3,478 research outputs found

    On Series of Multiqubit Bell's Inequalities

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    We overview series of multiqubit Bell's inequalities which apply to correlation functions. We present conditions that quantum states must satisfy to violate such inequalities.Comment: 10 page

    Detection of N-particle entanglement with generalized Bell inequalities

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    We show that the generalized Bell-type inequality, explicitly involving rotational symmetry of physical laws, is very efficient in distinguishing between true N-particle quantum correlations and correlations involving less particles. This applies to various types of generalized partial separabilities. We also give a rigorous proof that the new Bell inequalities are maximally violated by the GHZ states, and find a very handy description of the N-qubit correlation function.Comment: 5 pages, minor typos corrected, journal versio

    Magnetic groundstate and Fermi surface of bcc Eu

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    Using spin-spiral technique within the full potential linearized augmented-plane-waves (LAPW) electronic structure method we investigate the magnon spectrum and N\'eel temperature of bcc Eu. Ground state corresponding to an incommensurate spin-spiral is obtained in agreement with experiment and previous calculations. We demonstrate that the magnetic coupling is primarily through the intra-atomic fsf-s and fdf-d exchange and Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida mechanism. We show that the existence of this spin-spiral is closely connected to a nesting feature of the Fermi surface which was not noticed before.Comment: 6 pages 8 figure

    Bell inequality with an arbitrary number of settings and its applications

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    Based on a geometrical argument introduced by Zukowski, a new multisetting Bell inequality is derived, for the scenario in which many parties make measurements on two-level systems. This generalizes and unifies some previous results. Moreover, a necessary and sufficient condition for the violation of this inequality is presented. It turns out that the class of non-separable states which do not admit local realistic description is extended when compared to the two-setting inequalities. However, supporting the conjecture of Peres, quantum states with positive partial transposes with respect to all subsystems do not violate the inequality. Additionally, we follow a general link between Bell inequalities and communication complexity problems, and present a quantum protocol linked with the inequality, which outperforms the best classical protocol.Comment: 8 pages, To appear in Phys. Rev.


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    This study assessed the ground reaction forces (GRF) associated with walking and running at a variety of speeds and compared these kinetic values to the landing after a maximum counter-movement jump in order to understand the osteogenic potential for these activities. Twenty-four women walked and ran over a force platform at slow, medium, and fast walking and running speeds, which were assessed using Doppler radar. Landing vertical peak GRF and rate of force development (RFD) were analyzed for all movements using a force platform. In almost all cases, higher walking or running speeds resulted in statistically significant increases in GRF and RFD. Based on the findings of this study, moderate to fast sprints should be prescribed in the training programs for those who seek to maximize their bone health

    ProFunc: a server for predicting protein function from 3D structure

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    ProFunc () is a web server for predicting the likely function of proteins whose 3D structure is known but whose function is not. Users submit the coordinates of their structure to the server in PDB format. ProFunc makes use of both existing and novel methods to analyse the protein's sequence and structure identifying functional motifs or close relationships to functionally characterized proteins. A summary of the analyses provides an at-a-glance view of what each of the different methods has found. More detailed results are available on separate pages. Often where one method has failed to find anything useful another may be more forthcoming. The server is likely to be of most use in structural genomics where a large proportion of the proteins whose structures are solved are of hypothetical proteins of unknown function. However, it may also find use in a comparative analysis of members of large protein families. It provides a convenient compendium of sequence and structural information that often hold vital functional clues to be followed up experimentally

    Rotational invariance as an additional constraint on local realism

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    Rotational invariance of physical laws is a generally accepted principle. We show that it leads to an additional external constraint on local realistic models of physical phenomena involving measurements of multiparticle spin 1/2 correlations. This new constraint rules out such models even in some situations in which standard Bell inequalities allow for explicit construction of such models. The whole analysis is performed without any additional assumptions on the form of local realistic models.Comment: 4 page

    Nonclassicality of pure two-qutrit entangled states

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    We report an exhaustive numerical analysis of violations of local realism by two qutrits in all possible pure entangled states. In Bell type experiments we allow any pairs of local unitary U(3) transformations to define the measurement bases. Surprisingly, Schmidt rank-2 states, resembling pairs of maximally entangled qubits, lead to the most noise-robust violations of local realism. The phenomenon seems to be even more pronounced for four and five dimensional systems, for which we tested a few interesting examples.Comment: 6 pages, journal versio

    Salient signatures of entanglement in the surrounding environment

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    We develop a model in which presence of entanglement in a quantum system can be confirmed through coarse observations of the environment surrounding the system. This counter-intuitive effect becomes possible when interaction between the system and its environment is proportional to an observable being an entanglement witness. While presenting intuitive examples we show that: i) a cloud of an ideal gas, when subject to a linear potential coupled with the entanglement witness, accelerates in the direction dictated by the sign of the witness; ii) when the environment is a radiation field, the direction of dielectric polarization depends on the presence of entanglement; iii) quadratures of electromagnetic field in a cavity coupled with two qubits (or a four-level atom) are displaced in the same manner