24 research outputs found

    Izazovi prekograničnog prikupljanja digitalnih dokaza

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    In the modern world, the use of ICT communication technologies has become an integral part of life. ICT infrastructure is the bearer of digital traces of both legal and illegal activities performed through it. However, for something to become digital evidence, it must be obtained by law and by a person authorised by law. Namely, the virtual infrastructure, especially the Internet and the new challenges brought to us by cloud architectue due to its physical positioning outside national borders, calls into question the legality of searching and collecting digital evidence outside national borders. This paper analyses the legal basis for collecting digital evidence in cyberspace internationally, such as the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, the US Cloud Act, the Australian Decryption Act and the European GDPR. Although the Court of Justice of the European Union declared invalid the decision of the European Commission (EU) 2016/1250 on the adequacy of data protection provided through the EU-US Privacy Shield, experts must not stop looking for a solution to the apparent problem. The paper intends to support decision-makers in taking clear national positions regarding the above controversial legal norms and their mutual conflict. The paper compares the legal consequences of such collection, and the acceptability of such digital evidence, and such collection may also be associated with a breach of the privacy of a legal and private entity.U suvremenom svijetu upotreba informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) postala je dio života. IKT infrastruktura nositelj je digitalnih tragova: legalnih i ilegalnih aktivnosti koje se putem nje obavljaju. No da bi neÅ”to postalo digitalni dokaz, zakonom ovlaÅ”tena osoba to mora i zakonski pribaviti. Naime, virtualna infrastruktura, posebice internet i novi izazovi koje nam donosi arhitektura oblaka zbog česte fizičke pozicioniranosti izvan državnih granica, dovodi u pitanje zakonitost pretraživanja i prikupljanja digitalnih dokaza izvan državnih granica. Ovaj rad analizira pravnu osnovu za prikupljanje digitalnih dokaza u kibernetičkom prostoru na međunarodnoj razini, kao Å”to su: Konvencija Vijeća Europe o kibernetičkom kriminalu, američki Cloud Act, australski Zakon o deÅ”ifriranju i europski GDPR. Iako je Sud Europske unije proglasio nevažećom odluku Europske komisije (EU) 2016/1250 o primjerenosti zaÅ”tite podataka kroz EU-US Privacy Shield, stručnjaci ne smiju prestati tražiti rjeÅ”enje tog evidentnog problema. Rad ima namjeru podržati donositelje odluka u zauzimanju jasnih nacionalnih stavova o navedenim kontroverznim pravnim normama i njihovu međusobnom sukobu. U radu se uspoređuju pravne posljedice takvog prikupljanja i prihvatljivost takvog digitalnog dokaza, a takvo prikupljanje može biti povezano i s povredom privatnosti pravne i fizičke osobe


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    Modern information and communication technology, apart from their numerous advantages, bring with themselves new forms of threats and dangers to which any of their users are exposed. One of the most serious is the identity theft through ICT which is the matter of concern not only for the victims but also for the experts in IT and legislation. This paper analyses technological and legal aspect of identity theft. Concerning technological aspect, the paper recognizes the manners of identity theft through ICT and the methods and techniques which ICT users can apply as their protection. With regard to legal aspect the paper examines the possibilities for protection within the existing legal framework and points out the possibility of its advancement by analyzing the experience obtained worldwide. All mentioned in the paper is aimed at protecting of the ICT users and also at creating preconditions for criminal proceedings of identity thieves.Nove informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije pored niza prednosti donose i nove oblike ugroza i prijetnji kojima smo izloženi prilikom njihove uporabe. Jedna od najvećih, koja pored žrtava uvelike brine informacijske ali i pravne stručnjake je krađa identiteta putem ICT. U radu se raŔćlanjuje tehnologijski i pravni aspet krađe identiteta. U tehnologijskom smislu važno u radu se prepoznaju načini krađe identiteta putem ICT te metode i tehnike putem kojih se možemo kao korisnici ICT zaÅ”tititi. U pravnom pogledu u radu se sagledava mogućnosti zaÅ”tite koje nam nudi postojeći zakonski okvir, a potom se raŔčlambom svjetskih iskustava ukazuje na mogućnosti njegova unapređenja. Sve radom spomenuto u funkcije zaÅ”tite ICT korisnika, ali i stvaranja preuvijeta za kazneni progon kradljivaca identiteta

    Nacionalna strategija za prevenciju i suzbijanje terorizma

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    Nacionalnoj strategiji za prevenciju i suzbijanje terorizma (NSPST), objavljenoj u Narodnim novinama 139/08., cilj je stvoriti sustavne preduvjete za borbu protiv terorizma. Strategija je sustavan odgovor Republike Hrvatske na nove sigurnosne izazove i rizike u vezi s terorističkom ugrozom, čime daje konkretan doprinos nacionalnim i međunarodnim protuterorističkim naporima. Strategija raŔčlanjuje suvremeni terorizam sa stajaliÅ”ta njegovih obilježja, kako bi se osmislile mjere za borbu protiv terorizma. Mjere borbe protiv terorizma čine prevenciju, suzbijanje, zaÅ”titu ljudi i imovine te kritične nacionalne infrastrukture, mjere saniranja Å”tete i oporavaka od terorističkog napada te zaključno mjere kaznenog progona i procesuiranje počinitelja. Strategija poseban naglasak daje na ljudska prava i slobode te informiranje javnosti o protuterorističkim naporima Republike Hrvatske. Glede provedbe ove Strategije te učinkovite koordinacije u protuterorističkoj borbi koju će voditi Savjet za prevenciju i suzbijanje terorizma Vlade Republike Hrvatske, valja izraditi akcijski plan. Izradi Nacionalne strategije za prevenciju i suzbijanje terorizma pristupilo se zbog političkih i strukovnih razloga

    Artificial intelligence and distance learning philosophy in support of PfP mandate

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    Computers have long been utilised in the legal environment. The main use of computers however, has merely been to automate office tasks. More exciting is the prospect of using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to create computers that can emulate the substantive legal jobs performed by lawyers, to create computers that can autonomously reason with the law to determine legal solutions, for example: structuring and support of Partnership for Peace (PfP) mandate. Such attempts have not been successful jet. Modelling the law and emulating the processes of legal reasoning have proved to be more complex and subtle than originally envisaged. The adoption by AI researchers specialising in law of new AI techniques, such as case based reasoning, neural networks, fuzzy logic, deontic logics and non-monotonic logics, may move closer to achieving an automation of legal reasoning. Unfortunately these approaches also suffer several drawbacks that will need to be overcome if this is to be achieved. Even if these new techniques do not achieve an automation of legal reasoning however, they will still be valuable in better automating office tasks and in providing insights about the nature of law. An idea to apply the technology of intelligent multi-agent systems to the computer aided learning (CAL) in law, is currently being developed as a research project by the author of this article (see e.g. [AntoliÅ”, 2002.]). Similar projects are usually based on the most modern technologies of multimedia and hypermedia, as it was implemented in this article. The theoretical foundations of the design and architecture of intelligent system for decision support process in law and distance-learning environment are, however, at their early stage of development

    Internetska forenzika i cyber terorizam

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    Internet je sastavni dio života suvremenog čovjeka, koji ga rabi s punom svijeŔću o njegovoj koristi, ali nerijetko s nedovoljno informacija o ugrozama koje izravno ili u paketu s njim ugrožavaju njegovu privatnost u užem ali i sigurnost u Å”irem smislu. Zloporaba interneta činjenica je s kojom se danas dnevno susrećemo, a sigurno je najopasnija ona od strane terorista. Oni se internetom ponajprije služe u svrhu Å”irenja terorističkih ideologija i poticanja na počinjenje terorističkog akta te kao platformom za novačenje i obučavanje terorista. Internetom se služe u pripremi te tijekom terorističkog napada kada im on služi kao komunikacijska infrastruktura. Problemi koji se pojavljuju na planu borbe protiv zloporabe interneta u terorističke /\u27svrhe ponajprije su pravno formalne, a"potom i informatičke naravi. Na tom je planu potrebno stvarati pravne i informatičke preduvjete za učinkovitu borbu protiv terorista i to svima onima koji su zaduženi da nas zaÅ”tite od terorista, ali i nama samima. Veliki doprinos toj borbi, stvaranje je nove i jačanje postojeće informacijske infrastrukture u kojoj će internetska forenzika, kao narastajuća disciplina, imati istaknutu ulogu

    Liberal globalization and combating terrorism

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    Terrorism, which is a global threat in the world today, can be efficiently combated only by organized movement principles. It opens the possibility to mobilize overall intellectual resources needed to create and implement the whole concept of efficient combating of terrorism. Terrorism cannot and must not become legal means to fight evolutional changes coming with liberal organization of the world, which on September 11, 2001 it definitely tried to be. Liberal globalization as a world trend will definitely undermine the existing relations in the world especially in anarcho-patriarchally established states. Yet, at the same time it is necessary to include all intellectual potential even through the NGO Think-Tank system of the same states, to create adaptable algorithms enabling evolutional transformation of the society. The goal is the benefit to all the people of the same states and not only minorities which mainly seized the power militarily and submitted it to their narrow interests presenting them at the same time, as national interests. More often than not, the minorityā€™s interests defined as national, undermined by unstoppable evolutional processes of liberal globalization result in terrorism encouraged not only by individuals and groups but, now it can be explicitly said by the state terrorism, as in the case of Iraq and unfortunately some other states of the same region which, for similar reasons support various sorts of terrorism. Creation of the system presented in this paper tries to establish pre-emptive mechanism enabling as painless evolutional transformations of todayā€™s world as possible, with the goal of implementing more honest and just world of tomorrow

    Terrorism and global trends

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    This paper tries to determine the cause-and-effect relations in the world trends which generate change in the stability of the world economies, especially of the small states, affecting in that way, global security, i.e. security of the world powers like the U.S.A. and others. Ability to locate potential centers of terrorism in the world is of the utmost importance: for yesterday, today and tomorrow with the aim of achieving effective methodological approach to fight terrorism. Therefore, it is necessary to define economic, political and military factors, which, at the global level and within the philosophy of trends, determine the world scene. Based on such research, with recognized potential consequences of the trends-motifs that produce a critical mass of discontent needed for generating a crisis or a terrorist act, this paper inaugurates a new shape of pre-emptive fight against incoming new wave of terrorism. The paper successively discusses the effects of determined world trends, particularly from the view of economic, political and military stability of the small states and regions being directly connected with security of the big powers, i.e. with global security in the world