898 research outputs found

    On Heterodox Economics

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    In the literature of Economics itself, branches have evolved thanks to different positions held by economists on different economic issues, and most importantly, on the efficacy and desirability of economic policies to address such economic issues. The so-called Classical and Keynesian poles apart positions have stood as the firm foundation for the germination of a couple of developments in economics. But, it may be reiterated that these positions have been premised upon several assumptions which often go diametrically opposite to real-world circumstances. The growing concern of the disconnect of the mainstream economics from the conditions of the real world has made a vacuum. The attention that heterodox economics has been receiving should be regarded as a response to this fill this vacuum. Heterodox economics has grown to occupy an important place in modern economic thinking, and in the years to come, in the field of teaching as well, the elements discussed in heterodox economic will have an indisputable place. In the field of policy making, too, the principles of heterodox have been used. Nevertheless, mainstream economics does not seem to have been shaken by the claims of heterodox economics. For economics to continue as rigorous social science, much celebrated neo-classical tools and its ideas are still more important

    How do women view the online learning of their children? A Study of Alappuzha District

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    This paper discusses the issues of online education from the perspective of women, an important agent in the education system in their capacity of mothers. The study enquires into the issues of college going students in the Alappuzha district of Kerala state. The study has found that despite the low economic profile of households, parent give utmost importance to the online education of their children. Most of them have ensured that their children have necessary gadgets and internet services to access online classes. Only 30 percent of the women opine that online education has added burden to their household budget. 60 percent of women appear to have been satisfied with the online classes

    Ownership Pattern of Public Debt in India: A Study

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    To bridge the inevitable gap between the expenditure and revenue of governments, public debt has been resorted to increasingly by the government all over the world. In India, too, public debt has been reckoned as a device though which governments attempt to garner enough resources for both developmental and non-developmental activities. The present paper looks into the change and pattern in the ownership of public debt in India in recent years. In recent times, there has been a slight decline in the State government securities issued in India. Provident Funds have become dominant and permanent owners of state government securities in Indi, especially in recent times. Commercial banks in India are the main owners of GOI dated securities. Half of the T-Bills have been held by the Commercial Banks in the country. Mutual Funds also have been buying the Treasury Bills on a large scale. Provident Funds (PFs) do not seem to be interested in engaging in Treasury Bills operations in the country

    On Demand Quality of web services using Ranking by multi criteria

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    In the Web database scenario, the records to match are highly query-dependent, since they can only be obtained through online queries. Moreover, they are only a partial and biased portion of all the data in the source Web databases. Consequently, hand-coding or offline-learning approaches are not appropriate for two reasons. First, the full data set is not available beforehand, and therefore, good representative data for training are hard to obtain. Second, and most importantly, even if good representative data are found and labeled for learning, the rules learned on the representatives of a full data set may not work well on a partial and biased part of that data set. Keywords: SOA, Web Services, Network

    Investigating Open Issues in Swarm Intelligence for Mitigating Security Threats in MANET

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    The area of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has being a demanded topic of research for more than a decade because of its attractive communication features associated with various issues. This paper primarily discusses on the security issues, which has been still unsolved after abundant research work. The paper basically stresses on the potential features of Swarm Intelligence (SI) and its associated techniques to mitigate the security issues. Majority of the previous researches based on SI has used Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) or Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) extensively. Elaborated discussion on SI with respect to trust management, authentication, and attack models are made with support of some of the recent studies done in same area. The paper finally concludes by discussing the open issues and problem identification of the review

    Covid-19 Pandemic and the role of behavioral economics

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    The New Normal has become a buzzword thank to the Covid-19 pandemic. The realization that the pandemic is to persist has tended people to redesign their livelihood opportunities to realize not only a New Normal but a Better or Different Normal. Behavioral Economics, a new branch in economics that mixes economics with other disciplines in an attempt to present real economic behavior of man, has been found to be relevant in explaining the behavior of economic agents in times of Covid. This paper intends to focus on the certain aspects in behavioral economics which the policy makers find useful to design their strategies in dealing with the spreading of the Covid-19 pandemic

    Does Gender Status Translate into Economic Participation of Women? Certain Evidence from Kerala

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    Many indicators of gender inclusiveness show that Kerala has been much ahead of other states in ensuring the welfare of females. It needs to be reiterated that in the case of both education and health, women in Kerala stand quietly at the receiving ends as the beneficiaries rather than the agents of economic and social change. The women inclusive way of progress does not necessarily confine itself to the widening of education and health opportunities for women, but it largely and more positively depend on the effective participation of women in economic activities. It is disheartening that if we probe into the status of women from these yardsticks of ‘active’ economic participation, the picture of gender equality appears more discouraging in Kerala which has been acclaimed as a ‘model’ for not only other states in the country but also for other countries in the world. A secular decline in Work Participation Rate for women in labour market clearly shows that education does not aid women to add themselves to the labour market. Economists and sociologists offer many plausible explanations for this absconding nature of educated and skilled women from the labour market. The real gender inclusion and women empowerment will be fulfilled only when women start actively engaging in productive fields using their knowledge and entitlements

    Changing Objectives of Firms and Managerial Preferences: A Review of Models in Microeconomics

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    Theoretically, producer behavior models postulate that firms have had different objectives ranging from profit maximization to setting aspirational levels. The assumption of objective of profit maximization was shaped on the basis of the rationality principles which has lost relevance with the coming of the principle of behavioral economic in recent time. The present paper intends to throw some light on changes that have been made in the objective of firms over years and attempts to review some models emphasizing managerial utility as the core objective of firms

    Does Gender Status Translate into Economic Participation of Women? Certain Evidence from Kerala

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    Many indicators of gender inclusiveness show that Kerala has been much ahead of other states in ensuring the welfare of females. It needs to be reiterated that in the case of both education and health, women in Kerala stand quietly at the receiving ends as the beneficiaries rather than the agents of economic and social change. The women inclusive way of progress does not necessarily confine itself to the widening of education and health opportunities for women, but it largely and more positively depend on the effective participation of women in economic activities. It is disheartening that if we probe into the status of women from these yardsticks of ‘active’ economic participation, the picture of gender equality appears more discouraging in Kerala which has been acclaimed as a ‘model’ for not only other states in the country but also for other countries in the world. A secular decline in Work Participation Rate for women in labour market clearly shows that education does not aid women to add themselves to the labour market. Economists and sociologists offer many plausible explanations for this absconding nature of educated and skilled women from the labour market. The real gender inclusion and women empowerment will be fulfilled only when women start actively engaging in productive fields using their knowledge and entitlements
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