2,460 research outputs found

    The Impact of Neural Stem Cell Biology on CNS Carcinogenesis and Tumor Types

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    The incidence of gliomas is on the increase, according to epidemiological data. This increase is a conundrum because the brain is in a privileged protected site behind the blood-brain barrier, and therefore partially buffered from environmental factors. In addition the brain also has a very low proliferative potential compared with other parts of the body. Recent advances in neural stem cell biology have impacted on our understanding of CNS carcinogenesis and tumor types. This article considers the cancer stem cell theory with regard to CNS cancers, whether CNS tumors arise from human neural stem cells and whether glioma stem cells can be reprogrammed

    Farmer managed irrigation and governance of irrigation service delivery : analysis of experience and best practice

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    privatization;management;Asia;participatory approach;Asian Development Bank;farmers;farmers' associations;irrigation projects;irrigation systems

    Leadership on the Commons: Wealth Distribution, Co-provision and Service Delivery

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    There has been a long running debate among public choice theorists on the effects of heterogeneity on collective action. Our longitudinal study leads us to conclude that collective action outcomes are shaped not simply by the attributes of heterogeneity themselves but by the processes by which those attributes interact over-time with the bio-physical and institutional environment. From a methodological point of view how one integrates conceptualization of forms of heterogeneity with recognition of their axis of influence; themselves dependent upon attributes of field-level situations is crucial for analysis of collective action. These findings have public policy implications for targeting of poor and non-poor resource users and management of environmental feedback loops

    The medical management of cerebral palsy

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    Medical management of cerebral palsy is a complex issue that should be undertaken with the overall aim to improve comfort, function in every day life, self confidence, participation and independence. Although the main focus is commonly the motor disorder, medical management also encompasses far wider issues including the management of multiple co-morbidities (e.g. epilepsy, visual and hearing impairment, gastro-oesophageal reflux and constipation, learning and behavioural difficulties) which require close multi-disciplinary teamwork. High muscle tone can be broadly considered as either spasticity, dystonia, or commonly a mixed pattern. Strategies to reduce muscle tone include enteral medication, botulinum neurotoxin, intra-thecal Baclofen, and selective dorsal rhizotomy. However, strength training and reduction of inserted involuntary movements are equally important strategies to improve function. We also discuss treatable conditions which mimic cerebral palsy, and explore potential future therapies such as stem cells

    Task level disentanglement learning in robotics using βVAE

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    Humans observe and infer things in a disentanglement way. Instead of remembering all pixel by pixel, learn things with factors like shape, scale, colour etc. Robot task learning is an open problem in the field of robotics. The task planning in the robot workspace with many constraints makes it even more challenging. In this work, a disentanglement learning of robot tasks with Convolutional Variational Autoencoder is learned, effectively capturing the underlying variations in the data. A robot dataset for disentanglement evaluation is generated with the Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm. The disentanglement score of the proposed model is increased to 0.206 with a robot path position accuracy of 0.055, while the state-of-the-art model (VAE) score was 0.015, and the corresponding path position accuracy is 0.053. The proposed algorithm is developed in Python and validated on the simulated robot model in Gazebo interfaced with Robot Operating System

    Restaurant Formality And Customer Service Dimensions In The Restaurant Industry: An Empirical Study

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the different customer service dimensions in the restaurant industry. Survey-based data collected from customers that dined regularly in restaurants classified as fast food, casual dining, and fine dining was used. Our study makes an imperative contribution by applying Resource-based view theory in the field of services marketing. The results show that restaurant formality has an adverse impact on customer loyalty, but this impact is positive when restaurant formality interacts with customer gratification. There are other important findings that lead to repeat sales and improved profits for restaurants. We conclude by discussing some limitations in our study as well as suggesting future research directions

    Tinea Corporis Gladiatorum Presenting as a Majocchi Granuloma

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    Background. Wrestlers are at increased risk of developing cutaneous infections, including fungal infections caused by dermatophytes. Erythematous lesions due to tinea infections can be mistakenly diagnosed as an inflammatory dermatitis and incorrectly treated with potent topical corticosteroid treatments which cause localized skin immunosuppression. This can eventuate in a Majocchi granuloma which then becomes refractory to topical antifungal therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first case of tinea corporis gladiatorum presenting as a Majocchi granuloma. Observations. A 20-year-old wrestler presented with a 4-year history of a large pruritic, scaly erythematous plaque with follicular papules, and pustules on his right forearm. The lesion had the clinical appearance of a Majocchi granuloma. He had been treated with potent topical corticosteroids and topical antifungal therapy. KOH and fungal culture of the lesion were negative. An erythematous scaly lesion in the scalp was cultured and grew Trichophyton tonsurans. Oral Terbinafine therapy was initiated and complete resolution of both lesions occurred within 6 weeks. Conclusion. The purpose of this report is to inform dermatologists that tinea corporis gladiatorum can present as a Majocchi granuloma and needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis of persistent skin lesions in wrestlers

    Creation of Digital Elevated Model using lunar images of Chandrayan – 1

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    The present work discusses the technique and methodology of analysing and Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) Images acquired during India’s first  Moon mission, Chandrayaan  – 1, launched on October, 2008  for generating Digital Elevated Model (DEM). The Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) on India’s first satellite for lunar exploration, Chandrayaan-1, is intended for systematic topographic mapping of the entire lunar surface, including the far side and the polar regions. A high resolution imagery of the entire Moon will help detailed study of specific lunar regions of scientific interests and further our understanding of lunar evolution. The swath of the instrument is 20 km. The digital elevation model (DEM) is a computer representation of the moon’s surface. DEMs can be generated by traditional photogrammetry based on aerial photos if they are available and they are created very often more economically by the means of space images. A Digital Terrain Model (DEM) is a continuous representation of a ground surface landform that is commonly used to produce topographic maps. DEMs are created by integrating data obtained from a wide range of techniques including remote sensing and land surveying.DEM's are sampled arrays of elevation values representing ground positions at regularly spaced intervals. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USGS to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form.  The normal orientation of data is by columns and rows. In this project work a DEM is created for each of the lunar images retrieved from the space craft using Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)Key Words : Chandrayaan-1, DEM, Swath, TMC, TINDOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v1i2.8

    Virtual Screening of Drugs against HIV-1 Protease

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    The life-threatening infections and pandemic spread of Human Immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1), the etiologic agent of AIDS, has promoted an unending scientific effort to understand and control the disease. The resultant understanding of HIV-1 life cycle has defined many different targets for potential drug intervention. HIV protease enzyme responsible for cleaving large polyprotein precursors into biologically active protein products is an important target for the treatment of AIDS. However drug resistance is a persistent problem and new protease inhibitors are needed. Tipranavir, one of the protease inhibitors most recently approved for clinical use has been shown to be potent against viruses harbouring multidrug resistance mutations such as V82A and L90M, but even this drug is shown to lose potency due to certain mutations or mutation patterns. Thus 10 derivatives of the drug Tipranavir, chemically diverse from the initial hit were generated and screened to determine their ability to interact with protease. Further analysis revealed one unique compound with high binding ability from the initial hit and its possibility for new class of protease inhibitors is discussed in this report

    Comprehensive and Multidisciplinary Approach to ICU Liberation

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