77 research outputs found

    ``Non chiral'' primary superfields in the AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d correspondence

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    We consider some long multiplets describing bulk massive excitations of M-theory two-branes and IIB string three-branes which correspond to ``non chiral'' primary operators of the boundary OSp(8/4) and SU(2,2/4) superconformal field theories. Examples of such multiplets are the ``radial'' modes on the branes, including up to spin 4 excitations, which may be then considered as prototypes of states which are not described by the K-K spectrum of the corresponding supergravity theories on AdS_4 x S_7 and AdS_5 x S_5 respectively.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX; some typos corrected; version to be published on Letters in Mathematical Physic

    N=1 and N=2 pure supergravities on a manifold with boundary

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    Working in the geometric approach, we construct the lagrangians of N=1 and N=2 pure supergravity in four dimensions with negative cosmological constant, in the presence of a non trivial boundary of space-time. We find that the supersymmetry invariance of the action requires the addition of topological terms which generalize at the supersymmetric level the Gauss-Bonnet term. Supersymmetry invariance is achieved without requiring Dirichlet boundary conditions on the fields at the boundary, rather we find that the boundary values of the fieldstrengths are dynamically fixed to constant values in terms of the cosmological constant \Lambda. From a group-theoretical point of view this means in particular the vanishing of the OSp(N|4)-supercurvatures at the boundary.Comment: Some clarifications on the N=1 case, typos correcte

    On Extremal Limits and Duality Orbits of Stationary Black Holes

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    With reference to the effective three-dimensional description of stationary, single center solutions to (ungauged) symmetric supergravities, we complete a previous analysis on the definition of a general geometrical mechanism for connecting global symmetry orbits (duality orbits) of non-extremal solutions to those of extremal black holes. We focus our attention on a generic representative of these orbits, providing its explicit description in terms of D=4 fields. As a byproduct, using a new characterization of the angular momentum in terms of quantities intrinsic to the geometry of the D=3 effective model, we are able to prove on general grounds its invariance, as a function of the boundary data, under the D=4 global symmetry. In the extremal under-rotating limit it becomes moduli-independent. We also discuss the issue of the fifth parameter characterizing the four-dimensional seed solution, showing that it can be generated by a transformation in the global symmetry group which is manifest in the D=3 effective description.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX source, typos corrected, expressions for the entropy of the non-extremal solutions adde

    On the dualization of Born-Infeld theories

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    We construct a general Lagrangian, quadratic in the field strengths of nn abelian gauge fields, which interpolates between BI actions of n abelian vectors and actions, quadratic in the vector field-strengths, describing Maxwell fields coupled to non-dynamical scalars, in which the electric-magnetic duality symmetry is manifest. Depending on the choice of the parameters in the Lagrangian, the resulting BI actions may be inequivalent, exhibiting different duality groups. In particular we find, in our general setting, for different choices of the parameters, a U(n){\rm U}(n)-invariant BI action, possibly related to the one in \cite{Aschieri:2008ns}, as well as the recently found N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetric BI action \cite{Ferrara:2014oka}.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX source, typos corrected, definition of the matrix S in eq. (3.22) correcte

    Fluxes, supersymmetry breaking and gauged supergravity

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    We report on the gauged supergravity interpretation of certain compactifications of superstring theories with p-form fluxes turned on. We discuss in particular the interplay of duality symmetries in type IIB orientifolds and gauged isometries in the corresponding supergravity models. Turning on fluxes is generally described by the gauging of some nilpotent Lie group whose generators correspond to axion symmetries of R-R and N-S scalars.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of ``Sugra20'' Conference, Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston (Ma) 02115 USA; March 200

    D=4, N=2 Supergravity in the Presence of Vector-Tensor Multiplets and the Role of higher p-forms in the Framework of Free Differential Algebras

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    We thoroughly analyze at the bosonic level, in the framework of Free Differential Algebras (FDA), the role of 2-form potentials setting in particular evidence the precise geometric formulation of the anti-Higgs mechanism giving mass to the tensors. We then construct the (super)-FDA encoding the coupling of vector-tensor multiplets in D=4, N=2 supergravity, by solving the Bianchi identities in superspace and thus retrieving the full theory up to 3-fermions terms in the supersymmetry transformation laws, leaving the explicit construction of the Lagrangian to future work. We further explore the extension of the bosonic FDA in the presence of higher p-form potentials, focussing our attention to the particular case p=3, which would occur in the construction of D=5, N=2 supergravity where some of the scalars are properly dualized.Comment: 39 pages, improved introduction, section 4 and Appendices modified, typos corrected, citations adde

    Observations on the Partial Breaking of N=2N=2 Rigid Supersymmetry

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    We study the partial breaking of N=2N=2 rigid supersymmetry for a generic rigid special geometry of nn abelian vector multiplets in the presence of Fayet-Iliopoulos terms induced by the Hyper-K\"ahler momentum map. By exhibiting the symplectic structure of the problem we give invariant conditions for the breaking to occur, which rely on a quartic invariant of the Fayet-Iliopoulos charges as well as on a modification of the N=2N=2 rigid symmetry algebra by a vector central charge.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX sourc

    Extremal Black Holes in Supergravity

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    We present the main features of the physics of extremal black holes embedded in supersymmetric theories of gravitation, with a detailed analysis of the attractor mechanism for BPS and non-BPS black-hole solutions in four dimensions.Comment: Typos corrected, some points clarifie

    D=4, N=2 Gauged Supergravity coupled to Vector-Tensor Multiplets

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    We construct the general four-dimensional N=2 supergravity theory coupled to vector and vector-tensor multiplets only. Consistency of the construction requires the introduction of the vector fields dual to those sitting in the same supermultiplets as the antisymmetric tensors, as well as the scalar fields dual to the tensors themselves. Gauge symmetries also involving these additional fields guarantee the correct counting of the physical degrees of freedom.Comment: Typos corrected, references adde
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