7 research outputs found

    Chromium removal in the presence of NOM during Fe(II) reductive precipitation for drinking water treatment

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    Cr(VI) is toxic and carcinogenic, which fuels discussions on reducing existing standards for maximum Cr concentrations in drinking water. Fe(II) reductive precipitation is a common and economical method for achieving very low Cr(tot) concentrations (50 mg/L Fe(III)) mitigated the negative impacts of NOM on Cr(VI) reduction and Cr(III) removal. However, even 100 mg/L Fe(III), the highest applied sludge concentration, did not lead to a decrease in Fe(II) dosing requirements under the given conditions. A molar ratio higher than the given stochiometric ratio of [Fe(II)]:[Cr(VI)] = 3 was necessary for sufficient Cr(VI) removal

    Advanced phosphorus removal via coagulation, flocculation and microsieve filtration in tertiary treatment

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    The applicability of microsieve technology together with coagulation and flocculation for advanced phosphorus removal was investigated. A pilot unit including a microsieve with 10 μm mesh size was operated continuously with secondary effluent from Ruhleben wastewater treatment plant in Berlin. By applying a pretreatment of 0.07-0.09 mmol/L (as metal) coagulant and 1.5-2 mg/L cationic polymer, total phosphorus values below 80 μg/L were achieved. Coagulation with polyaluminum chloride (PACl) produced a better effluent quality compared to FeCl3, as less suspended solids and less residual coagulant were found in the microsieve effluent. In addition, the transmittance of UV radiation through the water was improved by using PACl. The produced amount of backwash water was always below 3% (on average 1.6%). Under optimized mixing conditions, polymer doses of 0.6 mg/L were possible without losses in water quality and filtration performance. Microsieving with chemical pretreatment is a viable option for high quality effluent polishing

    Effect of organic matter on Cr(VI) removal from groundwaters by Fe(II) reductive precipitation for groundwater treatment

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    Due to its toxicity, Cr(VI) is undesirable in groundwater. Its chemical reduction to Cr(III) species, followed by precipitation is the most widely practiced treatment technique for the removal of Cr(VI) from polluted waters. The resulting Cr(III) species present low solubility, is much less toxic, and can be subsequently removed either by precipitation, or by adsorption onto iron oxy-hydroxides and co-precipitation. The effects of several parameters, such as the pH value of water to be treated, the applied Fe(II) dose, and the presence of appropriate mineral surfaces, are well investigated and understood. However, the impact of the presence of humic acids (HAs) in this process has only been considered by rather few studies. The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of humic substances on Fe(II) reductive precipitation of Cr(VI) within a pH range relevant for drinking water treatment. Jar test experiments were performed, using artificial groundwater of defined composition and initial Cr(VI) concentration 100 μg/L, ferrous sulphate dosages 0.25–2 mg Fe(II)/L, and pH values 6.5–8. It was found that Cr(VI) and total chromium (Cr(total)) can be reliably removed in the absence of HAs in the tested pH range with the addition of Fe(II) dosage of 1 mg Fe(II)/L. Further on, the results indicated that the reduction of Cr(VI) is only slightly affected by the presence of HAs. However, increased residual total Cr concentrations were found at lower Fe(II) dosages and/or higher pH values. Additionally, the removal of the Cr(III) species formed during Cr(VI) reduction was strongly inhibited by the presence of HAs under the examined experimental conditions, since residual concentrations higher than 60 μg/L were determined. The results of this study will have implications to the ongoing discussion of a new, stricter, European Union regulation limit, regarding the presence of total chromium in drinking water.Due to its toxicity, Cr(VI) is undesirable in groundwater. Its chemical reduction to Cr(III) species, followed by precipitation is the most widely practiced treatment technique for the removal of Cr(VI) from polluted waters. The resulting Cr(III) species present low solubility, is much less toxic, and can be subsequently removed either by precipitation, or by adsorption onto iron oxy-hydroxides and co-precipitation. The effects of several parameters, such as the pH value of water to be treated, the applied Fe(II) dose, and the presence of appropriate mineral surfaces, are well investigated and understood. However, the impact of the presence of humic acids (HAs) in this process has only been considered by rather few studies. The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of humic substances on Fe(II) reductive precipitation of Cr(VI) within a pH range relevant for drinking water treatment. Jar test experiments were performed, using artificial groundwater of defined composition and initial Cr(VI) concentration 100 μg/L, ferrous sulphate dosages 0.25–2 mg Fe(II)/L, and pH values 6.5–8. It was found that Cr(VI) and total chromium (Cr(total)) can be reliably removed in the absence of HAs in the tested pH range with the addition of Fe(II) dosage of 1 mg Fe(II)/L. Further on, the results indicated that the reduction of Cr(VI) is only slightly affected by the presence of HAs. However, increased residual total Cr concentrations were found at lower Fe(II) dosages and/or higher pH values. Additionally, the removal of the Cr(III) species formed during Cr(VI) reduction was strongly inhibited by the presence of HAs under the examined experimental conditions, since residual concentrations higher than 60 μg/L were determined. The results of this study will have implications to the ongoing discussion of a new, stricter, European Union regulation limit, regarding the presence of total chromium in drinking water