82 research outputs found

    Explanation of the able of Amphibole analyses and the accompanying notes

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    The geology of SW Connemara, Ireland: a fold and thrust Dalradian and metagabbroic-gneiss complex

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    Abstract: Sillimanite grade Dalradian schists composed of pelites, impure psammites, quartzites and calcite marbles, all containing amphibolites, were intruded and hornfelsed (giving hornfels sillimanite, garnet and cordierite) by a plutonic basic to acid igneous rock series now metamorphosed and folded

    Geochemically unravelling the sedimentary components of Archaean metasediments from Western Australia

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    Major and trace elements of metasediments of the granulite facies Narryer and the amphibolite facies Jack Hills metasediments have been used to devise plots which enable the original sedimentary components of these rocks to be unravelled, despite their metamorphic state. These plots overcome the predominant effect of quartz which ranges up to 100% and can be used to study other metasediment suites. Six components controlled the composition of the clastic metasediments (1) kaolinite, (2) illite-muscovite, (3) chlorite–montmorillonite, (4) dolomite, (5) quartz, (6) resistant heavy minerals such as rutile, zircon, chromite and monazite. Identifying the first four of these components enables the trace element composition associated with the components to be estimated. Feldspar was largely destroyed by chemical weathering but there is a suggestion that traces of it formed a minor seventh component in the Narryer rocks. There was little or no mixing of the original kaolinite-bearing and illite–muscovite-bearing samples, indicating two distinct sources, although both sets of samples contain >4 Ga zircons, suggesting a third zircon source. The old zircons may have been derived from re-worked sediment or metasediment as they occur in the matrix and in the quartzite clasts of conglomerates. Using Bhatia's criteria, a passive margin is the likely site of deposition. Calc alkaline tholeiites in the Narryer succession are intrusive and did not contribute to the sediments which were derived from extremely heavily weathered granites, komatiites, schists and reworked sandstones or quartzites

    Appendix I: Analyses mostly published between 1959 and 1962

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    Some metasomatic calc-magnesium silicate rocks from Connemara, Western Ireland: mineralogical control of rock composition

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    Chemical analyses for 33 major oxides and minor elements are reported for a series of 26 associated metasediments that range from staurolite-garnet schists through similar pelites with graphite to schists with varying contents of actinolitic amphibole and diopside-rich calcmagnesian silicate rocks. The calc-magnesian silicate rocks cannot be matched with any likely original sediment and have probably formed by metasomatism of pelites by processes similar to those that produce rodingites. The presence of graphite, gradation into pettes, and the positive correlation of Ti and Niggli al-alk support a part sedimentary parentage for the calc-magnesian rocks. ca, Mg, cr, and Ni (maxima l3.7vo CaO,24.2Vo MgO,247O ppm ct atd 620 ppm Ni) were added from solutions derived from nearby ultramafic rocks serpentinized during static regional metamorphism, which caused andalusite and cordierite growth in some of the associated pelites. Although the original sedimentary composition and the composition of the metasomattzitg fluids were important in determining the chemical composition of the metasomatic rocks, the stable amphibole and pyroxene mineralogy in the calc-magnesian silicate rocks was no less important. These rocks are an example of the partial mineralogical control of the composition of metamorphic rocks. It is proposed that a characteristic feature found in many sedimentary rocks, but not in igneous rocks, is a marked positive correlation of Ti and Niggli al-alk
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