111 research outputs found

    Critical level statistics and anomalously localized states at the Anderson transition

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    We study the level-spacing distribution function P(s)P(s) at the Anderson transition by paying attention to anomalously localized states (ALS) which contribute to statistical properties at the critical point. It is found that the distribution P(s)P(s) for level pairs of ALS coincides with that for pairs of typical multifractal states. This implies that ALS do not affect the shape of the critical level-spacing distribution function. We also show that the insensitivity of P(s)P(s) to ALS is a consequence of multifractality in tail structures of ALS.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Ejection Energy of Photoelectrons in Strong Field Ionization

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    We show that zero ejection energy of the photoelectrons is classically impossible for hydrogen-like ions, even when field ionization occurs adiabatically. To prove this we transform the basic equations to those describing two 2D anharmonic oscillators. The same method yields an alternative way to derive the anomalous critical field of hydrogen-like ions. The analytical results are confirmed and illustrated by numerical simulations. PACS Number: 32.80.RmComment: 7 pages, REVTeX, postscript file including the figures is available at http://www.physik.th-darmstadt.de/tqe/dieter/publist.html or via anonymous ftp from ftp://tqe.iap.physik.th-darmstadt.de/pub/dieter/publ_I_pra_pre.ps, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Observation of strong electromagnetic fields around laser-entrance holes of ignition-scale hohlraums in inertial-confinement fusion experiments at the National Ignition Facility

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    Energy spectra and spectrally resolved one-dimensional fluence images of self-emitted charged-fusion products (14.7 MeV D[superscript 3]He protons) are routinely measured from indirectly driven inertial-confinement fusion (ICF) experiments utilizing ignition-scaled hohlraums at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). A striking and consistent feature of these images is that the fluence of protons leaving the ICF target in the direction of the hohlraum's laser entrance holes (LEHs) is very nonuniform spatially, in contrast to the very uniform fluence of protons leaving through the hohlraum equator. In addition, the measured nonuniformities are unpredictable, and vary greatly from shot to shot. These observations were made separately at the times of shock flash and of compression burn, indicating that the asymmetry persists even at ~0.5–2.5 ns after the laser has turned off. These phenomena have also been observed in experiments on the OMEGA laser facility with energy-scaled hohlraums, suggesting that the underlying physics is similar. Comprehensive data sets provide compelling evidence that the nonuniformities result from proton deflections due to strong spontaneous electromagnetic fields around the hohlraum LEHs. Although it has not yet been possible to uniquely determine whether the fields are magnetic (B) or electric (E), preliminary analysis indicates that the strength is ~1 MG if B fields or ~10[superscript 9] V cm[superscript −1] if E fields. These measurements provide important physics insight into the ongoing ignition experiments at the NIF. Understanding the generation, evolution, interaction and dissipation of the self-generated fields may help to answer many physics questions, such as why the electron temperatures measured in the LEH region are anomalously large, and may help to validate hydrodynamic models of plasma dynamics prior to plasma stagnation in the center of the hohlraum.United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FG52-07 NA280 59)United States. Dept. of Energy (DE-FG03-03SF22691)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (B543881)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LD RD-08-ER-062)University of Rochester. Fusion Science Center (412761-G)General Atomics (DE-AC52-06NA 27279)Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (DE-FC52-08NA28752

    First bromine doped cryogenic implosion at the National Ignition Facility

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    We report on the first experiment dedicated to the study of nuclear reactions on dopants in a cryogenic capsule at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). This was accomplished using bromine doping in the inner layers of the CH ablator of a capsule identical to that used in the NIF shot N140520. The capsule was doped with 3×\times1016^{16} bromine atoms. The doped capsule shot, N170730, resulted in a DT yield that was 2.6 times lower than the undoped equivalent. The Radiochemical Analysis of Gaseous Samples (RAGS) system was used to collect and detect 79^{79}Kr atoms resulting from energetic deuteron and proton ion reactions on 79^{79}Br. RAGS was also used to detect 13^{13}N produced dominantly by knock-on deuteron reactions on the 12^{12}C in the ablator. High-energy reaction-in-flight neutrons were detected via the 209^{209}Bi(n,4n)206^{206}Bi reaction, using bismuth activation foils located 50 cm outside of the target capsule. The robustness of the RAGS signals suggest that the use of nuclear reactions on dopants as diagnostics is quite feasible

    Fusion Energy Output Greater than the Kinetic Energy of an Imploding Shell at the National Ignition Facility

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    A series of cryogenic, layered deuterium-tritium (DT) implosions have produced, for the first time, fusion energy output twice the peak kinetic energy of the imploding shell. These experiments at the National Ignition Facility utilized high density carbon ablators with a three-shock laser pulse (1.5 MJ in 7.5 ns) to irradiate low gas-filled (0.3  mg/cc of helium) bare depleted uranium hohlraums, resulting in a peak hohlraum radiative temperature ∼290  eV. The imploding shell, composed of the nonablated high density carbon and the DT cryogenic layer, is, thus, driven to velocity on the order of 380  km/s resulting in a peak kinetic energy of ∼21  kJ, which once stagnated produced a total DT neutron yield of 1.9×10¹⁶ (shot N170827) corresponding to an output fusion energy of 54 kJ. Time dependent low mode asymmetries that limited further progress of implosions have now been controlled, leading to an increased compression of the hot spot. It resulted in hot spot areal density (ρr∼0.3  g/cm²) and stagnation pressure (∼360  Gbar) never before achieved in a laboratory experiment

    Demonstration of High Performance in Layered Deuterium-Tritium Capsule Implosions in Uranium Hohlraums at the National Ignition Facility

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    We report on the first layered deuterium-tritium (DT) capsule implosions indirectly driven by a “high-foot” laser pulse that were fielded in depleted uranium hohlraums at the National Ignition Facility. Recently, high-foot implosions have demonstrated improved resistance to ablation-front Rayleigh-Taylor instability induced mixing of ablator material into the DT hot spot [Hurricane et al., Nature (London) 506, 343 (2014)]. Uranium hohlraums provide a higher albedo and thus an increased drive equivalent to an additional 25 TW laser power at the peak of the drive compared to standard gold hohlraums leading to higher implosion velocity. Additionally, we observe an improved hot-spot shape closer to round which indicates enhanced drive from the waist. In contrast to findings in the National Ignition Campaign, now all of our highest performing experiments have been done in uranium hohlraums and achieved total yields approaching 10[superscript 16] neutrons where more than 50% of the yield was due to additional heating of alpha particles stopping in the DT fuel.United States. Dept. of Energy (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344

    Thin Shell, High Velocity Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions on the National Ignition Facility

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    Experiments have recently been conducted at the National Ignition Facility utilizing inertial confinement fusion capsule ablators that are 175 and 165  μm in thickness, 10% and 15% thinner, respectively, than the nominal thickness capsule used throughout the high foot and most of the National Ignition Campaign. These three-shock, high-adiabat, high-foot implosions have demonstrated good performance, with higher velocity and better symmetry control at lower laser powers and energies than their nominal thickness ablator counterparts. Little to no hydrodynamic mix into the DT hot spot has been observed despite the higher velocities and reduced depth for possible instability feedthrough. Early results have shown good repeatability, with up to 1/2 the neutron yield coming from α-particle self-heating