3 research outputs found

    CODC: A Copula-based model to identify differential coexpression

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    Differential coexpression has recently emerged as a new way to establish a fundamental difference in expression pattern among a group of genes between two populations. Earlier methods used some scoring techniques to detect changes in correlation patterns of a gene pair in two conditions. However, modeling differential coexpression by means of finding differences in the dependence structure of the gene pair has hitherto not been carried out. We exploit a copula-based framework to model differential coexpression between gene pairs in two different conditions. The Copula is used to model the dependency between expression profiles of a gene pair. For a gene pair, the distance between two joint distributions produced by copula is served as differential coexpression. We used five pan-cancer TCGA RNA-Seq data to evaluate the model that outperforms the existing state of the art. Moreover, the proposed model can detect a mild change in the coexpression pattern across two conditions. For noisy expression data, the proposed method perf

    Predicting potential drug targets and repurposable drugs for COVID-19 via a deep generative model for graphs

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    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been creating a worldwide pandemic situation. Repurposing drugs, already shown to be free of harmful side effects, for the treatment of COVID-19 patients is an important option in launching novel therapeutic strategies. Therefore, reliable molecule interaction data are a crucial basis, where drug-/protein-protein interaction networks establish invaluable, year-long carefully curated data resources. However, these resources have not yet been systematically exploited using high-performance artificial intelligence approaches. Here, we combine three networks, two of which are year-long curated, and one of which, on SARS-CoV-2-human host-virus protein interactions, was published only most recently (30th of April 2020), raising a novel network that puts drugs, human and virus proteins into mutual context. We apply Variational Graph AutoEncoders (VGAEs), representing most advanced deep learning based methodology for the analysis of data that are subject to network constraints. Reliable simulations confirm that we operate at utmost accuracy in terms of predicting missing links. We then predict hitherto unknown links between drugs and human proteins against which virus proteins preferably bind. The corresponding therapeutic agents present splendid starting points for exploring novel host-directed therapy (HDT) option


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    Download the Preprocessed Example dataset. It consists of two expression set data of BRCA dataset: BRCA_normal and BRCA_tumor