735 research outputs found

    Eufoniumin matkassa : kuinka minusta tuli eufoniuminsoiton opiskelija

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    Kuvaan opinnÀytetyössÀni eufoniumin opintojani Turun Musiikkiakatemian aikuisten tÀydennyskoulutuksessa. Aiemmat instrumenttiopintoni olen suorittanut Sibelius- Akatemiassa pÀÀaineena trumpetti. Aloitin opintoni syksyllÀ 2010 ja tavoitteenani on valmistua vuoden 2011 loppuun mennessÀ. Nykyisten opintojeni tavoite on suorittaa eufonium B- tutkinto ja pÀtevöityÀ eufoniuminsoiton opettajaksi. Samalla teen havaintoja siitÀ, miten kahden erilaisen vaskisoittimen, eufoniumin ja trumpetin, soittaminen vaikuttaa soittamiseen fysikaalisena ilmiönÀ. OpinnÀytetyöni koostuu taiteellisesta ja kirjallisesta osuudesta. Taiteellinen työni, konsertti MikkelissÀ 14.11.2010 yhdessÀ pianisti Andra Kausin kanssa on dokumentoitu DVD-tallenteena. Konserttiohjelma koostuu sekÀ trumpetilla ettÀ eufoniumilla soitetuista teoksista. Kirjallisessa osiossa kuvaan opiskeluni vaiheita lÀhtötilanteesta nykyhetkeen sekÀ lÀhitulevaisuuteen. Pohdin uuden soittimen opiskelua muun muassa seuraavista nÀkökulmista: fyysiset ja psyykkiset tekijÀt, motivaatio sekÀ aiemmin opittujen ja uusien taitojen yhdistÀminen.My project consists of two parts; an artistic and a written part. My artistic work, a concert in Mikkeli on 14.11.2010 with pianist Andra Kaus is documented on DVD. The concert program concists of music both for trumpet and euphonium. My final project reflects on my euphonium studies at Turku Music Academy. I have done my former studies at Sibelius- Academy with trumpet, which is my main instrument. My studies aim at an euphonium B- exam and a competence of an euphonium teacher. At the same time I observe how it works to play two different brass instruments, trumpet and euphonium side by side. In my thesis I consider physical and mental factors as well as motivation and putting together former and new skills in my studies.OpinnÀytetyön taiteellinen osuus, konsertti 14.11.2010, on dvd-tallenteena katsottavissa Turun AMK:n Linnankadun yksikössÀ

    Kuuma keskustelu - ja mitÀ opimme tÀstÀ?

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    Vastine Jan Rydmanin artikkeliin Kuuma keskustelu - mutta olisiko sitÀ saanut kÀydÀ? // TieteessÀ tapahtuu 1/200

    Confronting the Extinction Narrative: Diversity research, media, and folk views on language endangerment

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    The presentation is based on experiences from the EU-FP7 research project ELDIA, in which comparative research on the maintenance of linguistic diversity was conducted with a wide range of multilingual minority communities across Europe. The project included a media-sociological analysis of the representation of minorities and minority-majority relationships, and reactions to the project and its events in local media were also systematically collected. Across the European meta-diversity (highly diverse types of multilingualism and roles of different languages in the life of the communities at issue), the ELDIA media analyses showed that media when reporting on minorities often neglect questions of endangerment and revitalisation and focus on politically harmless human-interest issues, especially the representations and conservation of traditional (visible) culture in its traditional habitat. This, in turn, may reinforce the image of endangered languages as reified entities, not human actions and choices. Endangerment and extinction of animal and plant species are issues well known to Western media consumers. Tapping into this interest, media representations of research into minority languages and cultures often portray endangered languages as reified “organisms” inhabiting an endangered ecological niche, focusing not on the actions and choices of the speakers of the language but on the expert role of academic researchers, whose activities are portrayed as a “rescue mission”. This folk view on language endangerment, downplaying the agency of speakers, may also endorse the vulgar-socio-Darwinist idea that some languages are less fit for survival and that language extinction is a natural process and therefore inevitable. In this presentation, I will analyse the material of media reactions to the ELDIA project from the point of view of the “extinction narrative”. Moreover, I will propose a preliminary list of measures which should be explicitly included into the media and communication strategies of research projects dealing with endangered languages

    Maintaining linguistic diversity in Europe – lessons learned from the project ELDIA

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    The research project ELDIA (European Language Diversity for All), funded by the 7thFramework Programme of the European Union from March 2010 till September 2013,set out to examine the state of multilingualism in today’s Europe. The project, workingon a sample of Finno-Ugric minorities from the Barents Sea to Slovenia, began with acontext analysis (desk research) and proceeded through fieldwork-based case studies(questionnaire surveys and interviews) as well as interconnected media-sociologicaland law analyses. One of the main results was the EuLaViBar (European LanguageVitality Barometer), a tool for assessing the state of language maintenance andidentifying the points where special support measures are needed. In this paper, somecentral results of the project, with respect to maintaining language diversity in Europe,are discussed

    Back to the roots? Critical reflections on the ‘root’ in Finno-Ugric linguistics

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    In Finno-Ugric linguistics, words are usually analyzed in terms of stems and affixes instead of abstract monosyllabic ‘roots’ in the Indo-European sense. However, there have been attempts to introduce the concept of ‘root’ alongside the historically disyllabic stems, in order to account for less regular connections between words and the non-canonic word formation mechanisms of the expressive vocabulary. Here, a few such attempts are critically analyzed in their historical and ideological contexts.KokkuvĂ”te. Johanna Laakso: Tagasi juurte juurde? Arutlus “juure” mĂ”iste ĂŒle soome-ugri keeleteaduses. Soome-ugri keeleteaduses on tavaks vaadelda sĂ”nu tĂŒvede ja liidetena, mitte abstraktsete ĂŒhesilbiliste juurtena indoeuroopa keeleteaduse mĂ”istes. Ajalooliselt kahesilbiliste tĂŒvede kĂ”rval on pĂŒĂŒtud tarvitusele vĂ”tta ka juure mĂ”iste, et seletada ekspressiivsele sĂ”navarale omaseid vĂ€hem reeglipĂ€raseid sĂ”nadevahelisi seoseid ning sĂ”namoodustusmehhanisme. Artiklis vĂ”etakse kriitiliselt vaatluse alla mĂ”ned neist katsetest nende ajaloolises ja ideoloogilises kontekstis.MĂ€rksĂ”nad: soome-ugri keeled; ungari keel; soome keel; sĂ”nastruktuur; etĂŒmoloogia; juur; keeleteaduse ajalugu; ekspressiivsed sĂ”na

    Teaching the heritage language as a foreign language: on the questions of bilingualism and minority language teaching in Austria

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    Although Hungarians in Austria are an officially recognised ethnic minority, surprisingly little attention has been given tothe specific problems in teaching Hungarian as a heritage language.This paper focuses on the situation of heritage-language students who study Hungarian as part of a university curriculum in Vienna, together with German speakers. These students have learnt colloquial varieties of Hungarian as a spoken language in their families but typically have no formal training in the standard written language. This leads to learners’ errors which are often due to lacking language awareness: heritage-language students are unable to analyse their grammatical intuitions. It is also obvious that heritage-language students do not profit from traditional second-language teaching methods and material; furthermore, heterogeneous teaching groups rather create than solve problems. These issues, probably critical for an increasing group of multilingual speakers in many countries, call for more differentiated approaches to language planning and educational strategies

    Haisee provosoidulta - aineiston arvioinnin ongelmia Dmitri Tsvetkovin vatjan sanaston valossa

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    Suspicions of provocation: problems of data assessment in the light of Dmitri Tsvetkov's Votic dictionary (englanti)2/1996 (100)Johanna LaaksoSuspicions of provocation: problems of data assessment in the light of Dmitri Tsvetkov's Votic dictionary The subject of the article is a dictionary of Votic (Tsvetkov 1995), in which the invented example sentences seem sometimes quite natural, but sometimes rather artificial, even provocative. The evaluation of "grammaticality" or "genuineness" of data also concerns note-taking and interview techniques and conventions, and matters of ideology and previous expectations. The basis of the evaluation is the scholar's intuition.The genuineness of linguistic research material has traditionally been assessed in terms of "purity" (freedom from foreign-language influence) and "spontaneity" or "unconscious production". Both these criteria are problematic. Filtering out foreign-based data on closed-system criteria (such as phonotactic incongruence) restricts the material too severely, but other criteria (e.g. extralinguistic ones) are too flexible.Clear examples of "non-spontaneous" material include metalinguistic expressions, and those that unduly stretch abstract formation paradigms, whether original or foreign-based. The situation is particularly complicated when the research concerns a dying language form which is subject to powerful influences: one typical feature of dying languages is abundant metalinguistic expression, but also typical are the same features that are considered characteristic of spontaneous, unplanned discourse. Genuine expressions would be those that are more extensively anchored to a particular time (idiomacity, lexicalization) or language community (rituals, folklore). Some criteria of genuineness are thus language-internal, others are extralinguistic. In the final analysis, the problem lies precisely on the border of the language system itself, in the treatment of its interfaces, and this also reflects the scholars own theoretical and ontological concept of language

    Endlich ein estnisches etymologisches Wörterbuch!

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    Iris MetsmĂ€gi, Meeli Sedrik, Sven-Erik Soosaar: Eesti etĂŒmoloogiasĂ”naraamat. [Estnisches etymologisches Wörterbuch.] Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2012. 792 S

    Pohdintoja kielestÀ ja kontekstista

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    Kirja-arvioGarner, Mark: Language: An ecological vie
