5 research outputs found

    Feasibility of radiation dose range capable to cause subacute course of radiation syndrome

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    There had been analysed cases of radiation syndrome which clinical picture takes an intermediate place between the acute radiation syndrome (ARS) and the chronic radiation syndrome (CRS), and differs from them because of a subacute. This variant of disease can develop as a result of the fractioned or prolonged radiation lasting from several days to several weeks. Development of primary reaction took place only in the extremely hard cases which ends with an early fatality. After the general radiation the marrow failure was characterized by directly expressed formation and restoration period, specific features of which were defined by the radiation duration, a total dose and dose derivative. The most typical outcomes of a subacute radiation syndrome are death from infectious complications in the period of an eruptive phase or leukosis development in the remote period

    Clinical features of subacute course of radiation disease

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    Aim: to show the clinical features of subacute course of subacute course of radiation disease and how they differ from the typical manifestations of acute and chronic radiation syndrome. Material and methods. Materials of the Burnasyan Federal Medical and Biophysical Center Register of acute radiation disease (ARS) in the Former USSR and Russia and Materials of a Burnasyan Federal Medical and Biophysical Center database of workers "Mayak" with chronic radiation syndrome (CRS) were analyzed. There were selected 22 patients with radiation syndrome due to fractionated or prolonged accidental exposure (the main group of patients). There were formed two subgroups for comparison: patients with a typical marrowy syndrome of acute radiation disease and with chronic radiation syndrome. Statistical analysis of results was made by means of statistical software package Statistica v. 6.1 for Windows (StatSoft Inc., USA) and Microsoft Excel 2010. Results. It was found that subacute course of radiation syndrome is possible under radiation exposure with medium dose rate in the range of 0.1-0.3 Gy/day Early symptoms of the disease as a primary reaction symptoms are completely absent. First complaints appeared in the earliest one month after the start of work in adverse conditions, on the average 6 months. In the period of formation there is a pancytopenia in the peripheral blood. Duration of the formation period was also determined. In this case radiation cataracts in patients are not observed. After the termination of radiation exposure hematopoietic recovery is slow, possibly incomplete with a high probability of hemoblastosis development. Conclusions. There has been described the subacute course of radiation disease by analyzing the clinical material of patients with radiation syndrome, there has been analyzed the clinical criteria that distinguish subacute radiation syndrome from acute and chronic

    Multifocal atherosclerosis in patient after acute first degree radiation sickness.

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    Purpose: assessment the heavy psychosomatic and all-somatic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathology of patient, transferred an acute I degree radiation sickness, from the general evenly gamma-beta radiation. Conclusions. The subdepressive and disturbing-depressive syndrome of patient, transferred an acute radiation sickness (ARS) of I degree, from the general evenly gamma-beta radiation, was independent risk factor of development of multifocal atherosclerosis; Features of development of all-somatic and psychosomatic pathology of patient are based on a combination of genetic prerequisites, environment influences (the stress caused by accident on the ChNPP) and social factors, influencing on him during a course of life, especially during early socialization. Thus at development of psychosomatic frustration the combination of feature of the mental reaction connected with the personal characteristic and special relationship between mental (stress) and physiological (somatic) by aspects of reaction which led to metabolism violation, to aging, decrease in adaptation opportunities of an organism and development age — dependent pathology took place

    Features of medical examination of suitability of employees for working at nuclear power plant after myocardial infarction

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    Aim: examination of professional qualification of NPP personnel suffering from post-infarction cardiosclerosis, to work with sources of ionizing radiation with the formation of proposals of amendments to the order of the health Ministry from 12.04.2011 No. 302-N. Material and Methods. Medical database by making indicators with individual registration forms made from 269 persons with postinfarction cardiosclerosis staff of main and auxiliary production of Russian NPPs (272 men and 7 women), average age of the examined patients was 56.2 ± 7.0 years; the total number the analyzed characteristics, reflected in the generated database was 49 lines. Results. The results of the risk stratification of sudden cardiac death with the formation of risk groups and proposed draft amendments to the Order of the health Ministry of the Russian Federation of 12 April 2011 No. 302-n order differential approach to the assessment of competency in hazardous conditions patients with postinfarction cardiosclerosis. Conclusion. On the basis of clinical examination and assessment of risk for sudden cardiac death, it is necessary to make changes in the List of medical contraindications for admission to works in accordance with section 4 of Annex No. 3 to the Order of Ministry of health, April 12, 2011 No. 302 n in terms of access to work with ionizing radiation to persons suffering from post-infarction cardiosclerosis; to identify among patients postpartum cardiosclerosis persons not fit to continue the work in contact with sources of ionizing radiation, it is necessary referral to additional examination in occupational disease Centers in accordance with the Order of Ministry of health, April 12, 2011 No. 302 N