3 research outputs found

    Gambaran Hasil Pemeriksaan Aktivitas Enzim Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) pada Serum Setelah Disimpan Selama 14 Hari: Overview of Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Enzyme Activity Assay Result in Serum After Storage for 14 Days

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    Storage of serum at 4°C over three days causes a 10% decrease in the enzyme Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) activity. However, several laboratories store remaining serum samples for one week or even one month after examination, which is not under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). The serum storage is used to anticipate if there is an examination error. This study aims to describe the results of examining ALT enzyme activity in serum that was immediately checked and stored for 14 days. This type of research is descriptive quantitative using the Pretest-Posttest Design. The sample in this study was human blood serum, with a total sample of 10 patients. Data were analyzed descriptively for all data obtained and presented in tabular form. The average yield of ALT enzyme activity examination before storage and storage on day seven and day 14 was 50.7 U/L, 46.1 U/L, and 40.5 U/L. This study concluded that there was a decrease in the results of examining the activity of the ALT enzyme by 9% on the 7th day and 20% on the 14th day. Therefore, it is suggested that laboratory staff check the sample as soon as possible. If there is a need to repeat the analysis, verify the results or add laboratory tests, samples should be frozen to ensure stability

    Hasil cek similarity "Accelerated Healing of Chronic Wounds under a Combinatorial Therapeutic Regimen Based on Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jet Using Contact and Noncontact Styles"

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    One critical element for applying atmospheric pressure plasma jet for medical purposes is that it is possible to construct a combinatorial therapeutic regimen based on contact and noncontact styles for the cold atmospheric plasma jet. This study evaluates plasma jet effectiveness for bacteria-infected wounds in a small animal model. In this investigation, we test a novel combinative treatment using contact and noncontact style for plasma jet that was generated at high voltage of ~ 9 kV. We use medical-grade argon gas as a single carrier gas. The object of plasma treatment is BALB/c mouse skin wounds that were infected with Staphylococcus aureus. We use four plasma jet treatments, namely, C (control), CP-CP (contact), NCP-NCP (noncontact), and CP-NCP (contact-noncontact). For CP-NCP, from days 0 to 7 we apply a contact style of plasma jet treatment to wounds to kill bacteria; from days 8 to 13, a noncontact style of plasma jet is applied to stimulate wound healing. Our results show that with CP-CP, contact plasma treatment can remove the biofilm layer, but after the biofilm layer disappears contact plasma treatment inhibits the wound-healing process. NCP-NCP is not effective in eliminating bacterial biofilms and impedes the wound-healing process. With CP-NCP, contact plasma exposure during days 0 to 7 is able to remove bacterial biofilms, and irradiation of noncontact plasma during days 8 to 14 accelerates wound healing. Finally, CP-NCP significantly accelerates healing. The combinatorial therapeutic regimen based on contact and noncontact styles of cold atmospheric plasma jet is recommended for chronic wound management, because it effectively removes bacterial biofilms and accelerates wound healing

    Hasil cek similarity" Efek Perlakuan Kombinatif Plasma Medis dan Ekstrak Daun Binahong Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Fase Proliferasi Pada Mencit Diabetik"

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    Plasma medicine is a relatively new and multidisciplinary study involving the study of plasma science, biomedicine, pharmacy, and other health sciences to utilizing plasma for medical therapy. Plasma is the fourth substance, after solids, liquids, and gases. Plasma can produce biological molecules of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RON) which, if controlled in the right dose, can be beneficial for health. This animal study examines the effect of combinative treatment of medicine plasma and binahong leaf extract on proliferation phase wound healing in a diabetic test model. The study used Balb mice 7-8 years old which were induced by STZ with acute wounds which were divided into 4 groups, namely the wound group of diabetic mice without treatment (C), the group of diabetic mice with the treatment of binahong leaf extract (B), the group of combined treatment wounds plasma jet (P) and the wound group of diabetic mice treated with a combination of plasma and, binahong leaf extract (PB). Binahong leaf extract concentration 1% in DMSO solvent. The jet type medicine plasma treatment was carried out every day from day 0 to day 6. Macroscopic observation of the wound was carried out every day from day 0 to day 7. On day 7 it appears that the size of the wound area for P is much smaller than for C, B, and PB. The size of area B and PB is relatively the same, but smaller than C. The results of this study indicate that the binahong leaf extract tends to inhibit the performance of medicine plasma in accelerating the healing of the proliferation phase