6 research outputs found

    Peningkatan kualiti diri melalui intervensi interpersonal (Improving Self Qualities Through Interpersonal Intervention)

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    The study aimed to identify whether social emotional intelligence training can increase the level of interpersonal. This quasi-experimental study used self evaluation report that was given during the pre and post tests after 14 weeks of training. Each training was 2 hours each week. Second year students of Psychology at Universiti Malaysia Sabah participated in this study. 19 students were selected into the expeimental group and received an intervention, while 22 students were selected for the control group. The selection of participants was based on students who had low scores for social emotional intelligence using the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) that consists of 133 items, divided into 5 components and 15 subscales. Pre test was given at the starting of the semester to get the basic scores and comparisons for the outcome after the participants received training using the ‘Modul Latihan Kecerdasan Emosi Sosial’ which was developed by the researchers. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney analyses were used to examine the difference between pre and post social emotional intelligence training within and between groups. The results showed that social emotional intelligence interpersonal skills increased after training in the treatment group. The comparison between the control group and the treatment group showed that there was a significant difference. In conclusion, social emotional intelligence training (interpersonal) has a positive effect on participants in the treatment group

    Peningkatan kualiti diri melalui intervensi interpersonal

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    The study aimed to identify whether social emotional intelligence training can increase the level of interpersonal. This quasi-experimental study used self evaluation report that was given during the pre and post tests after 14 weeks of training. Each training was 2 hours each week. Second year students of Psychology at Universiti Malaysia Sabah participated in this study. 19 students were selected into the expeimental group and received an intervention, while 22 students were selected for the control group. The selection of participants was based on students who had low scores for social emotional intelligence using the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) that consists of 133 items, divided into 5 components and 15 subscales. Pre test was given at the starting of the semester to get the basic scores and comparisons for the outcome after the participants received training using the ‘Modul Latihan Kecerdasan Emosi Sosial’ which was developed by the researchers. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney analyses were used to examine the difference between pre and post social emotional intelligence training within and between groups. The results showed that social emotional intelligence interpersonal skills increased after training in the treatment group. The comparison between the control group and the treatment group showed that there was a significant difference. In conclusion, social emotional intelligence training (interpersonal) has a positive effect on participants in the treatment group

    Peningkatan kualiti diri melalui intervensi interpersonal

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    The study aimed to identify whether social emotional intelligence training can increase the level of interpersonal. This quasi-experimental study used self evaluation report that was given during the pre and post tests after 14 weeks of training. Each training was 2 hours each week. Second year students of Psychology at Universiti Malaysia Sabah participated in this study. 19 students were selected into the expeimental group and received an intervention, while 22 students were selected for the control group. The selection of participants was based on students who had low scores for social emotional intelligence using the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) that consists of 133 items, divided into 5 components and 15 subscales. Pre test was given at the starting of the semester to get the basic scores and comparisons for the outcome after the participants received training using the ‘Modul Latihan Kecerdasan Emosi Sosial’ which was developed by the researchers. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney analyses were used to examine the difference between pre and post social emotional intelligence training within and between groups. The results showed that social emotional intelligence interpersonal skills increased after training in the treatment group. The comparison between the control group and the treatment group showed that there was a significant difference. In conclusion, social emotional intelligence training (interpersonal) has a positive effect on participants in the treatment group

    Interaksi antara kepuasan kerja, kualiti hidup dan kesihatan mental sebagai peramal kepada prestasi akademik dalam kalangan pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Membakut II semasa pandemik covid-19

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    Penularan wabak COVID-19 ini menyebabkan wujudnya beberapa impak yang negatif seperti dari segi isu kesihatan mental dan fizikal, ketidakstabilan prestasi terutamanya pelajar-pelajar sekolah dan universiti, ketidakpuasan kerja dalam melakukan tugasan dan menyelesaikan tugasan mengikut kehendak dan masa yang ditetapkan serta penurunan kualiti hidup sepanjang pendemik ini berlaku secara berterusan. Antara objektif kajian ini ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti jantina dan kawasan tempat tinggal bukan merupakan faktor terhadap interaksi kepuasan kerja, kualiti hidup, kesihatan mental dan prestasi akademik. Kedua, kajian mengenalpasti faktor kepuasan kerja, kualiti hidup dan kesihatan mental merupakan peramal kepada prestasi akademik di Sekolah Kebangsaan Membakut II semasa pandemik covid-19. Pemilihan sampel kajian ini menggunakan kaedah persempelan secara rawak yang melibatkan 225 orang responden di kalangan pelajar tingkatan satu hingga enam di Sekolah Menengah Membakut II. Reka bentuk kajian adalah menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif. Instrument kajian ini ialah menggunakan soal selidik dan diedarkan melalui aplikasi Whatsapp dalam bentuk Google Form Survey. Data dikumpul dan telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for The Social Science versi 26 (SPSS 26.0) menggunakan manova 2 hala dan regresi berganda. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa Jantina dan tempat tinggal bukan merupakan faktor kepada kepuasan kerja, kualiti hidup, kesihatan mental dan prestasi akademik di kalangan pelajar Sekolah Menengah Membakut II semasa pandemik Covid-19. Selain itu, analisis regressi mendapati faktor kepuasan kerja, kualiti hidup dan kesihatan mental merupakan bukan peramal terhadap prestasi akademik di Sekolah Kebangsaan Membakut II semasa pandemik covid-19 mencatatkan sebanyak 0.17 = p<0.00 dan F (3.221) = 9.137. Hasil kajian ini perlu dititikberatkan sebagai satu panduan untuk memastikan para pelajar mendapat kepuasan dari segi gerak kerja terutamanya dapat meningkatkan lagi prestasi akademik dengan lebih berkualiti dan mengekalkan kesihatan dari segi fizikal dan mental semasa Pandemik COVID-19

    An Effectiveness of Emotional and Social Intelligence Intervention (Stress Tolerance)

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    This research to investigate whether emotional intelligence developmental training can lead to increase with the Module of Emotional and Social Intelligence (Stress Tolerance). A study with quasi-design was employed with self-report assessment conducted as baseline and posttest following 14 weeks training programmed. The Faculty of psychology and Education, University Malaysia Sabah students participated in the study, and 19 students were recruited to the experiment group and receive the intervention. Meanwhile, 21 students were recruited to the control group. Recruitment based on the lower score on emotional Quotient inventory (EQ-i). The result of this finding reported that Stress Tolerance subscale had increase in mean score after intervention. A conclusion, most of the emotional intelligence training had a positive effect on the students in intervention group. While, there is no different score between control group for pre and post intervention

    Kesahan modul kecerdasan emosi kemahiran penyesuaian diri situasi COVID-19 dalam kalangan wanita bekerjaya di Univeriti Malaysia Sabah

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    The development and testing of the adaptation skills emotional intelligence module was designed to identify the social emotional intelligence scores of female workers at Universiti Malaysia Sabah. This module was built on the component of social emotional intelligence adaptive skills as found in the Bar-On Model. The adaptive components of Bar-On model consist of Reality Testing, Flexibility and Problem Solving. These three components are important for looking at the extent of the efficiency of social emotional intelligence in individuals. Development of the COVID-19 Situational Adaptation Skills Emotional Intelligence Module among Working Women at Universiti Malaysia Sabah is an approach that can be used to train women workers to be flexible in their life and they carrier. The built -in understanding of the effects of the modules used can certainly help working women to adapt to the current situation of the pendemic. This module is an initiative developed specifically to provide space for women to train themselves to deal with situations. The module was developed starting with discussion, draft writing then draft refinement before finally being submitted to an expert for evaluation. The study was conducted using a descriptive design aimed at identifying the level of validity of the construction and testing of the COVID-19 situational adaptation skills emotional intelligence module among female workes at the University Malaysia Sabah. The validity test of the module involved three expert evaluators consisting of lecturers from public universities with qualifications and expertise in psychology and counseling. An expert agree that this module is feasible based on the 87.3% overall validity level. The Cronbach's Alpha value is also high. Therefore, indirectly, this module is suitable to be used to female staff at Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Through an intervention of this module is certainly useful and can be used as a guide when facing similar problems in the future. In fact, it can be used as a basis in drafting (blueprint) programs or activities not only for women employees at UMS but also women in other organizations