7 research outputs found

    Association between Asymptomatic Unilateral Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis and Electrophysiological Function of the Retina and Optic Nerve

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    Purpose. This study was designed to assess retinal and optic nerve bioelectrical function in patients with unilateral asymptomatic but hemodynamically significant internal carotid artery stenosis (ICAS). Methods. Forty-two subjects with a diagnosis of unilateral ICAS and 34 controls were analyzed. Full-field electroretinogram (ERG), pattern electroretinogram (PERG), and pattern visual-evoked potentials, as well as optical coherence tomography and ophthalmological examination, were performed. Data analysis included eyes ipsilateral to ICAS (EIS) and eyes contralateral to ICAS (ECS). Results. Intraocular pressure was significantly decreased in EIS and ECS compared to that in the controls. In the macula, both the cube average thickness and cube volume values were significantly reduced both in EIS and ECS compared to those in the controls. Similarly, PERG P50 and N95 wave amplitudes were significantly smaller in EIS and ECS compared to those in the controls. The ERG rod b-wave and rod-cone a-wave amplitudes were decreased, and implicit times were significantly prolonged, whereas the OP wave index was reduced in EIS compared to that in the controls. No differences in IOP, OCT, or ERG and PERG parameters were identified between EIS and ECS. Conclusions. Our study demonstrated that retinal bioelectrical function is negatively affected by ICAS despite the absence of objective clinical signs and symptoms of ocular ischemia

    Pattern electroretinography and photopic negative response in glaucoma diagnostics

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    Celem niniejszego artyku艂u jest przedstawienie danych z najnowszej literatury i do艣wiadcze艅 w艂asnych dotycz膮cych roli elektroretinogramu stymulowanego wzorcem (PERG) oraz fotopowej negatywnej odpowiedzi (PhNR) w diagnostyce jaskry. Wyniki tych bada艅 wykazuj膮, 偶e redukcja amplitudy PERG jest wska藕nikiem konwersji do pe艂noobjawowej jaskry i przyspieszonej progresji 艣cie艅czenia w艂贸kien nerwowych siatk贸wki u pacjent贸w z podejrzeniem jaskry. Za pomoc膮 PERG i PhNR mo偶na wykry膰 zaburzenia funkcji siatk贸wki w jaskrze w momencie, gdy wyniki rutynowych bada艅 diagnostycznych s膮 niemiarodajne b膮d藕 mieszcz膮 si臋 w granicach normy. PERG i PhNR stanowi膮 dow贸d na odwracalno艣膰 dysfunkcji kom贸rek zwojowych siatk贸wki. Badania te mog膮 s艂u偶y膰 tak偶e jako wska藕nik dobrze dobranego leczenia obni偶aj膮cego ci艣nienie wewn膮trzga艂kowe (CWG). Przy podejrzeniu jaskry normoci艣nieniowej PERG mo偶e by膰 jedynym wska藕nikiem zaburzenia funkcji kom贸rek zwojowych siatk贸wki i stanowi膰 podstaw臋 w艂膮czenia leczenia obni偶aj膮cego CWG.The aim of this article is to present data from recent literature and our own experience with respect to the role of pattern electroretinography (PERG) and photopic negative response (PhNR) in glaucoma diagnosis. The results of these studies show that PERG amplitude reduction is an indicator of conversion to manifest glaucoma and a predictor of increased rate of progression of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning in patients with glaucoma suspicion. PERG and PhNR are capable of detecting decreased retinal function when the results of routine diagnostic examinations are still within normal ranges or borderline. PERG and PhNR may also serve to confirm retinal function improvement. Both tests may also serve as an indicator of well-selected IOP-lowering therapy. In patients suspected of normal-tension glaucoma, PERG may be the only indicator of RGCs dysfunction and may be the diagnostic basis for the inclusion of IOP-lowering therapy