188 research outputs found

    Effect of Controlled-release Fertilizer and Root-proof Capillary Wick Addition to Root-zone on Tomato Growth and Yield

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of controlled-release fertilizers and wick addition to the root-zone on plant growth and yield of medium-fruit sized tomato up to the 18(th) truss in long-term forcing culture. The set-up consisted of a box partitioned by a board into two halves, named box 1 and box 2. Box 1 contained 2.8 ℓ of growth medium (soil : bark : perlite : peat=2 : 2 : 1 : 1). Plant was grown in box 1 with a capillary wick, and at flowering of the 8(th) truss, the partition was removed and box 2 filled with 2.8 ℓ of the medium. There were two treatments, with or without capillary wick in box 2, namely, single wick (S) and double wicks (D). Plant height was greater in D than S in January, and the difference increased gradually thereafter. Flowering time of 18(th) truss in D was 10 days earlier and decapitated shoot weight was twice that of S. Fruit yield per plant was 8 kg in S and 9 kg in D with similar value of Brix and titratable acidity. There was no difference between S and D in dry root weight (7g/plant) or in xylem exudates (8ml/h), while in S in April plant growth was inferior, leaf color yellow greenish and fruit colour uneven towards the end of growth of plants. Xylem sap analysis showed that NO(3)-N was 10 me/ℓ in S and 6 me/ℓ in D. This concentration is weaker than that of Enshi standard nutrient solution generally used in hydroponics. These results suggest that application of controlled-release fertilizers and wick addition to box 2 with root-zone extended was effective for plant growth performance and fruit yield.中玉トマト18段摘心の長期促成栽培における肥効調節型肥料の適用と生育途中の根域拡張に伴う「紐」適用が生育と果実収量に及ぼす効果を調べた.栽培容器は可動仕切り板で2つに仕切り区画当たり容量は2.8ℓとし,第8段花房開花時に仕切り板をはずして5.6ℓ(1st Box+2nd Box)とした.試験区は2区で2nd Boxに紐を配置しない1本区と2nd Boxにもう1本を配した2本区である.2本区の草丈は1月以降,1本区に比べ高く推移し第18段花房の開花日が約10日早まり,成長の指標とした摘心時の茎頂部新鮮重も1本区の2倍となった.1株の果実収量は1本区で8kg,2本区で9kgとなり果実の糖度,酸度には両区間に差はなかった.栽培終了時の根の乾物重と茎切断面から採取した木部いっ泌液は両区間に差はなかったが,両区とも栽培終期の4月には生育が衰え葉色は黄緑色で果実の着色も不均一であった.木部いっ泌の成分分析ではNO(3)-N濃度が1本区で10me/ℓ,2本区で6me/ℓであり,これらの濃度は一般に養液栽培に使用される園試標準濃度よりも低かった.以上の結果から,第8段花房開花時に仕切りを開放し新区画への土壌と肥料ならびに紐の新たな適用は,生育安定と収量確保に効果的に作用することが明らかとなった.しかし,紐の有無にかかわらず生育後期の生育が不良となったことから,今後は施肥設計の面から,とくにNO(3)-NとSO(4)-Sの両面から検討する必要があると考察した

    Protective effect of FK506 and Thromboxane synthase inhibitor on ischemia-reperfusion injury in non-heart-beating donor in rat orthotopic liver transplantation

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    The study investigated the possibility of pharmacologically modulating hepatic allograft function from non-heart-beating donors (NHBDs)using male Lewisrats. The donors were divided into 4 groups :Group 1 in which the vehicle was administered, Group 2 in which FK506 (tacrolimus a powerful immunosuppressive agent)was administered,Group3 in which OKY046 (a specific thromboxane synthetase inhibitor) was administered and Group 4 in which FK506 and OKY046 were administered. The recipients received orthotopic liver transplantation. The survival rates differed significantly between the recipients that had received liver transplantation from Groups1 and 4. The serum liver enzyme and inflammatory cytokine concentrations of the recipients which had received liver transplantation from Groups 2, 3 and 4 were significantly lower than those of the recipients that had received liver transplantation from Group1. Although there was no significant difference, all parameters were better in the recipients that had received transplantation from Group 4 than those that had received transplantation from Groups 2 and 3. The action mechanisms of FK506 and OKY046 are completely different. Therefore, concomitant use of FK506 and OKY046 might have additive effects on liver transplantation from NHBDs. In conclusion, we demonstrated that pretreatment of NHBDs using FK506 and OKY 046 ameliorated graft viability

    90サイダイ チョウコウレイシャ ニ タイシテ フクブ キンキュウ シュジュツ オ シコウシタ 2レイ

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    We report two cases of abdominal emergencies in patients of advanced age over ninety. Case 1 : A 98-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of abdominal pain. Abdominal CT examination revealed air fluid level and bowel dilatation. Conservative therapy was started with a long decompression tube insertion. However, no symptomatic remission was attained. An emergency laparotomy was performed. At laparotomy, a strangulated intestinal ileus due to an adherent band of omentum was found. The ileus was treated by excision of the band. The patient’s postoperative course was uneventful. Case 2 : A 94-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of abdominal pain. Chest X-ray film showed free air under the right diaphragm. Perforation of digestive tract was suspected and an emergency laparotomy was done. Perforation of a gastric ulcer was found and closure of the hole with omentopexy was done. Postoperative pathohistological examination revealed a gastric cancer. However, the patient and his family rejected operation. The patient was discharged from the hospital59days postoperatively

    シュヨウナイ シュッケツ ニヨリ ゾウダイ シタ イ GIST ノ 1レイ

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    Although there are a lot of case-reports of GIST (Gastrointestinal stromal tumor) with bleeding into the alimentary tract, cases of bleeding inside of the GIST are rare. We report a case in which a GIST increased its size associated with bleeding inside and was resected successfully. An 82-year-old man was diagnosed as GIST (1.0×2.0 cm in size) and followed for 3 years. Its size increased to 11×8 cm in size, therefore, we performed an operation. During laparotomy, the tumor was elastic hard and located on the upper body and posterior wall of the stomach. The tumor size was approximately the head of child. A total gastrectomy with splenectomy was done. A case of sudden increasing of the tumor was histologically thought to bleed inside of it. The increased size of tumors revealed a malignant potential and/or hemorrage, the tumor should be resected as soon as possible

    Acute inhibition of AMPA receptors by perampanel reduces amyloid β-protein levels by suppressing β-cleavage of APP in Alzheimer's disease models

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    Hippocampal hyperexcitability is a promising therapeutic target to prevent Aβ deposition in AD since enhanced neuronal activity promotes presynaptic Aβ production and release. This article highlights the potential application of perampanel (PER), an AMPA receptor (AMPAR) antagonist approved for partial seizures, as a therapeutic agent for AD. Using transgenic AD mice combined with in vivo brain microdialysis and primary neurons under oligomeric Aβ-evoked neuronal hyperexcitability, the acute effects of PER on Aβ metabolism were investigated. A single oral administration of PER rapidly decreased ISF Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels in the hippocampus of J20, APP transgenic mice, without affecting the Aβ40 /Aβ42 ratio; 5 mg/kg PER resulted in declines of 20% and 31%, respectively. Moreover, PER-treated J20 manifested a marked decrease in hippocampal APP βCTF levels with increased FL-APP levels. Consistently, acute treatment of PER reduced sAPPβ levels, a direct byproduct of β-cleavage of APP, released to the medium in primary neuronal cultures under oligomeric Aβ-induced neuronal hyperexcitability. To further evaluate the effect of PER on ISF Aβ clearance, a γ-secretase inhibitor was administered to J20 1 h after PER treatment. PER did not influence the elimination of ISF Aβ, indicating that the acute effect of PER is predominantly on Aβ production. In conclusion, acute treatment of PER reduces Aβ production by suppressing β-cleavage of amyloid-β precursor protein effectively, indicating a potential effect of PER against Aβ pathology in AD

    Expression of human mutant cyclin dependent kinase 4, Cyclin D and telomerase extends the life span but does not immortalize fibroblasts derived from loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)

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    Conservation of the genetic resources of endangered animals is crucial for future generations. The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) is a critically endangered species, because of human hunting, hybridisation with other sea turtle species, and infectious diseases. In the present study, we established primary fibroblast cell lines from the loggerhead sea turtle, and showed its species specific chromosome number is 2n = 56, which is identical to that of the hawksbill and olive ridley sea turtles. We first showed that intensive hybridization among multiple sea turtle species caused due to the identical chromosome number, which allows existence of stable hybridization among the multiple sea turtle species. Expressions of human-derived mutant Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and Cyclin D dramatically extended the cell culture period, when it was compared with the cell culture period of wild type cells. The recombinant fibroblast cell lines maintained the normal chromosome condition and morphology, indicating that, at the G1/S phase, the machinery to control the cellular proliferation is evolutionally conserved among various vertebrates. To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate the functional conservation to overcome the negative feedback system to limit the turn over of the cell cycle between mammalian and reptiles. Our cell culture method will enable the sharing of cells from critically endangered animals as research materials