168 research outputs found

    Making Traffic Visualization Movies by Scripting a Graphical User Interface

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    This report presents a recent extension to the open source traffic simulation “SUMO”, which allows to generate demonstration movies by scripting the user interface from an external application. The scripting was realised by extending an available on-line interface. For obtaining a final movie, further steps are necessary, which are described. Examples for using the extension are given and discussed

    UrMo Accessibility Computer - A tool for computing contour accessibility measures

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    Contour accessibility measures are a set of performance indicators used to value a location by the amount of accessible activities, places, or space within certain time or distance limits. They are used for evaluating a region’s activity offers taking the connectivity to its surrounding into regard and act as input data for land use planning models and traffic demand models. With the availability of disaggregated data and sufficient computer power, accessibility measures can be computed at a very fine-grained level of single buildings, points of interest or areas. This report describes a tool that realizes this purpose

    COLOMBO Deliverable 4.2: Extended Simulation Tool PHEM coupled to SUMO with User Guide

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    This public deliverable is an extension of the draft deliverable D4.1. The first part covers the extensions performed on PHEM’s database for modelling the vehicle fleet in the year 2020. The document extension describes the second work item which was to allow using PHEM as an emission model directly within the COLOMBO overall simulation system (COSS). Both possibilities – an off-line connection with SUMO output files fed into PHEM, and an on-line approach by embedding the derivative PHEMlight into SUMO – are presented in detail

    Ecological User Equilibrium in Traffic Management (TM)?

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    With increasing environmental sustainability awareness significant attention on ecological traffic management (eco-TM) has come into the focus of researchers and practitioners. While different approaches have been applied to reach minimal pollutant production, the classic user equilibrium calculation with the pollutant production as travel costs instead of using travel times remains in the center of attention. However, the validity of such a direct transformation to find a user equilibrium is questionable. In this paper, a simplified analytical approach to examine the above aforementioned validity has been carried out, followed by a simulation approach to verify the results of the analytical approach. The result shows that the pollutant production function violates the usual assumption of a monotonous function (typically, emission has a minimum at travel speeds around 60 km/h). It also indicates that the respective algorithms to compute the user equilibrium must deal with the fact, that the equilibrium solution is not unique and is dependent on the initial solution. This means that substantial modifications to the algorithms that compute the user equilibrium have to be discussed since they do not work as intended when pollutant production is used as travel costs, especially in a transportation system with mixed speeds that cover a range around the minimum emission speed

    iTETRIS Platform Architecture for the Integration of Cooperative Traffic and Wireless Simulations

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    The use of cooperative wireless communications can support driving through dynamic exchange of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) messages. Traffic applications based on such systems will be able to generate a safer, faster, cheaper and cleaner way for people and goods to move. In this context, the iTERIS project aims at providing the framework to combine traffic mobility and wireless communication simulations for large scale testing of traffic management solutions based on cooperative systems. This paper addresses the description and explanation of the implementation choices taken to build a modular and interoperable architecture integrating heterogeneous traffic and wireless simulators, and application algorithms supporting traffic management strategies. The functions of an “in-between” control system for managing correct simulation executions over the platform are presented. The inter-block interaction procedures identified to ensure optimum data transfer for simulation efficiency are also introduced

    Mobilität, Verkehr und Modelle

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    Der Vortrag gab einen Überblick über die menschliche Mobilität und aktuelle Fragestellungen zu dieser sowie die zur Modellierung dieser genutzten Methoden

    SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) - an open-source traffic simulation

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    As no exact model of traffic flow exists due to its high complexity and chaotic organisation, researchers mainly try to predict traffic using simulations. Within this field, many simulation packages exist and differ in their software architecture paradigm as well as in the models that describe traffic itself. We will introduce yet another system which, in contrast to most of the other simulation software packages, is available as on open-source programm and may therfore be extended in order to fit a researcher´s own needs and also be used as a reference testbed for new traffic models

    Introduction of car sharing into existing car fleets in microscopic travel demand modelling

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    Microscopic travel demand models take the characteristics of every individual person of the modelled population into account for computing the travel demand for the modelled region. Car sharing is an old concept, but the combination of a car sharing fleet parked in public space with smartphone services to find available cars nearby offers a new mobility service. It enables people to use a fleet operators cars by providing individual mobility on demand. However, integrating this mobility option into microscopic travel demand models still is a difficult task due to a lack of data. This paper shows an integrated approach to model car sharing as a new mode for transport within a travel demand model using disaggregated car fleets with car specific attributes. The necessary parameters for mode choice are estimated from various surveys and integrated into an existing multi nominal logit model. The proposed work is used to simulate the travel demand of a synthetic population for the German capital of Berlin. A comparison with the survey results shows that the proposed integration of car sharing meets the real-world data. Furthermore, it is shown that the mode choice reacts well for access restrictions for specific car segments and local accessibility influencing the trip lengths

    Benchmarking Cities of 15 Minutes using Open Data and Tools within the MyFairShare Project

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    The "MyFairShare" project develops fair CO2 mobility budgets for individuals. Here, "fairness" mainly depends on the people's location as everyone should be capable to access all the destinations needed to perform everyday tasks. As such, a basic understanding about the accessibility within an area is needed, regarding all activities that must be performed. To achieve this, a software system for benchmarking areas has been developed. It is based on open source applications and uses data that - besides public transport data in GTFS format - is freely available throughout Europe

    iTETRIS: An Integrated Wireless and Traffic Platform for Real-Time Road Traffic Management Solutions

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    Wireless vehicular cooperative systems have been identified as an attractive solution to improve road traffic management, thereby contributing to the European goal of safer, cleaner, and more efficient and sustainable traffic solutions. V2V-V2I communication technologies can improve traffic management through real-time exchange of data among vehicles and with road infrastructure. It is also of great importance to investigate the adequate combination of V2V and V2I technologies to ensure the continuous and costefficient operation of traffic management solutions based on wireless vehicular cooperative solutions. However, to adequately design and optimize these communication protocols and analyze the potential of wireless vehicular cooperative systems to improve road traffic management, adequate testbeds and field operational tests need to be conducted. Despite the potential of Field Operational Tests to get the first insights into the benefits and problems faced in the development of wireless vehicular cooperative systems, there is yet the need to evaluate in the long term and large dimension the true potential benefits of wireless vehicular cooperative systems to improve traffic efficiency. To this aim, iTETRIS is devoted to the development of advanced tools coupling traffic and wireless communication simulators
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