7 research outputs found

    Opinion on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for the online and other distance sale of goods (COM (2015) 635 final)

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    The aim of the proposed directive is full harmonization of national legislation on consumer goods in relation to conformity with the contract for distance sale, the seller’s liability for lack of conformity of goods with such contract and under the commercial guarantees. The proposal causes no legislative objections. Its entry into force requires implementation through an amendment of the Civil Code. The implementation of the directive may lead to re-fragmentation of the legal system as concerns the liability for the lack of conformity of goods with the contract. In the case, indeed, the implementation of the proposal will mean the creation of a specific rules relating solely to consumer contracts for a distance sale, and will result in establishing a particular legal regime governing the seller’s liability for one of the many types of sales contracts, distinguished upon the way of its conclusion

    Legal opinion on a project of regulating in a single act financial rules which are applied to general budget of the EU

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    Adoption of the draft regulation may result in a necessity of change of several Polish statutes. Authors notice that indication of Article 322(2) of TFEU was improper because of the specific goal and content of the regulation. The mentioned provision concerns own resources of UE, while the draft regulation determines EU budgetary rules. Article 322(1) of TFEU should be indicated as a proper legal basis of the proposed regulation. The principle of subsidiarity, in accordance with rules mentioned in Article 2 of the Protocol No. 2 on the Application of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality does not affect the analyzed draft regulation. The authors point out that the Council of Ministers did not fulfil its obligation to present a project of opinion on the EU draft act. The authors claim with that the draft regulation should be adopted, but they also point out that many areas covered by the draft should be clarified

    Opinion on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council – Towards a more effective and democratic decision-making in the field of EU tax policy, (COM(2019) 8 final)

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    The purpose of the EU document is to discuss the existing rules on decision-making by the EU institutions in the taxation area, indicate the limits of unanimity in the area of EU and Member States’ tax policies and present an action plan for moving to qualified majority voting, as well as to enhance the role of the European Parliament in this area. From Poland’s point of view the proposed change in the rules for decision-making in tax matters may raise serious doubts as to the link between tax policy and EU political priorities, in particular climate and energy policy. On the basis of the information received, the government takes a negative assessment of the Commission’s proposal to move to qualified majority voting in the area of taxation policy and does not support the endorsement of the Communication’s action plan in this area

    Opinion on Poland’s obligation to allow sale in pharmacies of a medicinal product ellaOne without prescription

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    The opinion deals with the effects of the European Commission Implementing Decision whereby ellaOne is commercially available in all Member States without a prescription. The analysis leads to the conclusion that under the existing law, Poland is obliged to implement the decision of the Executive Committee and the medicinal product ellaOne should be available over-the-counter. Nevertheless, Polish legislature may decide to exclude or restrict the sale or use of medicinal products as contraceptives or abortifacients. Therefore, it is permissible to adopt a regulation to prohibit the sale of ellaOne or adopt provisions specifying that it will be available in Poland only on prescription

    Opinion on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content (COM(2015) 634 final)

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    The aim of the proposal is to provide a uniform way to fill the current legal gap in those EU Member States which have not yet adopted legislation specifically on supply of digital content, and the harmonization of the legal systems of those countries that have already adopted such a legislation. Its entry into force will prevent particularization of national rules on liability for failure to perform the obligations arising from contracts for the supply of digital content and for the improper performance of obligation, including the lack of conformity of the digital content with the contract. As a result, it will prevent fragmentation of the digital content market. Entry into force of the proposed directive should improve legal protection of consumers in the event of non-compliance with the contract of digital content received from their suppliers. The proposed directive will have a significant impact on the legal situation of suppliers of digital content. Worth consideration is the removal of defects identified in the opinion that raise doubt as to its legislative correctness

    Transmission to national parliaments of Ukraine’s application for membership of the European Union

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    This communication of the Council of the EU concerns the transmission to national Parliaments of Ukraine’s application for the membership in the European Union, thus fulfilling the requirement of Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union laying down the conditions for accession to the European Union. The authors of the opinion stress the historical and primary importance of this application and the political context of its submission

    Assessment of the general report of the European Commission on the activities of the European Union

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    The article contains description of the subject matter of the European Commission’s document, as well as its substantive and legal assessment. The authors point out that the report is not controversial. The document issued by the European Commission is correct from the legal point of view and conforms to the adopted work program. Most of the issues described in the report were raised in the course of the year in the form of detailed documents