3 research outputs found

    Deviation of road G2 in Grobelno – preliminary study

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    Grobelno settlement lies right in between of Šentjur municipiality on its West and the Šmarje\ud municipiality on its East. The nucleus of the settlement is consisted of a built that was formed\ud with the crossing of the public road and the railway. The urban conditions have with the\ud increase of the road and railway traffic worsened in addition to the presence of the negative\ud influences on the habitat.\ud The main road represents a connection of Šmarje pri Jelšah and Rogaška Slatina in direction of\ud Celje and of the central Slovenia. At the Grobelno territory it in many ways and in different levels\ud crosses the railways causing traffic, habitat and regional development of space obstacles.\ud My thesis contains developing and a study of possible solutions of out-of-level crossing, a\ud comparison according to the traffic, technical, cost and spacial criteria in addition to a proposal\ud of the most suitable solution.\ud In my final thesis I have developed three independent variations of the G2-107/1275 public\ud road with out-of-level crossings with the main and the regional railways besides the relation\ud to the already existing road network. I have also produced the solutions of the juctions of local\ud roads, accesses, driveways and all touching junctions now useless because of the relocation of\ud the main public road. For the basis of the designing I have used the basic topographic plan and\ud ortophoto.\ud The central part of the space in question is a flat land – the bottom of the valley is curved by the\ud crossing of the river Slomščica and the left affluent of the Šentvid creek. The dinamics of the\ud relief is specific since the valley is surrownded by hills on North and South. The agriculturally\ud used territory lies on the sunily areas, sunless areas are mainly covered with forests. The bottom\ud of the valley is used partly for agriculture, the rest are damp meadows. Beacuse of the closeness\ud of the creeks this territory can not be used for constuctions of the railway underpasses. In order to discover the potentials of the area in consideration of the specific spacial situation\ud we need to get acquainted with the space in question. The problem analysis point out the\ud advantages of the area worth using and the remediation of the shortages.\ud Every specific spacial situation is a part of the broader social context and reveals topics and\ud probems the experts nowadays come across. The theoretical part of the thesis involves the\ud enlightenment of issues of the broader context

    Deviation of road G2 in Grobelno - Preliminary study

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    Naselje Grobelno leži na meji med Občino Šentjur na zahodu in Občino Šmarje pri Jelšah na vzhodu. Jedro naselja tvori pozidava, ki se je izoblikovala ob križanju ceste in železnice. Urbane razmere so se v naselju s povečanjem cestnega in železniškega prometa poslabšale, prisotni pa so tudi vsi ostali negativni vplivi na bivalno okolje. Glavna cesta predstavlja povezavo Šmarja pri Jelšah in Rogaške Slatine v smeri Celja in osrednje Slovenije. V območju Grobelnega večkrat nivojsko križa železniško progo, kar predstavlja oviro v prometu, bivalnem okolju, pa tudi v regionalnem razvoju prostora. Diplomska naloga obsega izdelavo in preučitev idejnih rešitev izvennivojskega križanja, primerjavo glede na prometno - tehnične, prometno – ekonomske in prostorske kriterije, ter predlog najustreznejše rešitve. V nalogi sem izdelala med seboj tri neodvisne variante ceste G2-107/1275 z izvennivojskimi križanji z glavno in regionalno železniško progo ter navezavo na obstoječe cestno omrežje. Izdelala sem tudi rešitve priključkov lokalnih cest, dostopov in dovozov in vseh tangiranih priključkov, ki so zaradi preložitve glavne ceste neuporabni. Kot podlago za projektiranje sem uporabila temeljni topografski načrt ter ortofoto. Osrednji del obravnavanega prostora je ravnina – dolinsko dno, ki ga oblikuje sotočja Slomščice in levega pritoka Šentviškega potoka. Značilna je reliefna razgibanost, dolino na severni in južni strani obrobljajo griči. Kmetijske površine so pretežno na prisojnih legah, osojna pobočja pa poraščena z gozdom. Dolinsko dno tvorijo kmetijske površine in mokrotni travniki. Zaradi neposredne bližine potokov na tem območju ni priporočljiva gradnja podvozov pod železnico. Da bi odkrili potenciale območja in upoštevali specifičnost prostorske situacije, moramo prostor najprej spoznati. Problemske analize izpostavijo prednost območja, ki jih je smiselno izkoristiti, kot tudi pomanjkljivosti, ki zahtevajo sanacijo. Vsaka specifična prostorska situacija se umešča v širši družbeni kontekst in razkriva teme in problematiko, s katerimi se danes sooča stroka. Osvetlitvi širšega konteksta je namenjen teoretični del naloge.Grobelno settlement lies right in between of Šentjur municipiality on its West and the Šmarje municipiality on its East. The nucleus of the settlement is consisted of a built that was formed with the crossing of the public road and the railway. The urban conditions have with the increase of the road and railway traffic worsened in addition to the presence of the negative influences on the habitat. The main road represents a connection of Šmarje pri Jelšah and Rogaška Slatina in direction of Celje and of the central Slovenia. At the Grobelno territory it in many ways and in different levels crosses the railways causing traffic, habitat and regional development of space obstacles. My thesis contains developing and a study of possible solutions of out-of-level crossing, a comparison according to the traffic, technical, cost and spacial criteria in addition to a proposal of the most suitable solution. In my final thesis I have developed three independent variations of the G2-107/1275 public road with out-of-level crossings with the main and the regional railways besides the relation to the already existing road network. I have also produced the solutions of the juctions of local roads, accesses, driveways and all touching junctions now useless because of the relocation of the main public road. For the basis of the designing I have used the basic topographic plan and ortophoto. The central part of the space in question is a flat land – the bottom of the valley is curved by the crossing of the river Slomščica and the left affluent of the Šentvid creek. The dinamics of the relief is specific since the valley is surrownded by hills on North and South. The agriculturally used territory lies on the sunily areas, sunless areas are mainly covered with forests. The bottom of the valley is used partly for agriculture, the rest are damp meadows. Beacuse of the closeness of the creeks this territory can not be used for constuctions of the railway underpasses. In order to discover the potentials of the area in consideration of the specific spacial situation we need to get acquainted with the space in question. The problem analysis point out the advantages of the area worth using and the remediation of the shortages. Every specific spacial situation is a part of the broader social context and reveals topics and probems the experts nowadays come across. The theoretical part of the thesis involves the enlightenment of issues of the broader context

    Analysis of switchyard protection against direct lightning strike

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    Magistrsko delo obsega analizo uporabe zaščite pred direktnimi atmosferskimi razelektritvami v stikališčih. V prvem delu je predstavljen teoretični pristop k obravnavi atmosferskih razelektritev in od česa je odvisna verjetnost udarov strel v objekt. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene metode za analizo zaščite pred atmosferskimi razelektritvami. Podrobneje je opisana metoda kotaleče krogle, ki je bila uporabljena tudi v simulacijskih izračunih. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti najprimernejšo metodo za izračun radija navidezne krogle pri analizah strelovodne zaščite v stikališčih z metodo kotaleče krogle v slovenskem prostoru. Radij kotaleče krogle je odvisen od toka, pred katerim želimo zaščititi naprave v stikališču, in dveh konstant, ki sta bili skozi leta empirično določeni na podlagi elektrogeometrijskih modelov s strani različnih raziskovalcev. Na podlagi analiz na modelu stikališča v računalniškem programu, sem primerjala izračune radijev po petih izbranih različnih metodah (različnih uporabljenih konstantah) in ugotovila, da je za toke, ki jih v Sloveniji uporabljamo za koordinacijo strelovodne zaščite, najbolj konservativen pristop izračuna po ugotovitvah Inštituta inženirjev elektrotehnike in elektronike (IEEE), najmanj pa po določitvah radijev po standardu IEC 62305-1 (oziroma povzeto po standardu - Tehnična smernica TSG-N-003:2021: Zaščita pred delovanjem strele). Slednji je z ekonomskega vidika sicer najbolj ugoden, z vidika stopnje zanesljivosti zaščite pred udari strel pa najmanj. Ob upoštevanju obeh zahtev se je kot najprimernejša metoda za izračun radija kotaleče krogle izkazal izračun s konstantami, ki jih je empirično določil Brown.The master’s thesis covers analysing of the use of lightning protection in substations. The first part presents the theoretical approach of the formation of lightning discharges and reasons for probability of direct lightning strikes to object. Then are presented methods for the analysis of protection against direct lightning discharges. The rolling sphere method which is also used in simulation calculations is described more in detail. The purpose of the master’s thesis was to determine the most optimal method for calculating the radius of a virtual sphere in the analysis of lightning protection in substations with the rolling sphere method in our country. The radius of the rolling sphere depends on the current against which we want to protect the devices in the substation and two constants that have been empirically determined over the years, based on electrogeometric models, by various researchers. Based on the analyzes of the model of the substation, I compared the calculations of radii according to five selected different methods (different constants used) and found that for the currents used for the coordination of lightning protection in Slovenia, the most conservative method for calculating radius is according to the findings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the least according to the determination of radii by the standard IEC 62305-1. The latter is the most adequate from an economic point of view but the least from the point of view of the degree of reliability of protection against lightning strikes. Taking into account both requirements, the calculation using the constants determined by Brown proved to be the most suitable method for calculating the radius of a rolling sphere