751 research outputs found

    La città creativa/attiva: un laboratorio permanente

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    Il contributo tratta del dilagante fenomeno delle pratiche informali di trasformazione urbana in un'era di azzeramento dei budget pubblici, tracciando opportunità, criticità e valori nella relazione con i più tradizionali processi di pianificazione

    Palermo: il Parco fluviale dell'Oreto come centralità catalizzatrice di questioni e opportunità

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    La progettazione e pianificazione di un parco non può agire limitando le sue azioni di regolamentazione e salvaguardia entro i soli confini amministrativi o fisici, essa è sempre più spesso intesa quale occasione per la progettazione di una parte di città e del territorio che il parco attraversa, è un progetto di conservazione di frammenti di paesaggio esistenti ma anche di definizione di nuovi paesaggi della contemporaneità; è un progetto di attraversamenti, aperture, connessioni, di opportunità da cogliere, di “sinergie” e di relazioni da innescare. L’esperienza del progetto di riqualificazione territoriale attuata in sinergia con l’attività formativa della Facoltà di Architettura di Palermo della Valle dell’Oreto alimenta queste considerazioni e intende rispondere alle principali domande di trasformazione del territorio della valle attraverso soluzioni produttrici di qualità delle trasformazioni che siano in grado di risolvere le criticità relative alla qualità ecologico-ambientale e dei valori paesaggistici, di identità territoriale, alla qualità urbanistica in termini di accessibilità e sicurezza e alla qualità morfologica dei tessuti urbani. La valorizzazione integrata delle risorse del Parco dell’Oreto ed il potenziamento dell’offerta di qualità (ambientale, culturale, energetica, infrastrutturale, edilizia) ad essa connessa richiede per un’efficace attuazione l’avvio di un processo di pianificazione strategica del sistema metropolitano di contesto nonché, in ambito più specificamente urbano, di affrontare questioni strategiche per lo sviluppo della città nel suo complesso quali la riqualificazione delle aree urbane marginali, la ricucitura dei tessuti sfrangiati e non pianificati della città diffusa e la riqualificazione delle aree di waterfront connesse alla foce e delle grandi aree dismesse. L’articolazione in “ambiti di trasformazione integrata”, cioè in cluster territoriali omogenei per criticità e questioni, è da considerarsi una opportuna base per l’attivazione di interventi integrati e per la focalizzazione di diversi strumenti, azioni e politiche per la soluzione delle criticità nella direzione della qualità

    Branding as a lever for resilient transformation

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    The branding impulse can catalyse tourism and community’s resilience promoting the reactivation of small towns through targeted transformations of built heritage and unused building stock, social innovation initiatives, and new forms of production. It can create a more adaptive process and opportunities for networks of small villages in inner areas where tourism can merge with different work/life models. The B4R work in Sicani hills in Sicily offers a framework for the region’s development and manages to describe a path for activate “reserves of resilience” for new sustainable lifestyles. The settlement development options that the study displays can be used as a model for similar considerations in comparable regions of Europe

    From the vestiges port at the port hybrid: the experimental field of the waterfront 2.0

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    Il contributo si propone di riflettere criticamente sulla possibilità di piani, programmi e progetti di riqualificare gli spazi portuali e di waterfront alla luce delle mutate condizioni del trasporto marittimo e passeggeri e in riferimento al conflitto tra funzioni portuali che richiedono spazi sempre maggiori e la crescita consolidata della città in cui il porto è inserito. L'armoniosa coesistenza di due realtà indipendenti, una porta attiva e una città viva, si sta tentando di raggiungere non solo attraverso l'unità fisica, ma generando flussi e sinergie. Il contributo esamina le aree di waterfront come campo di sperimentazione per un approccio sostenibile alle trasformazioni del territorio a partire dall'analisi di un progetto per un waterfront di nuova generazione, il progetto di waterfront 2.0, che intende proporsi come esemplificativo di una nuova stagione di interventi e progettualità. Il progetto waterfront 2.0 tende a considerare queste aree come un'infrastruttura urbana verde dove tutti gli interventi di riqualificazione devono essere fortemente ispirati alla cultura della sostenibilità.The contribution aims to critically reflect on the opportunity of plans, programs and projects to redevelop port and waterfront spaces to the changed sea transport and passengers demands and freight management conflicted with consolidated city growth. The harmonious coexistence of two independent realities, an active port and a living city, it is endeavoring to achieve not only trouth the physical unity but also trough the activity itself generates flows and synergies. The contribution looks at the waterfront areas like field of experimentation for a sustainable approach to the transformations of the territory and will look at a project of waterfront of new generation, the project of waterfront 2.0, that wants to characterize as own of a new season of interventions on the waterfront. The waterfront 2.0 project tends to consider these areas like a green urban infrastructure where all interventions of regeneration should be strongly inspired by the culture of the sustainability

    Territori lenti e resilienza locale. Il paradigma della lentezza come opportunità nel territorio sicano

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    Il contributo propone alcune riflessioni sulle opportunità di trasformazione dei territori interni e descrive i primi esiti di ricerca condotti nell’ambito del Laboratorio di Sviluppo Locale del “Polo Universitario di Ricerca di Bivona e Santo Stefano Quisquina per l’energia, l’ambiente e le risorse del territorio” , come motore dello sviluppo locale e dell’innovazione sociale dell’area interna dei Monti Sicani

    The Good Practice Framework for European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration. An operative guide

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    The ENSURE research reveals that port cities are relevant in sustainable urban regeneration. Taking into account the sensitivity of urban and port contexts, and the solutions adopted across European port cities, this Guide delivers a set of key policies in order to plan and manage the regeneration process, and describes how to apply a suitable model for regeneration in port cities

    Branding4Resilience. Co-Design As A Tool to Enhance and Transform Inner Territories Through Architecture

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    Inner territories are a central issue that is being discussed all over Europe. More than 60% of the European population live in peripheral contexts outside of main urban conurbations. Yet, the contexts addressed by the Italian National Strategy on Inner Areas – covering approximately the 60% of Italy and hosting nearly 13.5 million people – are often lacking successful regional policies and systemic territorial approaches to achieve effective transformations. In order to tackle with such fragile areas, a new development path has to be defined through the engagement of communities and the involvement of local actors. This contribution aims to present and discuss the results of a research project of relevant national interest in Italy, “Branding4Resilience” (B4R), that investigates fragile territories around the Italian peninsula. Branding is intended here as an engine to start processes of re-appropriation and re-settling in less-favoured areas. Enhancing small villages through minimal tourist infrastructures is thus only a starting point of a larger transformation path that aims at resilient communities and new open habitats. B4R provides expertise for co-designing actions and co-visioning scenarios, promoting a new use of heritage and local resources. B4R, exhibited at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2021, explores and compares the 4 areas through an interdisciplinary perspective, operatively intervening on selected inner territories in Marche Region, Trento Province, Piedmont, and Sicily. A new role of these peripheral contexts in relation to growing metropolitan areas is investigated through explorative and collaborative design approaches involving communities. The focus of this contribution is the co-design phase of the project, that looked at paradigmatic cases in the four regions. The external and expert approach of the co-design workshops helped envisioning design solutions and systemic approaches that in the future will define tailored visions and strategic scenarios and guidelines in cooperation with public institution

    Re-Inhabiting Inner Areas Triggering New Regeneration Trajectories: The Case Study of Sicani in Sicily

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    The Italian debate on the so-called ‘inner areas’ has received a much-needed boost, following the COVID-19 pandemic, which has further highlighted the differences between metropolitan and inner areas. While the progressive depopulation of inner areas is a worrying phenomenon, the limits of incessant urbanisation and the concentration of settlement and infrastructure policies in large conurbations have become evident. Departing from the framework of the B4R-Branding4Resilience research project of national interest and, by continuing in the furrow initiated by the SNAI, but also surpassing it, the aim of the University of Palermo’s research is to define the requirement for a more inclusive settlement model in the Sicani area in Sicily (Italy) to re-balance existing asymmetries by recharging peripheral areas with new centrality. The aims of the research are to demonstrate that inner areas could be an engine for innovation, thereby outlining a roadmap through which to encourage the resilience of new sustainable lifestyles. These aims would be achieved by working on new perspectives and projects, which are capable of radically modifying production, consumption, and tourism dynamics and work/life models, and which are gleaned from a study regarding the Sicani area in Sicily. The paper discusses case study quantitative and qualitative analyses and first results

    European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration - Targeted Analysis Final Report

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    ENSURE (European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration) is a targeted analysis aimed at providing better insights into the potential regional impacts of port city regeneration and a better understanding of the appropriate methods and tools. The research involved a comprehensive literature review, a pan-European desktop analysis of port city regeneration in small and medium-sized cities and in-depth case studies in four stakeholder cities, as well as a series of workshops and conferences. The research shows that a main driver for the development of ports in Europe was the industrial revolution and the continued industrial growth until the mid-20th century. Similarly, a retreat from the waterfront became evident during the last part of the century as the deindustrialisation gathered pace, driven by increased global competition, spatial relocation of industry, and technological changes in both industry and transport. Another key aspect was the collapse of socialism in eastern Europe. Many cities in this part of Europe had active ports that became militarised during the Soviet era and later de-militarised as these states transitioned to a new political-economic structure. The desktop research indicated that about a third of small and medium-sized European port cities (48 of 144) show no evidence of regeneration. Some of these cities may be thriving and have no need for regeneration, but there is likely to be a significant latent potential across the European territory