277 research outputs found

    Excitonic recombination dynamics in shallow quantum wells

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    We report a comprehensive study of carrier-recombination dynamics in shallow AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum wells. At low crystal temperature (2 K), the excitonic radiative recombination time is shown to be strongly enhanced in shallow quantum wells with x>0.01, consistently with a model that takes into account the thermal equilibrium between the three-dimensional exciton gas of the barrier and the two-dimensional exciton gas, which are closer in energy as x decreases. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of a thermally activated escape mechanism due to the low effective barrier height in these structures. The nonradiative recombination is shown to dominate the carrier dynamics for temperatures as low as 10 K for x≈0.01. Our experimental observations are analyzed using three different variational exciton calculations. In particular, we study the crossover from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional behavior of the exciton, which occurs for x as low as 0.01 and affects mainly the oscillator strength, whereas the transition energies in shallow quantum wells can be calculated, to a large extent, using the same approximations as for conventional quantum wells. The peculiar behavior of the oscillator strength at the crossover to the weak confinement regime is obtained by expansion in a large basis

    Zum biochemischen Wirkungsmechanismus des adrenocorticotropen Hormons

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    Es wird eine Übersicht über zwei Hypothesen und die dazugehörigen Befunde zum Wirkungsmechanismus des adrenocorticotropen Hormons gegeben: 1. Der Gehalt der Nebenniere an cyclischem Adenosinmonophosphat wird durch ACTH erhöht, die stimulierende Wirkung des Hormons auf die Corticoidsynthese wird durch cyclisches Adenosinmonophosphat imitiert. Die Beschleunigung der Corticoidsynthese dürfte allerdings nicht durch eine Aktivierung der Phosphorylase in der Nebenniere erfolgen. 2. Befunde zum biochemischen Mechanismus der Stimulation der Proteinsynthese in der Nebenniere durch ACTH werden referiert. Die Intaktheit der Proteinsynthese der Nebenniere scheint für den steroidogenen Effekt des ACTH Voraussetzung zu sein.Two current hypotheses on the mechanism of action of ACTH are reviewed: 1. The content of cyclic 3,5-adenosine monophosphate of the adrenals is increased by ACTH, and cyclic AMP or ACTH enhance corticoid synthesis. However, stimulation of corticoid synthesis presumably is not mediated by activation of adrenal phosphorylase. 2. Experiments dealing with the biochemical mechanism of the stimulation of adrenal protein synthesis are reviewed. The integrity of the adrenal protein synthesis appears to be necessary for the enhancement of corticoid synthesis by ACTH
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