9 research outputs found

    Complete zero-energy flat bands of surface states in fully gapped chiral noncentrosymmetric superconductors

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    Noncentrosymmetric superconductors can support flat bands of zero-energy surface states in part of their surface Brillouin zone. This requires that they obey time-reversal symmetry and have a sufficiently strong triplet-to-singlet-pairing ratio to exhibit nodal lines in the bulk. These bands are protected by a winding number that relies on chiral symmetry, which is realized as the product of time-reversal and particle-hole symmetry. We reveal a way to stabilize a flat band in the entire surface Brillouin zone, while the bulk dispersion is fully gapped. This idea could lead to a robust platform for quantum computation and represents an alternative route to strongly correlated flat bands in two dimensions, besides twisted bilayer graphene. The necessary ingredient is an additional spin-rotation symmetry that forces the direction of the spin-orbit-coupling vector not to depend on the momentum component normal to the surface. We define a winding number which leads to flat zero-energy surface bands due to bulk-boundary correspondence. We discuss under which conditions this winding number is nonzero in the entire surface Brillouin zone and verify the occurrence of zero-energy surface states by exact numerical diagonalization of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian for a slab. In addition, we consider how a weak breaking of the additional symmetry affects the surface band, employing first-order perturbation theory and a quasiclassical approximation. We find that the surface states and the bulk gap persist for weak breaking of the additional symmetry but that the band does not remain perfectly flat. The broadening of the band strongly depends on the deviation of the spin-orbit-coupling vector from its unperturbed direction as well as on the spin-orbit-coupling strength and the triplet-pairing amplitude.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Majorana flat bands at structured surfaces of nodal noncentrosymmetric superconductors

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    Surfaces of nodal noncentrosymmetric superconductors can host flat bands of Majorana modes, which provide a promising platform for quantum computation if one can find methods for manipulating localized Majorana wave packets. We study the fate of such flat bands when part of the surface is subjected to an exchange field induced by a ferromagnetic insulator. We use exact diagonalization to find the eigenstates and eigenenergies of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian of a model system, for which an exchange field is applied along a strip on the surface of a slab. We consider different orientations of the strip and the applied field. If the spin polarization of the field-free system along the field direction is sufficiently large perturbation theory predicts that energies of states which are mostly localized on the exchange-field strip are shifted away from zero energy by an amount proportional to the field strength. On the other hand, energies corresponding to states localized on the field-free strip are only weakly affected by the field. Exact diagonalization confirms this. Moreover, we discuss a setup with a small exchange field applied to the previously field-free strip with the goal of introducing a linear dispersion. By switching this dispersion on and off, a wave packet could be moved in a certain direction. We find that in our model system, a linear dispersion can indeed be achieved. The qualitative features of this dispersion can be predicted from the momentum-dependent spin polarization of the field-free surface.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure