96 research outputs found
Oksigenat Methyl Tertiary Buthyl Ether Sebagai Aditif Octane Booster Bahan Bakar Motor Bensin
Oxygenates Methyl Tertiary Buthyl Ether (MTBE), as an alternative substance for Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL), which is used as substance to increase octane number gasoline fuel. However, need to be tested how its concentration influence about octane number, volatility fuel and engine performance. For engines with carburettor, the liquid fuel must be volatile enough to produce a combustible fuel vapour air mixture at intake temperature and to produce completely fuel vapour air mixture inside the cylinder before combustion
Sistem Injeksi Hidrogen Untuk Mengurangi Emisi Hidrokarbon
Motor vehicles are one of the source emissions of hidrocarbon to atmosphere because of incomplete combustion in combustion chamber, so there are more emissions hidrocarbon from exchaust pipe. One of the method can be used to reduce hidrocarbon emissions from exchaust manifold are injecting hidrogen after combustion process for burning hidrocarbon in exchaust pipe
Kolektor Surya Prismatik
Solar collector is the essential item of equipment which transforms solar radiation energy to some other useful energy form, for example as the water heater.
One of the shape solar collector, is prismatic which have ability to receive solar radiation intensity from all the sun's position, so that using solar energy as water heater can more effective.
Solar collector can absorb solar radiation intensity and convert it to useful calor for heating the water inside the pipes of the collector, so the temperature of the water is rise and natural convection is happen by the basic of thermosiphon because effect of mass density fluid difference.
From the experiment is found the best position to locate the collector which can produce optimal efficiency are 15 degrre from east to north
Pengaturan Kondisi Idle Dan Akselerasi Pada Motor Berbahan Bakar Gas
Using fuel gas for gasoline engine can be made with additional equipment which is called Conversion Kit. However is still limited because there is a problem about the engine performance, that is too high idle rotation and low acceleration if compared to engine with gasoline. One at the cause of too high idle rotation is too a little fuel gas enter to intake manifold and specific gravity fuel gas (0,562 kg/m3) lower than gasoline, that cause the idle condition where the intake gas valve opened just a little, air that enter together with fuel gas cannot doing completely combustion. The way to improve this problem are by supply fuel gas with injection system control by electronic in idle and aceleration condition
Pengaruh Suhu Dan Tekanan Udara Masuk Terhadap Kinerja Motor Diesel Tipe 4 Ja 1
One of the factor that influences optimation of performance of diesel engine is an imperfect combustion in the combustion chamber. To optimize performance of this engine it is necessary to do modification by increasing air temperature and air pressure into combustion chamber.
A change of inlet air temperature in the combustion chamber will effect the air density, so will influence the amount of air in the combustion chamber. The increasing air pressure into the combustion chamber will help the mixture to reach its combustion condition faster. So that combustion deceleration, specially in the high rotation speed condition can be avoided.
The result of the research showed that the optimal condition can be achieved at the temperature 50°C and the pressure 3 bars
Financial Restructuring Driven by Single Presence Policy (Spp) (a Case Study Merger at PT. Bank Niaga Tbk and Lippo Bank Tbk)
The issuance of Single Ownership Policy stated in PBI No. 8/16//PBI/2006 has an implication on the controlling shareholders in more than one bank. The shareholders are given three choices to make adjustment of their structure of ownership in order to match it with the single ownership policy. One of the choices available is merger. At one side, merger can increase its capital and minimize the number of existing banks. On the order side, merger can also result in monopoly that inflicts loss to the fair business competition. The first objective of Financial Restructuring or Merger is to take measures that avert the impending insolvency and that ensure the sort-term survival of the business. This is the prerequisite for a sustainable restructuring process. The medium and long term goal of financial restructuring is reestablishment of a healthy and solid capital structure. In Bank Niaga and Lippo Bank merger process was driven by Single Presence Policy which normatively obligates the controlling share holders of a bank to consolidate its share possession by divesting their share, merging or even forming a holding company. One of the existing controlling share holder by far already got impacted by this policy is Khazanah National Berhad, a foreign investor from Malaysia, who used to control Bank Niaga and Lippo Bank. The SPP indicated its implementation in Indonesia, which foremost align with vision of Indonesian Banking Architecture which is to designate healthy, strong and dynamic national banking structure
Analisis Semiotika Karya Seni Pendidik Paud Melalui Teknik Graving Pada Seni Menggambar Di Kota Semarang
Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karya seni menggambar pada pendidik PAUD. Sedangkan, Tujuan khusus dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kaya seni menggambar pendidik PAUD melalui teknik graving di Kota Semarang.Pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yaitu utuk mengungkap dan mendiskripsikan gejala visual yang bersifat instrinsik dan ekstrinsik pada karya seni dengan informasi kualitatif berupa penelusuran, pemahaman lebih dalam dan dinamis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dengan cara wawancara, observasi partisipasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara tahap reduksi data, tahap penyajian data dan tahap verifikasi data penelitian.Penggambilan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu tahap awal dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang diisi oleh pendidik PAUD, dari kuisioner ini tim peneliti dapat mengetahui teknik menggambar yang dipakai pendidik PAUD, selain itu dari sini tim peneliti juga mengetahui apakah pendidik PAUD sudah bisa/tahu tentang teknik graving. Tahap kedua, yaitu dilakukan dengan praktek menggambar secara langsung. Kegiatan ini dilakukan sebanyak dua kali untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Tahap ketiga, dilakukan analisis semiotika dari hasil karya seni menggambar dengan teknik graving yang dilakukan oleh pendidik PAUD di Kota Semarang.Teknik graving dalam hal ini sangat tepat digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan pembelajaran seni khususnya seni menggambar, karena terkait dengan unsur-unsur tekstural maya. Pendidik PAUD secara tidak langsung sebagai pendidik pertama yang anak kenal di lingkungan pendidikan formal, sehingga dengan adanya kegiatan ini, mereka mampu mengaplikasikan pembelajaran seni secara kreatif dan inovatif. Dari kegiatan ini diharapkan pendidik PAUD tidak hanya terpola pada satu teknik menggambar yang bersifat konvensional
Motivasi Hidup pada Penderita Lupus Dewasa
The purpose of this research is to know about life motivation of lupus sufferer when an individual face difficult periods and comes up from the cobdition which is full limitation after the doctor diagnoses lupus disease. Subject of the research is someone who is attacked by lupus. The range of age is from 25 until 35. This research will be held at subject's house which is in Gombong sub distric, Kebumen district. The methods that are used are observation, interview and the use of triangulation technic to strengthen the result. The result of analyzing data is based on three aspect of motivation, it is concluded that having positive attitude, oriented on achievement of a goal, and streng that motivates an individual becomes one influence that supports life motivation for the subject
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