29 research outputs found

    The role of TRPV6 in breast carcinogenesis

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    TRPV6 is a calcium entry channel that is strongly expressed in breast adenocarcinoma tissue. In this PhD-study we further confirmed this observation by analysis of breast cancer tissues, which indicated that TRPV6 mRNA expression was upregulated compared to normal breast tissue. While TRPV6 is known to be expressed in the cancer tissue, its role as a calcium channel in breast carcinogenesis is poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated how TRPV6 affects viability, apoptosis, and calcium transport in breast cancer cell lines. TRPV6 expression can be regulated by estrogen, progesterone, 1, 25-vitamin D, and tamoxifen (a selective estrogen receptor modulator that is widely used in breast cancer therapy) in T47D cells. Knockdown of TRPV6 in this cell model leads to a significant decrease of cell viability. Moreover, the effect of tamoxifen on cell viability was enhanced when TRPV6 expression was silenced with siRNA. Interestingly, tamoxifen reduced expression of TRPV6 in T47D cells and is able to inhibit its calcium transport activity (IC50=7.5 μM) in Xenopus oocytes. We examined the effect of tamoxifen on TRPV6 function and intracellular calcium homeostasis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells transiently transfected with EYFP-C1-TRPV6 in detail. TRPV6 activity was measured with fluorescence microscopy using Fura-2. Tamoxifen decreased the transport rates of calcium and barium in transfected cells by 50%. This inhibitory effect was not blocked by the estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182, 720 and a similar inhibition effect was also observed in MDA-MB-231 estrogen receptor negative cells. The effect of tamoxifen was completely blocked by activation of protein kinase C. Inhibiting PKC with calphostin C decreased TRPV6 activity but did not alter the effect of tamoxifen. These findings illustrate how tamoxifen might be effective in estrogen receptor negative breast carcinomas and suggest that the mechanisms of tamoxifen and PKC inhibitors used in breast cancer therapy might involve TRPV6 mediated calcium entry. This PhD-study highlights a possible role of TRPV6 as a therapeutic target in breast cancer therapy

    Aroma of peas, its constituents and reduction strategies – Effects from breeding to processing

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    Peas as an alternative protein source have attracted a great deal of interest from the food industry and consumers in recent years. However, pea proteins usually do not taste neutral and exhibit a distinct flavor, often characterized as “beany”. This is usually contrasted by the food industry's desire for sensory neutral protein sources. In this review, we highlight the current state of knowledge about the aroma of peas and its changes along the pea value chain. Possible causes and origins, and approaches to reduce or eliminate the aroma constituents are presented. Fermentative methods were identified as interesting to mitigate undesirable off-flavors. Major potential has also been discussed for breeding, as there appears to be a considerable leverage at this point in the value chain: a reduction of plant-derived flavors, precursors, or substrates involved in off-flavor evolution could prevent the need for expensive removal later

    Nutritional Implications of an Increasing Consumption of Non-Dairy Plant-Based Beverages Instead of Cow's Milk in Switzerland

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    In Switzerland the consumption of non-dairy plant-based beverages increased (+19%) from 2011 to 2016 whereas the consumption of cow’s milk decreased (-6%). This trend makes it necessary to investigate in detail which products are on the market, what they are composed of and the implications with regard to their nutritional value. The main supermarket chains in Switzerland sell 45 non-dairy plant-based beverages that were analysed as to their composition (information from the label and nutrient databases) and nutrient content per recommended serving size. This information was correlated to the recommended dietary allowances published by the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSN), for adults (25-51), children (4-7 years) and toddlers (1-3 years). The main focus was placed on the protein content and amino acid composition of the beverages which is of great importance for different physiological functions. Furthermore, calcium, sugar, and salt content were discussed in detail. Altogether, replacing cow’s milk with non-dairy plant-based beverages leads to a reduced intake of proteins, calcium, certain vitamins and minerals and to an increased intake of added salt. Therefore, such a substitution should be made with precaution and nutrient deficiencies balanced with other food sources

    Verbindung von Ernährung und Lebensmitteltechnologie im Fokus

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    «Du bist, was du isst.» Immer mehr Menschen interessieren sich für eine gesunde Ernährung. Die muss auch nicht teurer sein, wie sich in einer Studie der BFH-HAFL herausgestellt hat. Spezielle Ernährungsformen wie Veganismus nehmen zu und die Bedürfnisse nach Produkten für Personen mit Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten steigen. Ein Trend in Richtung personalisierter Lebensmittel oder Lebensmittel für bestimmte Zielgruppen ist deutlich wahrzunehmen

    Assessment of Dietary Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Calcium Intake of Portuguese Women of Childbearing age living in Switzerland

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    Background: The lack of sun plays a major role in vitamin D deficiency, particularly among vulnerable groups, including migrants and women. Vitamin D and calcium are crucial nutrients for optimal bone health, heart function and muscle contraction. Recent studies suggest that the two micronutrients alone do not appear to be as beneficial as when their intake is coupled with vitamin K. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent their deficiencies. To this date, we observe a deficit of culturally sensitive methods for assessing dietary intake. The aim of this study was to estimate the dietary vitamin D, vitamin K and calcium intake among Portuguese women of childbearing age living in Switzerland. Methodology: A food frequency questionnaire was developed and dministrated. A comparative method, a 24-hour dietary recall, was applied twice, over two non-consecutive days. The same methodology was applied to and compared with two control groups: Portuguese women living in Portugal and Swiss women living in Switzerland. Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel® version 15.0, 2013, Nutritional. Software® version 1.32.44, 2012 and IBM SPSS®, version 24.0, 2016 for windows. Results: Portuguese in Switzerland had the lowest vitamin D intake (6.04 μg /day) from food. When dietary supplements were considered, significant differences were found between the Swiss (11.1 μg) and Portuguese groups (7.04 μg) (p = 0.004). Regarding vitamin K, the focus group had the lowest intake (102.20 μg/day). Concerning calcium, the Swiss group was the only one achieving the daily recommendations (1355.14 mg) and significant differences were found between the Swiss and the Portuguese groups (p < 0.001). Conclusion: In the present study the three participant groups had a deficient intake of vitamin D and only the Swiss group had an adequate calcium intake. Vitamin K intake did not seem to be a concern in terms of dietary deficiencies for all the groups of participants

    Verarbeitung mit Mehrwert

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    Proteine als Bausteine von innovativen Lebensmitteln

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    Veränderte Lebensgewohnheiten und neue Lebensstile der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten haben einen immer stärker werdenden Einfluss auf die Lebensmittelindustrie. Die interdisziplinäre Forschung an der HAFL bemüht sich daher, die Bedürfnisse der Verbrauchergemeinschaft zu verstehen und in neue Konzepte zu übersetzen

    Quantitatives Potenzial zur Verwertung von Molke in Lebensmitteln in der Schweiz

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    Aus der Käseherstellung ergeben sich in der Schweiz jährlich 1 300 000 t Molke. 24 % davon werden bereits für Lebensmittelzwecke genutzt, 31 % zu höherwertigen Futtermitteln verarbeitet und noch 45 % direkt an Schweine verfüttert. Eine stärkere Verwendung der Molke in Lebensmitteln ist wünschenswert, wird jedoch durch das dezentrale und damit transportintensive Anfallen vergleichsweise kleiner Molkenmengen erschwert. Je nach Käseherstellungsprozess sind die Molken zudem heterogen zusammensetzt, was verarbeitungstechnische Schwierigkeiten mit sich bringt und die Herstellung von Molkenproteinpulvern mit immer gleichen Eigenschaften erschwert. Dieses Problem könnte durch die Gewinnung «idealer» Molken umgangen werden, dies würde aber Prozessanpassungen bei der Käseherstellung erfordern, zudem ist die ökonomische Relevanz zu prüfen. Bei der Abschätzung der Umweltbelastung zeigt sich, dass diese positv oder negativ ausfallen kann, abhängig vom Ausmass der Proteinkonzentrierung beziehungsweise des Laktoseentzugs. Insgesamt liegen nur wenige Kenntnisse darüber vor, welche Assoziationen der Begriff Molke beim Konsumenten hervorruft und wie eine geeignete Strategie aussehen könnte, um die verzehrte Molkenproteinmenge zu erhöhen

    Pflanzliche Proteine als Fleischersatz: eine Betrachtung für die Schweiz

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    Soll die Eigenversorgung an pflanzlichem Protein für die menschliche Ernährung ausgebaut werden, bedarf es einer möglichst gesamthaften Betrachtung. In dieser Studie wird die Situation in der Schweiz systemisch analysiert. Es wird aufgezeigt, welche proteinreichen Pflanzen sich besonders für einen nachhaltigen und ökologischen Anbau eignen, welches ernährungsphysiologische Potenzial sie mitbringen und welche Prozessschritte notwendig sind, um sie zu Proteinkonzentraten und -isolaten aufzuarbeiten, die sich wiederum zur Herstellung von Fleischersatzprodukten eignen