4 research outputs found

    Jealousy and the Relationship Between Equity Restoration Via Retaliation and Surveillance

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    Jealousy in romantic relationships and its influence is explored in this study. Because of the digital age, new technologies in social media have allowed public access to anyone’s personal page. Due to social media’s advancements, surveillance methods as a retaliation goal have become more widespread. Previous research shows surveillance methods have damaging effects on the relationship and cause relational dissatisfaction. Due to this, we will explore if there is an association between how jealous a person becomes with the goal of equity restoration via retaliation and surveillance behavior. Measures of romantic jealousy, equity restoration, and surveillance were given to a sample of 604 participants. The study’s results reflect that there is a positive correlation between both variables; the more a person works toward the goal of equity restoration, the more likely they will resort to surveillance on their romantic partner. These results suggest that people are likely to express jealousy depending on their equity in the relationship, and this will lead to surveillance and overall dissatisfaction