188 research outputs found

    Ground-state properties of tubelike flexible polymers

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    In this work we investigate structural properties of native states of a simple model for short flexible homopolymers, where the steric influence of monomeric side chains is effectively introduced by a thickness constraint. This geometric constraint is implemented through the concept of the global radius of curvature and affects the conformational topology of ground-state structures. A systematic analysis allows for a thickness-dependent classification of the dominant ground-state topologies. It turns out that helical structures, strands, rings, and coils are natural, intrinsic geometries of such tubelike objects

    Progress in muscular dystrophy research with special emphasis on gene therapy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked, progressive muscle-wasting disease caused by mutations in the DMD gene. Since the disease was described by physicians in the 19th century, information about the subject has been accumulated. One author (Sugita) was one of the coworkers who first reported that the serum creatine kinase (CK) level is elevated in progressive muscular dystrophy patients. Even 50 years after that first report, an elevated serum CK level is still the most useful marker in the diagnosis of DMD, a sensitive index of the state of skeletal muscle, and useful to evaluate therapeutic effects. In the latter half of this article, we describe recent progress in the therapy of DMD, with an emphasis on gene therapies, particularly exon skipping

    Gota úrica visceral em coruja suindara (Tyto alba) de vida livre

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    A gota úrica é uma doença metabólica caracterizada pela deposição de cristais de urato e ácido úrico em tecidos do corpo, que pode acometer répteis, mamíferos e aves. Neste trabalho, relata-se um caso de achados post mortem compatíveis com gota úrica visceral em um exemplar de coruja suindara (Tyto alba) de vida livre. Macroscopicamente, o pericárdio apresentava-se completamente esbranquiçado, espesso e aderido ao miocárdio e o fígado e ambos os rins apresentavam áreas esbranquiçados sugerindo acúmulo de urato. A microscopia do tecido cardíaco e hepático revelou pericardite fibrinosa e perihepatite necrosante respectivamente. Congestão pulmonar e infiltrado inflamatório heterofílico multifocal no parênquima renal também foram visualizados. As alterações encontradas são compatíveis com as descritas na literatura para gota úrica visceral em aves, podendo até serem consideradas como lesões patognomônicas. Este é o primeiro relato de gota úrica visceral em um rapinante de vida livre no Brasil