160 research outputs found

    Metsäalan työttömien yritysideat ja yrittäjäkoulutustarve.

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    Vascular plant and moss species across successional mire basins on the land uplift coast of Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland

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    Succession of mire vegetation was studied in mire basins providing uniform chronosequences on the land uplift coast of the Bothnian Bay. The research was performed from transects crossing mire basins with similar hydrology in order to highlight the occurrence on different mire species in catchment areas. Material from vegetation sample plots was used, central species for each altitude belt were presented. Also the differences between the mire basins on moraine and sand were handled. On the mires under 5 m asl, the vegetation is dominated by species typical for swamps and seashores. Most Sphagnum species spread to the mire basins very quickly after the disappearance of the brackish sea-water effect. Along with the Sphagna are spreading most species typical for the mature hummock, lawn and carpet levels. The occurring of rich fen species seems to be closely connected with the groundwater discharge pattern. The study areas are situated on the coast of northern Bothnian Bay, where the developed mire systems are dominated by aapa mires. The results are compared with those from the more southern zone of bogs. The main difference seems to be the larger coverage of Sphagnum mosses even on the wetter sites on the development of bogs

    Information literacy skills are required in finding reliable toxicological information resources

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    Chemicals are a part of modern life, but they are potentially hazardous. Consumers, regulatory authorities, information specialists, researchers, students, and toxicologists need access to evidence-based safety information about chemicals either in their ordinary life or in their work to protect their own health, that of other co-workers and ultimately the environment in which we all live. The most important open sources of safety information are databases such as PubMed and PubChem and open access scholarly journals, as well as websites of regulatory authorities and research institutions. This paper discusses the need for toxicological information literacy and its contents for all to identify reliable information. Reliable open access sources for toxicological information of chemicals are also provided

    Toimintatilastojen kehittäminen johtamisen työkaluiksi: katsaus vaikuttavuuden arviointiryhmän työhön 2005-2009 ja sen jatkoon

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    Cardiometabolic risk profile among young adult females with a history of premature adrenarche

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    Context: Premature adrenarche (PA) is associated with childhood overweight and hyperinsulinemia; the long-term cardiometabolic outcome is unknown. Objective: To study cardiometabolic profile in adult women with previous PA. Design and participants: Thirty women with PA and 41 control subjects were followed from prepuberty to young adulthood. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and clinical and biochemical cardiovascular risk factors. Results: There were no differences in the prevalence of MetS or in any parameters indicating dyslipidemia, hypertension, hepatosteatosis, atherosclerosis, or low-grade inflammation between the study groups. However, prevalence of insulin resistance (IR; P = 0.014) and acanthosis nigricans (P = 0.010) was higher in the PA group. Neither fasting glucose nor insulin concentrations differed between the study groups, but HbA1c [adjusted for body mass index (BMI) P = 0.011] and Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (P = 0.044; BMI-adjusted P = nonsignificant) were higher in the PA group. Although BMI and fat percentage were comparable between the study groups, the PA group had higher central fat mass than the control group. In the whole study population, MetS and IR were associated with greater adult fat mass, but no prepubertal factors predicting later IR were found. Conclusion: PA does not seem to be associated with MetS, dyslipidemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, or low-grade inflammation in young adult women. However, some women with PA may be at an increased risk of unfavorable glucose metabolism, which is associated with increased central adiposity at adult age rather than determined by prepubertal factors. Copyright (C) 2019 Endocrine SocietyPeer reviewe

    Kirjastojen vaikuttavuuden arviointi ja mittaaminen - QQML 2014

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    Järjestyksessään kuudes kansainvälinen QQML (Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries) -konferenssi järjestettiin toukokuun viimeisellä viikolla 2014 Istanbulin Kadír Has-yliopistossa Turkissa. Esitelmien abstrakteja voi tarkastella osoitteessa: http://www.isast.org/images/NEO_932_917_923_921_922_927_BOOK_29.05.2014_e-book_version.pd

    Digitaalinen kulttuuri ja kirjaston rooli – QQML2013 Roomassa

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    Kirjastojen tutkimukseen ja sen menetelmiin keskittynyt seminaari, QQML, järjestettiin kesäkuussa 2013 Roomassa, Italiassa nyt jo viidennen kerran. Tänä vuonna seminaarissa oli 288 esitystä 65 maasta