11 research outputs found

    What lies beneath: Bounded manageability in complex underground infrastructure projects

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    Complex underground infrastructure construction projects tend to develop in a state of “bounded manageability”. Various types of uncertainties are inherent to these projects and put the project manager in front of serious challenges, risking budget overruns, delays and sometimes even technical failure. Managing such a project is a matter of considering the options to keep ambitions and means in balance, without losing control. In practice this means that project managers, when confronted with these uncertainties in their projects, have to make trade-offs that have strong “double-bind” characteristics. With every advantage come serious downsides. This disables them to make optimal decisions. Moreover, a chosen path pre-defines conditions for later trade-offs that were often not considered explicitly when choosing this path. This research provides a new framework for understanding uncertainty in the management of projects. It maps out the typical manageability dilemmas that evolve in complex underground infrastructure projects and comes with suggestions to improve this manageability.Organisation and Governanc

    Tussen droom en daad: Pas op voor lachende mensen

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    Organisation and Governanc

    Risk versus risk: Double blind dilemmas in multi-actor decision-making on complex projects

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    Multi Actor SystemsTechnology, Policy and Managemen

    How to sell a railway: Lessons on the privatisation of three Dutch railway projects

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    Technology, Policy and Managemen

    A new focus in the empirical research of manageability in projects

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    The outcomes of complex projects regularly reveal the failure of management, when trying to control them towards a predicted outcome. This article reports on a study looking at the emergence of unmanageability in these projects. It takes as a point of departure that the occurrence of unmanageability cannot be attributed to a limited set of discernible decisions, but instead depends on broad trade-offs, often with double bind character. This then leads to the observation that a different approach is also needed to fight unmanageability. While individual trade-offs do not necessarily lead to unmanageability, the research identifies patterns of trade-off outcomes that can cause a project to spiral out of control. Finding coherence towards more manageable projects is shown to be difficult though, since the trade-offs are made separately in different phases of the project and on different levels in the project hierarchy. This article does make a case for more awareness of the coherence of trade-offs by referencing later phases in time and more operational levels in the hierarchy, and suggests aids to achieve higher manageability using such coherent approach.Organisation and Governanc

    Ruimtelijk structurerende effecten Westerscheldetunnel. Integrale samenvatting onderzoeksresultaten beleidsaanbevelingen: Samenvatting

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    Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Provincie Zeeland.OTB ReseachOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Governance van de coördinatie van twee grote infrastructurele projecten: De casus Vught

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    Opdracht van Provincie Noord-BrabantOrganisation and GovernanceIntegral Design and Managemen

    Employee Perspectives on Risk Management in a Construction Company

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    In addition to the tools and techniques available, project risk management also depends on the attitudes of people in an organisation, how the available tools are used, and how the procedures are followed. Therefore, efforts to improve the project risk management capacity of organisations may fail if the diversity of people (characters, traits etc.) involved is neglected. Based on this argument, the aim of this study is to demonstrate that companies can improve project risk management using the perspectives of their key experts. In this context, an approach was proposed based on Q-Methodology and a case study has been conducted in a construction company in the Netherlands. The quantitative output obtained through Q-Methodology application was evaluated in conjunction with the qualitative data gathered from interviews conducted with the managers of different units within the company. As a result of this evaluation, three common perspectives were identified among the respondents under the names of ‘Experience and Belief’, ‘Procedures and Management’ and ‘Culture and Communication’, respectively. Then, a number of recommendations were made to the company. First, customized management approaches that integrate and balance the identified perspectives should be adopted. Second, a mature organisational risk management culture should be promoted. Project charters that specifically target risk management culture in projects can be used for this purpose. Third, risk management should be integrated into other activities, making it a normal part of employees’ daily work. Finally, but not exclusively, the employees should be instructed on the use of risk registers and guidance should be put in place on how often they are expected to update the risk registers. This study demonstrates the benefit of considering employee diversity and leveraging perspectives in unlocking the potential of construction companies in terms of project risk management.Integral Design & ManagementOrganisation & Governanc

    Incorporating Project Complexities in Risk Assessment: Case of an Airport Expansion Construction Project

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    In today’s construction projects, which are getting more complex as a consequence of especially technical, organizational, and external aspects, complexities are considered a major source of risks. Moreover, risks may turn to complexity-creating elements and propagate additional risks through a bidirectional interaction. Complex construction projects, typically large-scale dynamic endeavors, require the realization of a high number of interdependent tasks through the consumption of various resources such as time, money, labor, and materials. In such projects, while complexities are usually assumed to be given or embedded, due to the subjective and dynamic characteristics of complexities, a tailored approach is required in order to manage them holistically without ignoring their interactions with risks. In this context, the aim of this study is to propose a practical approach that could be utilized to incorporate project complexities in the risk assessment of complex construction projects. The proposed approach entails the integrated usage of risk registers, risk breakdown structures, and complexity-incorporated risk-influence diagrams along with the utilization of a previously developed complexity assessment framework. The underlying basic assumption was that the complexities could directly or indirectly trigger risks, while the risks in turn affect the project objectives. The implementation of the approach in the case of an airport expansion construction project showed that linking the risks to project objectives starting from complexities based on this assumption is possible. In this way, it was shown that multidimensional cause-effect relationships between the complexities and risks, among the risks themselves, and the impact of this interaction on project objectives could be detected and diagrammatically evaluated. Furthermore, it was observed that incorporating complexities in the earlier stages of a project would lead to improvement in the assessment of risks. Considering the results of the case study, the proposed approach has the potential to contribute to improved risk management.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Integral Design & ManagementOrganisation & Governanc