. Creating the conditions that encourage utilisation of renewable sources in overall gross consumption of energy is one of the goals of the energy policy of the Republic of Serbia incorporated in the strategic documents related to the energy sector. Utilization of biomass in production of heat and/or electrical energy is one of the ways of achieving such a goal. However, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide the necessary quantities of biomass according to the characteristics of the energy facility and the needs of energy consumers. The current paper presents an analysis of a contract on long-term supply of biomass to be used for heat and/or electrical energy generation including, among other topics, the subject and modalities of this type of a contract and duties and obligations of the contracting parties

    Contract on long-term biomass supply for energy generation

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    Proizvodnja energije iz obnovljivih izvora i povećanje koriŔćenja obnovljivih izvora energije na 20% u ukupnoj bruto potroÅ”nji energije do 2020. godine, jedan je od ciljeva energetske strategije Evropske unije. Kroz proces Energetske zajednice i proces Stabilizacije i pridruživanja, Republika Srbija je preuzela obavezu implementacije određenih propisa Evropske unije u svoj pravni okvir. Kao cilj Energetske politike Republike Srbije, utvrđeno je stvaranje uslova za stimulisanje koriŔćenja obnovljivih izvora u ukupnoj bruto potroÅ”nji energije, Å”to je preuzeto i u strateÅ”kim dokumentima u oblasti energetike. KoriŔćenje biomase za proizvodnju toplotne i/ili električne energije je jedan od načina ostvarivanja ovog cilja. Ipak, da bi se ovaj cilj ostvario, potrebno je obezbediti neophodnu količinu biomase, shodno mogućnostima samog energetskog objekta i potrebama kupaca energije. U ovom radu se analizira ugovor o dugoročnom snabdevanju biomasom za proizvodnju toplotne i/ili električne energije, a između ostalog i pojam, predmet, modaliteti ovog ugovora, obaveze i odgovornost ugovornih strana.One of the goals incorporated in the EU energy strategy is energy generation from renewable sources aimed at achieving a 20% increase in the share of overall gross energy consumption by 2020.Within the process related to the Energy Community and the process of Stabilization and Association, the Republic of Serbia committed itself to incorporate certain EU regulations into its own legal framework. Creating the conditions that encourage utilisation of renewable sources in overall gross consumption of energy is one of the goals of the energy policy of the Republic of Serbia incorporated in the strategic documents related to the energy sector. Utilization of biomass in production of heat and/or electrical energy is one of the ways of achieving such a goal. However, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide the necessary quantities of biomass according to the characteristics of the energy facility and the needs of energy consumers. The current paper presents an analysis of a contract on long-term supply of biomass to be used for heat and/or electrical energy generation including, among other topics, the subject and modalities of this type of a contract and duties and obligations of the contracting parties