91 research outputs found

    Visual Analysis of Complex Networks for Business Intelligence with Gephi

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    International audiencePlatforms which combine data mining algorithms and interactive visualizations play a key role in the discovery process from complex networks data, e.g. Web and Online Social Networks data. Here we illustrate the use of Gephi, an open source software for networks visual exploration, for the visual analysis of Business Intelligence data modeled as complex networks

    Suivi de la Dynamique Intrinsèque des Interactions entre Utilisateur et SI

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    National audienceMonitoring the evolution of user-system interactions is of high importance for complex systems and for information systems in particular, especially to raise alerts automatically when abnormal behaviors occur. However current methods fail at capturing the intrinsic dynamics of the system, and focus on evolution due to exogenous factors like day-night patterns. In order to capture the intrinsic dynamics of user-system interactions, we propose an innovative graph-based approach relying on a novel concept of time. We apply our method on a large real-world system (the Github.com social network) to automatically detect statistically signi cant events in a real-time fashion. We nally validate our results with the successful interpretation of the detected events

    Towards an Automatic Extraction of Smartphone Users' Contextual Behaviors

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new method for automatically extracting smartphone users' contextual behaviors from the digital traces collected during their interactions with their devices. Our goal is in particular to understand the impact of users' context (e.g., location, time, environment, etc.) on the applications they run on their smartphones. We propose a methodology to analyze digital traces and to automatically identify the significant information that characterizes users' behaviors. In earlier work, we have used Formal Concept Analysis and Galois lattices to extract relevant knowledge from heterogeneous and complex contextual data; however, the interpretation of the obtained Galois lattices was performed manually. In this article, we aim at automating this interpretation process, through the provision of original metrics. Therefore our methodology returns relevant information without requiring any expertise in data analysis. We illustrate our contribution on real data collected from volunteer users

    Using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error for Regression Models

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    We study in this paper the consequences of using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) as a measure of quality for regression models. We show that finding the best model under the MAPE is equivalent to doing weighted Mean Absolute Error (MAE) regression. We show that universal consistency of Empirical Risk Minimization remains possible using the MAPE instead of the MAE.Comment: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), Apr 2015, Bruges, Belgium. 2015, Proceedings of the 23-th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2015

    Semantics of Higraphs for Process Modeling and Analysis

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    International audienceKnowledge and experience of a case manager remains a key success factor for Case Management Processes (CMPs). When a number of influential parameters is high, a number of possible scenarios grows significantly. Automated guidance in scenario evaluation and activity planning would be of a great help. In our previous work, we defined the statecharts semantics for visualisation and simulation of CMP scenarios. In this work, we formalise the state-oriented models with higraphs: higraphs provide mathematical foundation for statecharts and eventually enable a wide panoply of algorithms for process analysis and optimisation. We show how a statecharts diagram can be transformed into higraph and analysed at run-time with graph algorithms. In particular, we take an example of the Shortest Path algorithm and show how this algorithm can be used in order to guide the case manager suggesting her the best process scenario. Compared to BPM approaches, a state-oriented process scenario does not specify concrete activities but only the objectives and constraints to be met. Thus, our approach does not prescribe but describe an activity to be executed next. The manager can define an activity that fit the description " on the fly " , based on her experience and intuition

    Restitution aux enseignants de l'Ă©valuation des apprentissages dans des EIAH

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    International audienceLes environnements informatiques sont de plus en plus utilisés dans les processus d'apprentissage, que ce soit pour l'acquisition, la consolidation ou l'évaluation de compétences. Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons spécifiquement aux EIAH utilisés en complément d'un apprentissage classique en présentiel. Notre objectif est d'utiliser les résultats des évaluations des apprenants afin de restituer des connaissances actionnables aux enseignants. Notre objectif est aussi de réfléchir aux besoins spécifiques des disciplines non scientifiques, en particulier l'anglais de spécialité. Nous décrivons tout d'abord les modalités d'évaluation proposées dans une sélection de plateformes existantes. Nous évoquons les limites des traditionnels QCM. Nous dressons ensuite un panorama des techniques de fouille de données, de graphes et de processus qui peuvent être mises en oeuvre pour l'analyse et la restitution des résultats d'évaluation aux enseignants. Nous fournissons quelques exemples concrets issus de l'analyse de données réelles et nous présentons nos perspectives de recherche sur ce sujet. Mots-clés. Evaluation des apprentissages ; analyse de traces ; fouille de données ; fouille de processus ; anglais de spécialit

    Multi-ego-centered communities in practice

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    International audienceWe propose here a framework to unfold the ego-centered community structure of a given node in a network. The framework is not based on the optimization of a quality function, but on the study of the irregularity of the decrease of a proximity measure. It is a practical use of the notion of multi-ego-centered community and we validate the pertinence of the approach on benchmarks and a real-world network of wikipedia pages

    Refinement Strategies for Correlating Context and User Behavior in Pervasive Information Systems

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    International audienceLarge amounts of traces can be collected by Pervasive Information Systems, reflecting user's actions and the context in which these actions have been performed (location, date, time, network connection, etc.). This article proposes refinement strategies with different frequency measurements on contextual elements in order to better analyze the impact of these elements on the user's behavior. These strategies are based on data mining and Formal Concept Analysis and used to refine input data in order to identify the context elements that have a strong impact on user behaviors. We go further on context analysis by cognizing FCA with semantic distance measures calculated based on a context ontology. The proposed context analysis is further on evaluated in experiments with real data. The novelties of this work lies on these refinement strategies which can lead to a better understanding of context impact. Such understanding represents an important step towards personalization and recommendation features

    Consistance de la minimisation du risque empirique pour l'optimisation de l'erreur relative moyenne

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    National audienceWe study in this paper the consequences of using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) as a measure of quality for regression models. We show that finding the best model under the MAPE is equivalent to doing weighted Mean Absolute Error (MAE) regression. We also show that, under some asumptions, universal consistency of Empirical Risk Minimization remains possible using the MAPE.Nous nous intéressons au problème de la minimisation de l'erreur relative moyenne dans le cadre des modèles de régression. Nous montrons que l'optimisation de ce critère est équivalente à la minimisation de l'erreur absolue par régressions pondérées et que l'approche par minimisation du risque empirique est, sous certaines hypothèses, consistante pour la minimisation de ce critère

    Unified and Conceptual Context Analysis in Ubiquitous Environments

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    International audienceThis article presents an original approach for the analysis of context information in ubiquitous environments. Large volumes of heterogeneous data are now collected, such as location, temperature, etc. This "environmental" context may be enriched by data related to users, e.g., their activities or applications. We propose a unified analysis and correlation of all these dimensions of context in order to measure their impact on user activities. Formal Concept Analysis and association rules are used to discover non-trivial relationships between context elements and activities, which, otherwise, could seem independent. Our goal is to make an optimal use of available data in order to understand user behavior and eventually make recommendations. In this paper, we describe our general methodology for context analysis and we illustrate it on an experiment conducted on real data collected by a capture system. Thanks to this methodology, it is possible to identify correlation between context elements and user applications, making possible to recommend such applications for user in similar situations
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