351 research outputs found


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    The problem of this study is to reveal how the struggle of life in major character is. The objectives of the study are to analyze the major character in Robinson Crusoe movie based on Individual Psychological Approach. The study is a literary study, which can be categorized into a descriptive qualitative study. The object of this study is Robinson Crusoe movie. The data sources are primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is the movie Robinson Crusoe script and the secondary data are related to the primary data that support the analysis such as some books of psychology and website related to the research. The method used for collecting data is library research and documentation. The technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis. Based on the analysis, the writer concludes that the problem faced by the major character is struggle to go out of his condition, it causes the writer to use individual psychological perspective such as: Inferiority Feeling, Striving for Superiority, Fictional Finalism, Style of Life, Social Interest, Creative Power. By using this method, it is known how Robinson Crusoe as the major character can solve his problem


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    On Comparison Between Repetitive Controller and PI Controller Tracking Performance

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    Tracking periodic signals are common task in many control problems. One of the examples is movement control of pick and place robot in industry. The requirement of high tracking accuracy becomes very important in many applications. Therefore, a sophisticated control algorithm that manages to achieve high accuracy tracking of periodic command is required. Repetitive Control (RC) based on internal model principle is one of control schemes that can be employed to achieve perfect tracking of periodic signal. On the other hand, Proportional Integral (PI) controller can also be used for tracking. This paper compares the tracking performance of PI controller, RC, and PI with RC, where PI with RC here is integration between PI controller and RC. Step by step design to obtain the parameters of PI, RC and PI with RC are given. A simulation on servo motor system is carried out to assess the performance of RC, PI, andPI with RC respectively. From the simulation results, the transient response and tracking accuracy are thoroughly discussed


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    Untuk mencapai prestasi yang maksimal dalam suatu cabang olahraga khususnya bola voli terdapat aspek fisik, teknik, taktik, dan psikis (mental) yang harus dirancang dalam suatu program selanjutnya diterapkan dalam proses latihan. Namun terkadang pada kenyataan di daerah-daerah terpencil pelatih sering kekurangan media untuk melatih teknik, dalam hal ini pelatih juga jarang memanfaatkan media yang ada di sekitar lingkungan seperti latihan lompat dengan bola digantung. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan lompat dengan bola digantung terhadap keterampilan smash dalam permainan bola voli. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan populasi seluruh atlet putra club Trengginas Belitung, sebanyak 12 orang yang dijadikan sebagai sampel. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik sampel jenuh, selanjutnya dilakukan dengan cara melakukan tes awal dan terakhir. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah latihan lompat dengan bola digantung, sedangkan variable dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah keterampilan smash dalam permainan bola voli. Hasil perhitungan dengan pendekatan statistic kompharatif / perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari pemberian latihan lompat dengan bola digantung terhadap keterampilan smash terhadap permainan Bola voli.Bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan sampel lebih banyak dan instrument yang berbeda. Selain itu dapat mengungkapkan aspek lain yang bias meningkatkan kualitas permainan cabang olahraga Bola voli, khususnya teknik smash. To achieve maximum performance in a sport, especially volleyball are physical aspects, techniques, tactics, and psychological (mental) which must be designed in a subsequent program applied in the training process. But sometimes the reality in remote areas often lack media trainer to train the technique, in this case the coach also rarely take advantage of the media around the environment such as exercise hung around with the ball. Goals to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of exercise around with the ball hung on the skill smash in volleyball games. The approach used is a quantitative approach, the entire population of the Pacific Trengginas male athlete club, as many as 12 people were used as a sample. The sample selection was done by using saturated sample, is then performed by means of the initial and final test. The independent variable in this study is an exercise hung around with the ball, while the dependent variable in this study is the skill smash in volleyball games. The results of calculations with the statistical approach kompharatif / comparison showed that there was no significant effect of training provision hung around with the ball against the skill smash against voli.Bagi ball game further research is expected to carry out further studies with larger sample and different instruments. Moreover, it can reveal other aspects of bias improve the quality of sports volleyball game, especially smash technique

    Analysis and Simulation of PI and PID Control Systems Using Xcos Scilab

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    Research has been conducted to analysis and simulation of PI and PID control systems using Xcos-Scilab. It focused on the constant value of kp, ki, and kd in the P, PI and PID control system simulation. The system output was set into a step signal so it will be analyzed with transient response method. For comparison, the PID control system with the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method was also used. It has been done in order to find out whether the Trial and error method is more appropriate to use in the in the PID control system simulation  or  not.  The  plant  used  is  the  Servo  Motor  Model  with  transfer  function  . The results from the analysis of the variation of simulated control system constants, the best parameters are: P (P variation): Kp = 7, PI (P Variation): Kp = 8; Ki = 2, PI (I Variation): Kp = 5; Ki = 5, PID (P Variation): Kp = 60; Ki = 5; Kd = 2, PID (I Variation): Kp = 50; Ki = 1; Kd = 5, PID (D Variation): Kp = 50; Ki = 10; Kd = 2

    Implementasi Pasal 1 Kode Etik Jurnalistik Pada Wartawan Harian Lahat Pos

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    Adhering to the journalistic code of ethics and applying it is a journalist's professional form and by carrying out journalistic activities in accordance with the journalistic code of ethics means that a journalist is responsible for himself and society. This study entitled "Implementation of Article 1 of the Journalistic Code of Ethics for Lahat Pos Daily Journalists". The research objective is to find out the implementation of article 1 of the journalistic code of ethics in the Lahat Pos daily. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Then data analysis techniques such as data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the implementation of Article 1 of the Journalistic Code of Ethics for Pos Lahat Daily Journalists is implemented by prioritizing duties and responsibilities by prioritizing the truth of a news story, a journalist tidying up independently, producing news that is accurate, balanced and not in bad faith. In the Post Daily Lahat the application of the journalistic code of ethics can improve the formation of journalistic attitudes to fulfill the rights of the community, be willing to issue opinions regarding goodness or approval, supervise by evaluating news and journalism and be consistent in making decisions making the subject the main source in field research.Mematuhi kode etik jurnalistik dan menerapkannya merupakan wujud professional seorang wartawan dan dengan menjalankan kegiatan jurnalistik sesuai dengan kode etik jurnalistik berarti seorang wartawan telah bertanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri maupun masyarakat. Penelitian ini berjudul “Implementasi Pasal 1 Kode Etik Jurnalistik Pada Wartawan Harian Lahat Pos”. Adapun tujuan penelitian  untuk mengetahui implementasi pasal 1 kode etik jurnalistik pada wartawan harian Lahat Pos. Jenis penelitian yang penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kemudian teknik analisis data seperti reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi Pasal 1 Kode Etik Jurnalistik pada Wartawan Harian Pos Lahat diterapkan dengan mengutamakan tugas dan tanggungjawab dengan mengutamakan kebenaran sebuah berita, seorang wartawan bersikap independen, mengahsilkan berita yang akurat, berimbang dan tidak beritikad buruk. Pada harian Lahat Pos penerapan kode etik jurnalistik dapat meningkatkan membentuk sikap wartawan untuk memenuhi hak masyarakat, berkomitmen, bersedia mengeluarkan pendapat mengenai kebaikan atau pertentangan, melakukan pengawasan dengan evaluasi berita dan kewartawanan serta konsisten dalam pengambilan keputusan menjadikan subjek sebagai narasumber utama dalam penelitian dilapangan

    Analysis and Simulation of Proportional Derivative and Proportional Integral Derivative Control Systems Using Xcos Scilab

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    PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control is a popular control in the industry and aims to improve the performance of a system. This control has controlling parameters, namely Kp, Ki, and Kd which will have a control effect on the overall system response. In this research, P, PD, and PID control simulations with the transfer function of the mass-damper spring as a plant using Xcos Scilab. The method used is the trial and error method by setting and varying the values of the control constants Kp, Ki, and Kd to produce the desired system response. The value adjustment of system control parameters is carried out with several variations, namely Kp control variation, Kp variation to constant Kd, Kd variation to constant Kp, Kp variation to Ki, constant Kd, variation of Ki to Kp, constant Kd and variation of Kd to Kp, Ki constant. The second method is automatic tuning which is done through mathematical calculations to obtain PID control constants, namely Zieglar Nichols PID tuning with the oscillation method. From the system simulation results, the best parameter is obtained through the Zieglar Nichols PID tuning process based on the results of the transient response analysis, namely when the proportional gain value (Kp) is 50. The system performance characteristics produced in the tuning process are 3.994 seconds of settling time at 2.36 seconds research time. resulting in a maximum overshoot value of 3.6% and a peaktime value of 3.994 second

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Promosi pada Industri Kecil Keripik Mai Satun-dumai

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    Ing able to survive in the ever increasing level of competition, one aspect that needs to be considered in a company is the marketing aspect, namely how to get goods or services to be acceptable and to provide satisfaction to consumers. As part of the promotion marketing mix also has a significant influence on the company's efforts to achieve maximum sales targets. This research was conducted on the small industry of Mai Satun chips in Dumai City. The purpose of this research will be to examine the promotion of the small Satun-Dumai chips industry. In this research use quantitative descriptive method. Respondents from this research are customers or consumers of the small Satun Industry chunks that happen to come at the time of the questionnaire spread. This is because this research uses accidental sampling technique. And as a source of information is the owner of the small Satun-Dumai chips industry. Data collection techniques through interviews, and questionnaires. From the result of questionnaire spread can be concluded that in the implementation of promotion of small industry of Mai Satun chips included in category of poor

    On Comparison Between Repetitive Controller and PI Controller Tracking Performance

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    Tracking periodic signals are common task in many control problems. One of the examples is movement control of pick and place robot in industry. The requirement of high tracking accuracy becomes very important in many applications. Therefore, a sophisticated control algorithm that manages to achieve high accuracy tracking of periodic command is required. Repetitive Control (RC) based on internal model principle is one of control schemes that can be employed to achieve perfect tracking of periodic signal. On the other hand, Proportional Integral (PI) controller can also be used for tracking. This paper compares the tracking performance of PI controller, RC, and PI with RC, where PI with RC here is integration between PI controller and RC. Step by step design to obtain the parameters of PI, RC and PI with RC are given. A simulation on servo motor system is carried out to assess the performance of RC, PI, andPI with RC respectively. From the simulation results, the transient response and tracking accuracy are thoroughly discussed
