35 research outputs found

    The assessment features of the third type permitted use land plots

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    The article deals with the problem of assessing agricultural land used for the placement of objects (buildings, structures, structures) used for the production, storage and primary processing of agricultural products. The problem is that the owner who has provided (sold) a land plot for an object can rightly claim a part of the future profit that arises from the synergistic effect of adding two assets - land and improvements. The work purpose is to formulate a methodology for assessing agricultural land located under buildings, taking into account the synergistic effect and their properties. In the course of the study, two approaches were considered for determining the entrepreneur's profit for the evaluated objects: first, on the basis of the economic results of the agricultural enterprises activities; secondly, on the basis of the invested funds alternative investment possibility. It was revealed that the owner of the land that will be built up, as a co-investor of the project, has the right to add to the value of the land in the amount of the rate of return on invested capital - 26.28%. The market (in this case, the cadastral) value of the surrounding land can be obtained from the results of the assessment of lands of the first type of use (arable land, pastures, hayfields)

    Efficiency of using drones in agricultural production

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    The article deals with the issue of economic efficiency of the use of drones in agricultural production. There is an opinion about their inefficiency, which is refuted by the study. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of agricultural drones (using the example of U-30L-6 (BROUAV) in comparison with other technological options. The use of agricultural drones allows not only to reduce the cost of manufactured products, but also to increase crop yields by reducing losses during cultivation, as the number of passes of wheeled vehicles across the field during the growing season is reduced. Among the options considered (trailed sprayer, self-propelled sprayer, agrodrone), the use of copters took the second place in terms of production costs. But due to a decrease in the spraying rate and losses from trampling, the economic effect of using agricultural drones is the highest (3417.34 rubles/ha), which is more than twice as high as when using a self-propelled sprayer

    Production of sugar beet in Russian Federation: analysis and forecast

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    The article analyzes the dynamics of indicators characterizing the production of sugar beets in Russia. The Krasnodar region, the Penza region and the Russian Federation as a whole were chosen as the object of study, the sown areas, the gross harvest and the yield of sugar beet were chosen as the subject of the study, and the period from 2005 to 2022 was chosen as the time interval. At the first step of the work, a primary analysis of the studied dynamic series is carried out, which showed a stable growth of indicators with a maximum jump in 2010. Next, regressions are constructed that describe long-term trends in the development of processes, for which, in most cases, quadratic functions are chosen. The next step is modeling the cyclical component and developing multiplicative trend-seasonal models, the error of which was 7.4% -13.8%. As a result of the study, a forecast for the development of the industry for 2023-2024 is built

    Prospects for the crop production development and the government support impact

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    Crop growing is the main branch of agriculture in the Samara region, forming 73.8% of production. Therefore, from a developmental perspective, it is necessary to identify the most important factors influencing its development. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of government support on the performance of the crop production industry. As part of this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: - analyze the state of crop production in 2018-2022; - identify the main directions of government support and reveal the degree of influence on the development of crop production; - calculate the effectiveness of individual government support measures for the development of the industry. The significant profitability of crop production, which is the result of countersanctions introduced in 2014, and significant export potential, has led to the fact that the modern system of state support for the industry is a system aimed at financing potential areas of development: the introduction of new technologies, digitalization and automation of production processes, etc. Therefore, despite the decrease in the relative size of state support (PSE) to 1.3%, the industry is experiencing sustainable development. The main source of funding is the federal budget (about 51% of industry funding). Among the most important areas in the period 2018-2024 can be distinguished: land reclamation (2.1 billion rubles), development of crop production (1.8 billion rubles), modernization and technical re-equipment (1.8 billion rubles), insurance (1.2 billion rubles) , purchase of elite seeds (1.0 billion rubles), etc

    Assessment of degradation transformations of agricultural lands

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    The use of soil for the production of crop products leads to changes in the natural properties of soils and their natural state. When various situations arise, soil properties can change in different forms and with unequal degrees of severity; a process that worsens quantitative and qualitative properties is defined as soil degradation. The significant role of soil in people’s lives should serve as an incentive for its rational use and to prevent the occurrence of degradation transformations leading to a decrease in its environmental and production functions. The purpose of the research is to assess soil contamination of agricultural lands in the Samara region with insecto-acaricides and herbicides. Objectives: - to establish the average and maximum content of residual quantities of pesticides in soils; - determine the area of contamination with residual quantities of pesticides. The research was carried out in 7 districts (Bezenchuksky, Syzransky, Stavropolsky, Volzhsky, Privolzhsky, Bolshechernigovsky, Elkhovsky) of the Samara region in 2020-2022. To assess soil contamination with residual amounts of pesticides, soil samples were taken in spring and autumn to the depth of the arable layer. In selected soil samples, the residual amount of insectoacaricides (DDT, HCH, HCB, metaphos) and herbicides (prometrin, atrazine, simazine, 2.4-D, trifluralin, THAN, dalapon) was determined. The analysis of contamination of agricultural land in the study region showed that the content of controlled pesticides in soils depended on both the period of soil sampling and the year of research

    Economic mechanism of the region breeding service activity

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    The article examines the concept and elements of the economic mechanism of breeding in the region. The main goal of this work is to determine the features of the economic mechanism of the breeding service in the region for its further optimization. At the same time, the following tasks are being solved: - to reveal the features of the economic mechanism of the breeding service of the region; - to determine the main factors influencing the activities of the breeding service in the region; - to analyze the effectiveness of state support for the breeding service of the region. We note that the technologies of cattle reproduction using the method of artificial insemination with sexed semen and the method of embryo transfer in agricultural enterprises in practice have proven their economic efficiency and high profitability indicators. But to obtain the described results, the source material (sexed seed and embryo), as well as the qualities of the donor and recipient, as well as systematic work in the industry of dairy and beef cattle breeding in the Samara region, are extremely important. Raised cows with high genetic potential, obtained from artificial insemination with sexed semen and embryo transplantation, can then be used as donor cows to obtain embryos and their further transplantation in other agricultural enterprises

    Economic aspects of fruit production: a case study in Poland

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    The article discusses the economics of fruit growing in Poland. Poland currently holds leading positions in the cultivation of apples, cherries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries, strawberries and mountain ash. In 2017, the area of fruit growing in Poland amounted to 390 570 thousand ha. In this regard, the problem of efficiency arises. The authors analyze the cost structure of apple production as the most important horticultural culture in Poland

    Agrarian potential of personal subsidiary plots

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    The article discusses the methodology for assessing the personal subsidiary plots production potential. Comparison of the private household plots efficiency is an important problem that requires early solution. It is the most promising direction for optimizing state support and stimulating production. The study purpose is to determine the territories of the Samara region that most effectively use the personal subsidiary plots resources for the agricultural production. The production potential value was the highest in the private household plots of the Samara region southern zone. On average, 1122.2 thousand rubles per hectare fall to personal subsidiary farms in one district of this zone. The production potential value is 36% lower in the Central (719.4 thousand rubles/ha) and by 56% - in the Northern zone (493.0 thousand rubles/ha). The households of the Central natural-economic Zone most effectively use the production potential. The zonal average utilization rate value is 1.14. The available resources are used in the best way by the personal subsidiary plots of the Bezenchuksky district (Kp = 1.67), the worst - by the Sergievsky district (0.62). The considered methodology allows solving important problems - to assess the possibilities and the production real state in the private household plots sector

    The Banking Sector Role in the Rural Territories Social Development

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    The article examines the features of banking services for the rural population on the example of the Samara region. The banking sector accumulates significant financial resources of the population, which can be directed to the service area development. In modern conditions, the collected funds are transferred to large cities, making rural areas even more depressed. The study purpose is to determine the features of banking services for the population in rural areas. Within the framework of this, the following tasks are being solved: - the banking services state is analysed on the example of the Kinelsky district of the Samara region; - problems specific to rural areas are identified; - measures are proposed to solve the problems of banking services in rural areas. On the example of the Kinelsky district, it can be seen that large financial resources (more than 500 million rubles) are being withdrawn from the district with the contributions of the rural population. At the same time in rural settlements, banking services are in an inadequate state: Sberbank branches are closed or switched to part-time work. There is a low degree of provision with banking terminals, and the standards for servicing the population are not observed. As a result, the state should more actively regulate the current situation, using economic mechanisms to solve the existing social problem

    Comparative characteristics of world agricultural markets using contracting and state farm support development (Russian Agribusiness Case Study)

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    Theoretical and methodological aspects of direct and indirect methods of farm regulation are being discussed. One of the most important goals is regulation of the agro-industrial complex. The volume production was optimized under ecological and economic conditions of business development. All countries have been optimizing their farm policy to satisfy the requirements of the national internal standards. The state farm policy changes according to the requirements of the environmental sector of the business ecosystem. It also depends on marketing and distribution development taking an intermediate position between internal and external markets