4 research outputs found

    Hernioplastia laparosc贸pica y reparaci贸n anterior sin tensi贸n: 驴qu茅 dicen las evidencias? Laparoscopic hernioplasty and without tension anterior repair: What about evidences?

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    El tratamiento quir煤rgico de la hernia inguinal permanece controversial a pesar de los avances experimentados en los 煤ltimos 20 a帽os en materia de biomateriales e instrumentaci贸n. Las t茅cnicas de reparaci贸n laparosc贸pica forman parte del arsenal quir煤rgico, pero su lugar en este tipo de cirug铆a a煤n no est谩 bien definido. Con el objetivo de determinar el papel de la reparaci贸n abierta por v铆a anterior a base de pr贸tesis y del abordaje laparosc贸pico de la hernia inguinal, se revisaron las publicaciones con alto nivel de evidencias, de los 煤ltimos 10 a帽os, usando diferentes estrategias de b煤squeda en bases de datos disponibles en Infomed.<br>Surgical treatment of inguinal hernia remains controversial despite the advances achieved in past 20 years related to biomaterial and instrumentation. Laparoscopic repair techniques are part of surgical armamentarium, but its place in this type of surgery still is not well defined. To determine the role of open repair via anterior to prosthesis basis and of laparoscopic approach of inguinal hernia, authors reviewed the publications with a high level of evidence from the past 10 years using different strategies of search in databases available in Infomed

    Hernioplastia laparosc贸pica y reparaci贸n anterior sin tensi贸n: 驴qu茅 dicen las evidencias?

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    El tratamiento quir煤rgico de la hernia inguinal permanece controversial a pesar de los avances experimentados en los 煤ltimos 20 a帽os en materia de biomateriales e instrumentaci贸n. Las t茅cnicas de reparaci贸n laparosc贸pica forman parte del arsenal quir煤rgico, pero su lugar en este tipo de cirug铆a a煤n no est谩 bien definido. Con el objetivo de determinar el papel de la reparaci贸n abierta por v铆a anterior a base de pr贸tesis y del abordaje laparosc贸pico de la hernia inguinal, se revisaron las publicaciones con alto nivel de evidencias, de los 煤ltimos 10 a帽os, usando diferentes estrategias de b煤squeda en bases de datos disponibles en Infomed

    Histerectom铆a total abdominal frente a histerectom铆a m铆nimamente invasiva: revisi贸n sistem谩tica y metaan谩lisis Total abdominal hysterectomy versus minimal-invasive hysterectomy: a systemic review and meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCCI脫N. En la actualizad se usan tres tipos de histerectom铆as: la histerectom铆a vaginal, la histerectom铆a abdominal y la histerectom铆a m铆nimamente invasiva. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue comparar la histerectom铆a m铆nimamente invasiva (HMI) con la histerectom铆a total abdominal (HA) en mujeres con enfermedades uterinas benignas. M脡TODOS. Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n sistem谩tica y metaan谩lisis a partir de las bases de datos siguientes: MEDLINE, EBSCO HOST y The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Se seleccionaron solo estudios controlados y aleatorizados. Se combinaron los datos de todos los estudios incluidos y se utiliz贸 el riesgo relativo (RR) con un intervalo de confianza del 95 %, usando el m茅todo de Mantel-Haenszel como medida de efecto para variables dicot贸micas. Para el an谩lisis de las variables continuas se utiliz贸 la diferencia de medias. En todas las comparaciones realizadas los resultados fueron obtenidos usando modelos de efecto fijo y aleatorios. RESULTADOS. Se registraron 53 complicaciones transoperatorias en el grupo de HMI contra 17 en el grupo de HA (RR: 1,78; IC: 1,04-3,05). Las complicaciones posoperatorias se comportaron de forma similar en ambos grupos, sin diferencias significativas desde el punto de vista estad铆stico. Las p茅rdidas sangu铆neas, la estad铆a hospitalaria y la reincorporaci贸n de la paciente a las actividades habituales y al trabajo fueron significativamente menores en el grupo laparosc贸pico; sin embargo, el tiempo operatorio es mayor cuando se compara con la HA (diferencia de medias: 37,36; IC: 34,36-39,93). CONCLUSIONES. Ambas t茅cnicas tienen ventajas y desventajas. La indicaci贸n de las t茅cnicas de HMI debe ser individualizada seg煤n la situaci贸n cl铆nica de cada paciente y 茅stas no deben realizarse en centros donde no exista personal quir煤rgico debidamente entrenado y con experiencia en cirug铆a m铆nimamente invasiva de avanzada.INTRODUCTION. At the present time three types of hysterectomies are used: the vaginal hysterectomy and the minimal-invasive hysterectomy (MIH). The objective of present research was to compare the MIH and the total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) in women presenting with benign uterine diseases. METHODS. A systemic review was made and a meta-analysis from the following databases: MEDLINE, EBSCO HOST AND The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Only the controlled and randomized studies were selected. The data of all studies were combined and also the relative risk (RR) with a 95% CI was used with the Mantel-Haenszel method as an effect measure for dichotomy variables. For the analysis of continuing variables the mean difference was used. In all the comparisons performed the results were obtained with the fix effect and randomized forms. RESULTS. A total of 53 transoperative complications were registered in the MIH hysterectomy versus 17 in the TAH group (RR: 1,78; 95% CI: 1,04-3.05). Postoperative complications evolved in a similar way in both groups without significant differences from the statistical point of view. The blood losses, the hospital stay and the patient's reincorporation to usual and work activities were lesser in the laparoscopy group; however, the operative time is higher when it is compared with TAH (mean difference: 37,36; 95% CI: 34,36-39,93). CONCLUSIONS. Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages. The indication of MIH must to be individualized according to the clinical situation of each patient and these not to be performed in those centers without a properly trained surgical staff and with experience in advanced minimal invasive surgery

    Tracheomalacia, complication after removal of bilateral endothoracic diffuse goiter

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    Introduction: In surgery of the thyroid gland, mortality is null in some series, so morbidity is the surgeon's greatest concern. Objective: To present the clinical evolution of a patient with total thyroidectomy due to bilateral endothoracic goiter. Clinical case: This patient underwent total thyroidectomy due to bilateral endothoracic goiter, technically difficult, negative freeze biopsy of malignancy, colloid goiter. Visualized recurrent nerves. Due to the size of the gland and how complex the extraction was, it was decided to transfer the patient to the intubated and ventilated recovery room to proceed with the recovery of spontaneous ventilation and extubation in a longer period. She was extubated the first time it failed. She was re-intubated and it occurred on a second occasion after being re-operated due to a possible hematoma of the wound. In the preoperative CT scan, a large thyroid gland with bilateral endothoracic prolongation and high stenosis of the trachea was observed. Conclusion: Complications of airway obstruction after thyroidectomy are not frequent. Generally, after a total or partial thyroidectomy, it is a matter of recovering the patient in the operating room, in order to perform, after extubation, a laryngoscopy to rule out paralysis of the vocal cords. Tracheomalacia as a complication after thyroidectomy is not frequent, so it is warned that failure to diagnose and treat the patient quickly could have a fatal outcome.</span