288 research outputs found

    Integrating all-optical switching with spintronics

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    All-optical switching (AOS) of magnetic materials describes the reversal of the magnetization using short (femtosecond) laser pulses, and has been observed in a variety of materials. In the past decade it received extensive attention due to its high potential for fast and energy-efficient data writing in future spintronic memory applications. Unfortunately, the AOS mechanism in the ferromagnetic multilayers commonly used in spintronics needs multiple pulses for the magnetization reversal, losing its speed and energy efficiency. Here, we experimentally demonstrate `on-the-fly' single-pulse AOS in combination with spin Hall effect (SHE) driven motion of magnetic domains in Pt/Co/Gd synthetic-ferrimagnetic racetracks. Moreover, using field-driven-SHE-assisted domain wall (DW) motion measurements, both the SHE efficiency in the racetrack is determined and the chirality of the optically written DW's is verified. Our experiments demonstrate that Pt/Co/Gd racetracks facilitate both single-pulse AOS as well as efficient SHE induced domain wall motion, which might ultimately pave the way towards integrated photonic memory devices

    Absorption and generation of femtosecond laser-pulse excited spin currents in non-collinear magnetic bilayers

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    Spin currents can be generated on an ultrafast timescale by excitation of a ferromagnetic (FM) thin film with a femtosecond laser-pulse. Recently, it has been demonstrated that these ultrafast spin currents can transport angular momentum to neighbouring FM layers, being able to change both the magnitude and orientation of the magnetization in the adjacent layer. In this work, both the generation and absorption of these optically excited spin currents are investigated. This is done using non-collinear magnetic bilayers, i.e. two FM layers separated by a conductive spacer. Spin currents are generated in a Co/Ni multilayer with out-of-plane (OOP) anisotropy, and absorbed by a Co layer with an in-plane (IP) anisotropy. This behaviour is confirmed by careful analysis of the laser-pulse induced magnetization dynamics, whereafter it is demonstrated that the transverse spin current is absorbed very locally near the injection interface of the IP layer (90% within the first approx. 2 nm). Moreover, it will also be shown that this local absorption results in the excitation of THz standing spin waves within the IP layer. The dispersion measured for these high frequency spin waves shows a discrepancy with respect to the theoretical predictions, for which a first explanation involving intermixed interface regions is proposed. Lastly, the spin current generation is investigated using different number of repeats for the Co/Ni multilayer, which proves to be of great relevance for identifying the optical spin current generation mechanism

    Controlling skyrmion bubble confinement by dipolar interactions

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    Large skyrmion bubbles in confined geometries of various sizes and shapes are investigated, typically in the range of several micrometers. Two fundamentally different cases are studied to address the role of dipole-dipole interactions: (I) when there is no magnetic material present outside the small geometries and (II) when the geometries are embedded in films with a uniform magnetization. It is found that the preferential position of the skyrmion bubbles can be controlled by the geometrical shape, which turns out to be a stronger influence than local variations in material parameters. In addition, independent switching of the direction of the magnetization outside the small geometries can be used to further manipulate these preferential positions, in particular with respect to the edges. We show by numerical calculations that the observed interactions between the skyrmion bubbles and structure edge including the overall positioning of the bubbles are fully controlled by dipole-dipole interactions

    Tunable chiral spin texture in magnetic domain-walls

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    Magnetic domain-walls (DWs) with a preferred chirality exhibit very efficient current-driven motion. Since structural inversion asymmetry (SIA) is required for their stability, the observation of chiral domain walls in highly symmetric Pt/Co/Pt is intriguing. Here, we tune the layer asymmetry in this system and observe, by current-assisted DW depinning experiments, a small chiral field which sensitively changes. Moreover, we convincingly link the observed efficiency of DW motion to the DW texture, using DW resistance as a direct probe for the internal orientation of the DW under the influence of in-plane fields. The very delicate effect of capping layer thickness on the chiral field allows for its accurate control, which is important in designing novel materials for optimal spin-orbit-torque-driven DW motion.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Verkenning MKBA werkwijzer Energie

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    Resultaten Er moet een werkwijzer komen voor maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyses (MKBA’s) van energiebeleid. Belangrijke aspecten zijn het aanpassingsvermogen van energiemarkten, de flexibiliteit van de energievoorziening, kosten van stroomuitval en betaalbaarheid van energie. Het onderzoek In 2013 is de Algemene leidraad voor maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyse (MKBA) vastgesteld door het kabinet. Hierna volgden werkwijzers voor het sociale domein, milieu en natuur. Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) heeft SEO en de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen gevraagd om na te gaan of een werkwijzer voor MKBA van energiebeleid nuttig is, en welke onderwerpen daarin moeten worden behandeld. Gebruikte methode De kosten en baten van energiebeleid worden beschreven aan de hand van doelen van het beleid: voorzieningszekerheid, leveringszekerheid, vermindering van milieueffecten en betaalbaarheid. Daarnaast wordt aandacht besteed aan effecten van beleid op de flexibiliteit van de energievoorziening. Bij elk onderdeel wordt op hoofdlijnen aangegeven hoe een MKBA-werkwijzer daar aandacht aan kan besteden

    All-optical switching of magnetic domains in Co/Gd heterostructures with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction

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    Given the development of hybrid spintronic-photonic devices and chiral magnetic structures, a combined interest in all-optical switching (AOS) of magnetization and current-induced domain wall motion in synthetic ferrimagnetic structures with strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) is emerging. In this study, we report a study on single-pulse all-optical toggle switching and asymmetric bubble expansion in specially engineered Co/Gd-based multilayer structures. In the absence of any external magnetic fields, we look into the AOS properties and the potential role of the DMI on the AOS process as well as the stability of optically written micro-magnetic domains. Particularly, interesting dynamics are observed in moon-shaped structures written by two successive laser pulses. The stability of domains resulting from an interplay of the dipolar interaction and domain-wall energy are compared to simple analytical models and micromagnetic simulations

    Modeling ultrafast demagnetization and spin transport: the interplay of spin-polarized electrons and thermal magnons

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    We theoretically investigate laser-induced spin transport in metallic magnetic heterostructures using an effective spin transport description that treats itinerant electrons and thermal magnons on an equal footing. Electron-magnon scattering is included and taken as the driving force for ultrafast demagnetization. We assume that in the low-fluence limit the magnon system remains in a quasi-equilibrium, allowing a transient nonzero magnon chemical potential. In combination with the diffusive transport equations for the itinerant electrons, the description is used to chart the full spin dynamics within the heterostructure. In agreement with recent experiments, we find that in case the spin-current-receiving material includes an efficient spin dissipation channel, the interfacial spin current becomes directly proportional to the temporal derivative of the magnetization. Based on an analytical calculation, we discuss that other relations between the spin current and magnetization may arise in case the spin-current-receiving material displays inefficient spin-flip scattering. Finally, we discuss the role of (interfacial) magnon transport and show that, a priori, it cannot be neglected. However, its significance strongly depends on the system parameters
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