1,321 research outputs found

    Customer Involvement in Organizational Innovation – Toward an Integration Concept

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    The integration of customer knowledge into innovation processes not only faces companies with many challenges but also opens up opportunities for new product development and innovativeness. Past research describes a multitude of approaches and practical examples, which companies can refer to if they are willing to tap customer knowledge. With the emergence of social software and/or open innovation there are even more potential paths to follow. In this regard, this research aims to propose a concept that categorizes the available strategies. Based on a structured literature review (SLR) in the domain of open innovation the author analyzed the body of related literature and best practices and allocated the identified options within the process of innovation. The results can be utilized as guidance for knowledge integration and help companies to navigate through the selection process of strategies for customer knowledge integration (CKI) in organizational (open) innovation processes

    History of Education in Iowa, Volume III. By Clarence Ray Aurner

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    "This book…deals with the development of secondary education in the state of Iowa…The history of the rise, growth, and decline of the Academy in Iowa…

    Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Regenerative Type Gas Turbine Installed

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    Opening Paragraphs: The Bangor Hydro-Electric Co has recently completed the installation of the first regenerative type of gas turbine unit to go into central station service in this country. Operation of the unit was begun on Oct. 30, 1950. Increased over-all efficiency is expected from the installation in comparison with non-regenerative equipment. This is due to utilization of a substantial part of the residual heat in the turbine exhaust to preheat the compressed air before it enters the combustion chambers. Article written by Paul F. Kruse, who was the Chief Engineer of the Bangor Hydro-Electric Company. Article is reprinted from the January 1, 1951, issue of Electrical World, produced by General Electric Company.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/bangorhydro_news/1061/thumbnail.jp

    Leveraging customer knowledge in open innovation processes by using social software

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    Involving customers in the creation and design process of new products and services has been dis-cussed in practice and research since the early 1980’s. As one of the first researchers, von Hippel (1986) shed light on the concept of Lead Users, a group of users who are able to provide most accu-rate data on future needs for organizations. Subsequently, many scholars emphasized different areas of contribution for customers and how they provide assistance to the process of innovation. First of all, customers may contribute to product innovation (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1987; Driessen & Hillebrand, 2013; Füller & Matzler, 2007; Gruner & Homburg, 2000; Sawhney, Verona, & Prandelli, 2005; Snow, Fjeldstad, Lettl, & Miles, 2011; Yang & Rui, 2009) and service innovation (Abecassis-Moedas, Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, Dell’Era, Manceau, & Verganti, 2012; Alam, 2002; Chesbrough, 2011; Larbig-Wüst, 2010; Magnusson, 2003; Paton & Mclaughlin, 2008; Shang, Lin, & Wu, 2009; Silpakit & Fisk, 1985), e.g., by co-creating values (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004), such as concepts or designs as well as reviewing and testing them throughout the stages of the process of innovation. From the customers’ point of view, being involved in innovation processes and becoming a part of the organ-ization is a desire of an increasing number of them. Customers are demanding more individual and more tailored products. They are increasingly knowledgeable and capable of designing and produc-ing their own products and services. Due to the fact that their influence on product development is positively related to the quality of the new product (Sethi, 2000), more and more organizations appreciate them as innovation actors and are willing to pay them for their input. Today, customers are not only involved in the qualification of products (Callon, Méadel, & Rabeharisoa, 2002; Callon & Muniesa, 2005; Grabher, Ibert, & Flohr, 2009) but also allowed to customize and evaluate them on the path to innovation (Franke & Piller, 2004; Piller & Walcher, 2006; von Hippel & Katz, 2002; von Hippel, 2001). Moreover, there is an abundance of studies that stress the customers’ influence on effectiveness (de Luca & Atuahene-Gima, 2007; Kleinschmidt & Cooper, 1991; Kristensson, Matthing, & Johansson, 2008; Still, Huhtamäki, Isomursu, Lahti, & Koskela-Huotari, 2012) and risk (Bayer & Maier, 2006; Enkel, Kausch, & Gassmann, 2005; Enkel, Perez-Freije, & Gassmann, 2005). While the latter comprises the risk of customer integration as well as the customers’ influence on market risks, e.g., during new product development, studies on effectiveness are mostly concerned with customer-orientation and products/services in line with customers’ expectations (Atuahene-Gima, 1996, 2003; Fuchs & Schreier, 2011). The accompanying change in understanding became known as open innovation (OI; first coined by Chesbrough in 2003) and represents a paradigm shift, where organizations switch their focus from internally generated innovation (i.e., ideation, in-house R&D, etc.) toward external knowledge and open innovation processes, thus, allowing them to integrate external ideas and actors, i.e. custom-ers (Chesbrough, 2006) and other external stakeholders (Laursen & Salter, 2006). Since then, OI has been identified as a success factor for increasing customer satisfaction (Füller, Hutter, & Faullant, 2011; Greer & Lei, 2012) and growing revenues (Faems, De Visser, Andries, & van Looy, 2010; Mette, Moser, & Fridgen, 2013; Spithoven, Frantzen, & Clarysse, 2010). In addition to that, by open-ing their doors to external experts and knowledge workers (Kang & Kang, 2009), organizations cope with shorter innovation cycles, rising R&D costs, and the shortage of resources (Gassmann & Enkel, 2004). Parallel to the paradigm shift in innovation, another shift has taken place in information and com-munication technologies (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre, 2011). Only a few years ago, when customer integration was still very costly, companies had to fly in customers, provide facilities onsite, permanently assign employees to such activities, and incentivise each task execut-ed by customers. Today, emerging technologies (subsumed under the term ‘social software’) help integrating customers or other external stakeholders, who are increasingly familiar with the such technologies from personal usage experience (Cook, 2008), and grant them access from all over the world in a 24/7 fashion. Examples include blogging tools, social networking systems, or wikis. These technologies help organizations to access customer knowledge, facilitate the collaboration with customers (Culnan, McHugh, & Zubillaga, 2010; Piller & Vossen, 2012) at reduced costs and allow them to address a much larger audience (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). On the other hand, customers can now express their needs in a more direct way to organizations. However, each technology or application category may present a completely different benefit to the process of innovation or parts of it and, thus, the innovation itself. Reflecting these developments, organizations need to know two things: how can they exploit the customers’ knowledge for innovation purposes and how may the implementation of social soft-ware support this. Hence, this research addresses the integration of customers in organizational innovation, i.e. new product development. It addresses how and why firms activate customers for innovation and which contribution customers provide to the process of innovation. Additionally, it investigates which tasks customers may take over in open innovations projects and which strategies organiza-tions may choose to do so. It also addresses which social software application supports each task best and how organizations may select the most suitable application out of a rapidly growing num-ber of alternatives. The nature of this research is recommendatory and aims at designing a solution for organizations that are interested in the potential contribution of customers during innovation, already involve customers in innovation tasks or plan to do so. Following the recommendations of this research should result in a more effective organizational exploitation of customer knowledge and their workforce and, thus, a value added to innovation and the outcomes of the process of innovation, e.g., a product that better fits the customers’ expectations and demands or consequently a better adoption of the product by the customer.:1 Introduction 2 Theoretical foundation 3 Research areas and focal points 4 Research aims and questions 5 Methods 6 Findings 7 Conclusion References Essay 1: The Role of External Knowledge in Open Innovation – A Systematic Review of Literature Essay 2: External Knowledge in Organisational Innovation – Toward an Integration Concept Essay 3: Idea Mining – Text Mining Supported Knowledge Management for Innovation Purposes Essay 4: How do Tasks and Technology fit? – Bringing Order to the Open Innovation Chao

    Externes Wissen in offenen Innovationsprozessen – Ein systematischer Literatur-Review

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    Die Integration externen Wissens (EW) zur Steigerung der Innovationskraft stellt Unternehmen vor eine Reihe von Herausforderungen. Der vorliegende Beitra guntersuchtin diesem Zusammenhang den Einfluss externen Wissens auf offene Innovationsprozesse. Als Ergebnis einer systematischen Literaturanalyse werden8 Kategorien mit 19 Untergruppen externer Wissensträger vorgestellt. Auf die entwickelte Systematisierung aufbauend werden Vor- und Nachteile zusammengetragen, die die Einbeziehung der Wissensquellen mit sich bringt. Es wird gezeigt, dass (a) die aktuelle OI-Forschung sich der Bedeutung des externen Wissens bewusst ist, (b) Untersuchungen aber häufig auf wenige Kategorien beschränkt sind und (c) positive sowie negative Einflüsse auf offene Innovationsprozesse vernachlässigt werden. Die zielgerichtete Auswahl der Quellen stellt somit eine der Herausforderungen im OI dar

    Idea Mining – Text Mining Supported Knowledge Management for Innovation Purposes

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    Following the emergence of Social Media and the increasing willingness of customers to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences companies are trying to capitalize on such activities. Due to the vast amount of user-generated content, manual analysis and interpretation will not meet the demands of companies in highly competitive environments. Based on an integrative process model, which describes the process of idea generation, we outline a BPMN-based path that allows companies to steer user participation and the application of Text Mining methods to gain valuable ideas for innovative products. Our approach also illustrates the Knowledge Management perspective supporting the customers during idea generation. In order to demonstrate the applicability of our model we finally depict the whole process utilizing Dell’s IdeaStor

    The social environment affects mate guarding behavior in Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica

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    The effect of the social environment on post-copulatory mate guarding duration in Japanese beetles, (Popillia japonica Newman), was examined in a laboratory experiment. The mate guarding durations of beetles in different sex ratios and densities were observed for 10 hours. Guarding duration was longer when females were larger, suggesting the presence of ‘cryptic’ male mate choice. Densities, but not sex ratio, affected the duration of guarding bouts, with males guarding for longer at higher densities. This result implies that males increase their guarding duration under conditions in which their female may be likely to be encountered by other males. The lack of a sex ratio effect on the duration of guarding bouts is consistent with other studies on this species that indicate males have difficulty distinguishing females from males. Consequently, because the sex ratio on food plants is typically male-biased, a paired male may react just to density, treating surrounding individuals as if they were mostly males. The total amount of time males spent guarding was lower at lower densities and at male-biased sex ratios; this suggests that after ceasing to guard one female, males were less able to find a subsequent mate under these conditions

    Male-male mounting and the unreliability of body size as a character for mate choice in male Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica Newman)

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    Background: Same-sex pairing is common in many animal species. In many insects, same-sex pairing is often thought to be a result of poor sexual discrimination (i.e., a mistake), but few detailed studies of the mechanisms underlying the mistaken pairing have been conducted. Previous studies have found that in the field, a small proportion of Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) mating pairs consist of two males instead of a male and a female. In the current study, we investigated the relationship between body size, the tendency to mount other males, and the duration of these mounts, in laboratory experiments on male Japanese beetles. Results: In the first experiment, we observed male-male mounting in all-male groups in which each male had been uniquely marked. Males of all sizes were likely to mount other males and extend their aedeagus (copulatory organ), but the mounts were longer, and aedeagus extension was more likely to occur, if the mounted beetle (in the ‘female’ position) was larger than the mounting beetle (in the ‘male’ position). In the second experiment, we observed male-female behavior in mixed-sex groups. Females did not immediately copulate with males that had mounted them. If copulation did occur, males tended to remain on the back of females for an extended period of time. Males that mounted other males in mixed-sex groups tended to mate subsequently with a female and then stay with her. Conclusions: We propose that the minimal physical difference between the sexes, in combination with benefits to the males of rapidly attempting to pair with any available female, explains the tendency for males to mount other males. Extended mounts may occur because larger individuals are more likely to be female and because of selection on males to persist in a copulation attempt when females do not immediately copulate with a male
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