10 research outputs found

    Pancreas transplantation for treatment of generalized allergy to human insulin in type 1 diabetes

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    We report the case of a 29-year-old man with a 14-year history of type 1 diabetes, normal renal function, and mild diabetic retinopathy. The patient progressively developed a generalized allergic reaction to two insulin excipients--protamine and metacresol--with systemic manifestations of tremor, tachycardia, vertigo, shortness of breath, and short episodes of unconsciousness causing him to be out of work. In June 2003, he received a vascularized cadaveric pancreas transplant using induction with polyclonal antibodies along with tacrolimus and sirolimus but without steroids. A hyperglycemic episode following corticosteroid therapy for rejection treatment required reintroduction of insulin therapy with prompt reappearance of allergic manifestations. Now, the patient is euglycemic without insulin or allergic manifestations and a glycated hemoglobin of 6.4%

    Familial phaeochromocytoma: successful treatment with 131I-MIBG.

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    We report the case of a family in which the mother died of hypertensive encephalopathy following the relapse of a phaeochromocytoma. Two of her children are still alive. Both children had malignant phaeochromocytomas that have been treated by surgery and 131I-MIBG. The first child presented with phaeochromocytoma of the right suprarenal gland at the age of 7 years. Surgery was performed. At the age of 14 years, he developed a tumour of the left suprarenal gland and two pulmonary metastases demonstrated by 131I-MIBG. The three tumours were removed, but new lesions occurred. The boy then was treated with 200 mCi (7,400 MBq) of 131I-MIBG given twice, and is now free of disease more than 2 years after treatment. His sister presented at the age of 12 years with phaeochromocytoma of the left suprarenal gland, the only lesion recognized by 131I-MIBG. The tumour was removed, but 5 months later, she developed phaeochromocytoma in the right suprarenal gland. She was treated with 200 mCi (7,400 MBq) of 131I-MIBG and surgery was performed 6 months later. Histology of the suprarenal gland could not demonstrate the persistence of phaeochromocytoma cells. The child is now free of disease more than 2 years after treatment

    Effets à court et moyen terme d'un traitement par exénatide dans une cohorte de patients diabétiques de type 2: Résultats d'une étude multicentrique au sein du Réseau des diabétologues de l'UCL

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    Nous avons analysé les effets à court et moyen terme d'un traitement par exenatide chez des patients diabétiques de type 2 en échec d'une bithérapie antihyperglycémiante orale. Nous avons observé à 3 et 6 mois une diminution importante tant des taux de l'hémoglobine glycatée que du poids, confirmant la place de l'exenatide dans l'arsenal thérapeutique moderne