1 research outputs found

    strategic Assessment of Agricultural cooperatives in the Hamedan province (Case study poultry cooperatives)

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    Cooperative was one of the most successful economic and social patterns in the world and one of the most major institutions that have major effect in sustainable development and justice.In developing countriesØŒcooperative considered as a tool for promoting national programs.The main purpose of this study was to analyze strengthsØŒweaknessØŒopportunities and threats of active agricultural cooperatives using SWOT analysis in the poultry sector in the Hamedan province in 2010.The research type was the applied-descriptive that data were gathered by admeasurment method.To determine the validity of the questionnaireØŒopinions of professors and spicialists were used and its reliability using Cronbach Alpha were confirmed(0.89).sample size is 56 which are selected using the census.SWOT analysis show that cooperatives despite having considerable strengthsØŒbut they have weaknesses and threats which attaining their goals are faced difficulties.Factors such as Grotesqueness of the product purchase price with final price ØŒhigh cost of poultry equipmentsØŒInability of cooperatives to repay funds and Lack of the capital are weaknesses.However the main strengths and opportunities including proper hygienic position in poultry units high level of technical cognition and knowledge of membersØŒtimely access to a veterinarian and vaccinated poultryØŒmembers participation in various stages of decision makhng in cooperativeØŒincreasing the consumption of poultry instead of red meatØŒimportance of poultry products as food in consumption patternØŒand strong scientific support in the field of poultry sciences.FinallyØŒbased on resultsØŒthe four strategies SOØŒSTØŒWO and WT ARE PRESENTED