493 research outputs found

    Application of Rho Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Corneal Endothelial Diseases

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    ROCK (Rho kinase) signaling regulates a wide spectrum of fundamental cellular events and is involved in a variety of pathological conditions. It has therefore attracted research interest as a potential therapeutic target for combating various diseases. We showed that inhibition of ROCK enhances cell proliferation, promotes cell adhesion onto a substrate, and suppresses apoptosis of corneal endothelial cells (CECs). In addition, we reported that a ROCK inhibitor enhances wound healing in the corneal endothelium in animal models and in pilot clinical research. We also demonstrated the usefulness of a ROCK inhibitor as an adjunct drug in tissue engineering therapy as it enhances the engraftment of CECs onto recipient corneas. In 2013, we initiated a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of injection of cultured human CECs into the anterior chamber of patients with corneal endothelial decompensation. This paper reviews the accumulating evidence supporting the potency of ROCK inhibitors in clinical use, both as eye drops and as adjunct drugs in cell-based therapies, for the treatment of corneal endothelial decompensation

    Frontal positions and mixed layer evolution in the Seasonal Ice Zone along 140°E in 2001/02

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    We describe the circulation and seasonal development of the upper ocean in the Seasonal Ice Zone (SIZ) of the Southern Ocean along 140°E. The 140°E section was repeated four times between November 2001 and March 2002, spanning the period from early spring to autumn. The sea ice edge was located at 62°-63°S in November, and retreated to 65°S in January. The circulation in the region is dominated by several fronts: the southern branch of Polar Front (PF-S) was located between 60° and 61.5°S; the northern branch of Southern ACC front (sACCf-N) was located at 61.5°-63°S, and roughly corresponds with the winter sea ice edge; and the southern branch of sACCf, the southern boundary of the ACC, and the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF) were closely spaced and found between 64°S and 65°S. Vigorous cyclonic (clockwise) eddies were identified in the region between the sACCf-N and sACCf-S throughout the period. Changes in salinity made the dominant contribution to changes in density in the SIZ, while changes in temperature made the largest contribution to density changes in the AZ, north of the sACCf. The depth of the mixed layer generally shoaled to the south, in all seasons. The decrease in mixed layer depth occurred in a series of steps. Seasonal variability in the depth of the mixed layer was strongest in the AZ, where summer warming formed a strong seasonal thermocline above the relatively deep (100 m) Winter Water layer. In the SIZ, the mixed layer became warmer, fresher and lighter in summer but the depth of the mixed layer remained at about 50 m throughout the year. The freshest surface waters were observed in the SIZ in January, immediately following the melt and retreat of the sea ice pack. An increase in mixed layer salinity from January to March likely reflects the effect of mixing with saltier waters below the mixed layer. Mixed layer depths south of the ASF were highly variable, both within and between seasons, varying from a minimum of ~20 m in January to over 500 m in March

    Studies on thc Ecological Adapation of Lettuce : III.The Ecological Adaptation of Great Lakes 54 in the Growth Cabinet in which the Temperature is Controlled

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    1)1966年4月1日より1967年5月30日迄3回にわたり制御環境下(コイトトロン使用)において温度および日長がレタス(Great Lakes 54)の生育におよぼす影響について実験を行なった. 2)高温環境下では葉は細長く薄く淡緑花するが,低音環境下では葉に巾広く葉肉厚く濃緑色となる. また高温環境では低温環境下に比べ初期生育は促進するが,生育が進むにしたがい栄養生長相から生殖生長相への移行が早くなり栄養生長は制御される. この場合夜温の低音は栄養生長相を良好にするのに役立ち,短日環境は長日環境に比べ生長量を減少させる. 15℃,20℃,25℃,25℃(昼)→15℃(夜)の各区につぎ自然短日環境下(冬)のものと自然長日環境下(春~夏)のものとを比較すると,処理後60日目の全重量において前者は後者よりそれぞれ劣っている. また10℃の低温でもある程度の生育が行なわれるが,処理後60日目における生青量は15℃におけるものに比べ約半分位であった. 3)処理後30日目におけるものに外葉の全窒素,全糖質,乾物重の定量を行なったが,温度の高い試験区程全窒素はある程度増えるのに対し,全糖質,乾物重は減少し,その結果C~N率は温度の上昇とともに減少した. 4)根の生育は温度が高い程抑制され,25℃では極端に不良となり,10℃では最も良好であった. 5)高温および長日は茎の伸長および花成を促進し,低温および短日はこれを抑制する. 夜温の低温もまた茎の伸長および花成を抑制する. また短日は結球開始を促進するものと思われる. 6)レタス Great Lakes の栽培に最も都合の良い温度は平均温度で17℃~18℃推定されるが,この場合昼間温度が多少高くても,夜温が低ければ,その影讐は相殺される結果となる

    A Study of Food Nutritive Constituents of Turnip Varieties Grown in Japan (Mainly on Dry Matter Percentage, Total Carbohydrate, Total Chlorophyll, Total Carotene, Crude Protein, and Vitamin C(Reduced Form))

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    1 乾物率;一般に欧州系品種はアジア系品種に比べ葉,根ともに乾物率が高い. アジア系品種の中ではペラルゴニン系(紅色系)品種群とシアニン系(紫色系)品種の中では伊予緋カブのように根身全体濃紫色で著者らが原形タイプと見なす品種の乾物率はたかく,試食した場合の肉質の硬軟とよく一致した. 2 糖質;欧州系品種はアジア系品種に比べ葉における糖質含量がたかいようである. カブ品種の根の糖質は大部分が糖分(還元糖及び寡糖類)で,その中でも特に還元糖が多く,その他若干の澱粉を含有する. しかし熊沢ら(1936)の分類による生食用種群のように澱粉を多量に含むいわゆる澱粉ダイコンに相当するような品種はカブには存在しないように思われる. 3 総クロロフィル;各品種間で葉,根ともにクロロフィル含量に可成の相異があるが系統別に見た場合各群の特色は認められない. 日野カブ,矢島カブなどの色カブ品種は採取時期に相当アントチアン色素を発現していたが,それにも拘らず高いクロロフィル含量を検出した. また白色カブ品種の根には僅かにクロロフィルを検出したが色カブでは全く検出しなかった. 4 総カロチン;根におけるカロチン含量は欧州系はアジア系に比べてたかく中でも黄色系は特に高い. 葉におけるカロチン含量は品種間で可成の相違があるが系統別に見た場合各群の特異性は認められない. 5 還元型ビタミンC;各品種一般に根における還元型ビタミンC含量は葉における含量の約1/4程度である. 各群の著しい特色は認められないが一般に色カブの根部は白色カブの根部に比べ還元型ビタミンCの含量が低い. 6 粗タンパク;洋種系品種の根における粗タンパク含量はアジア系に比べ糖質とは逆に低い. しかし葉における粗タンパクについては各系統群の特色は認められない. 7 食味;色カブには芳香,苦味,辛味,酸味があり,生食あるいは漬物にすると夾快な味があるが煮食すると苦味があり食に耐えない. この特性についてはペラルゴニン系品種,シアニン系品種ともに変わりはない

    Clinical Evaluation of Adenosine Triphosphate Disodium Hydrate (ATP-2Na) for Asthenopia

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    To investigate the effect and the safety of Adenosine triphosphate disodium hydrate (ATP-2Na) for asthenopia. 40 subjects [35 females and 5 males, 25~87 years old (average: 62.5 years old)] with asthenopia ingested 200~300 mg/day ATP-2Na for 3 months. Before and after 1 and 3 months ingestion, subjects completed a questionnaire to determine their asthenopia symptom and fatigue symptom by visual analog scale (VAS). The scores were compared between before and after ingestion. 31 subjects completed a questionnaire for 1 month. The scores of asthenopia symptom before ingestion, 1 and 3 months were 4.05 ± 3.22, 2.67 ± 2.19 and 2.41 ± 2.16, respectively. The scores of fatigue symptom were 4.76 ± 3.05, 3.08 ± 2.93 and 3.10 ± 3.19, respectively. Both scores were significantly decreased (p < 0.005) at 1 month compared before ingestion. Three subjects had side effects (diarrhea for two, nausea for one), and all subjects improved by oral discontinuation. These results suggest that ATP-2Na is relatively early effective in improving asthenopia and accompanying fatigue symptoms

    Differential regulation of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA expression in hypothalamus and anterior pituitary following repeated cyanamide with ethanol administration

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    Background/Aim. We have investigated proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA expression in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC) and the anterior lobe of the pituitary (AL) following repeated cyanamide-ethanol reaction (CER). Methods. Adult male Sprague -Dawley rats (250 −290 gr) were housed in a temperature and humidity controlled environment with free access to food and water. Four experimental groups were used as follows: saline (as control), cyanamide alone, ethanol alone and ethanol with cyanamide. The animals received daily intraperitoneal injections (i.p.) of cyanamide (10mg/kg, 60 min before ethanol dosing) with or without ethanol (1g/kg) for 5 consecutive days, and were sacrificed 60 min after the last dosing of ethanol. The results were presented as the mean ± SEM for each group. All groups within each data set were compared by one-way ANOVA followed by Fisher PLSD test for multiple comparisons. A value of p&lt;0.05 was considered significant. Results. The POMC mRNA levels in ARC were significantly decreased with cyanamide compared to the control and ethanol alone (p&lt;0.05 and p&lt;0.05 respectively), but increased in AL following repeated CER. Conclusion. We speculate that this differential regulation of POMC mRNA expression may be partially involved in the preventive effects on alcohol intake in response to CER

    A study on the flowering of Brassica Rapa L. : Mainly on the so-called "Photophase"

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    1.1965年春秋2回にわたり早期抽苔型代表品種として聖護院カブ及び晩抽型代表品種として札幌紫カブを用い花成と日長の段階に関連し1つの試験を行った.2.実験の結果両品種ともに短日操作区における花芽分化期は若干日数が遅れるが長日環境下のものと同様正常な花成の進行が行はれ.聖護院カブの春播においては着蕾開花の段階に迄達した.3.短日区においては栄養器官の生育が相当遅れた.4.以上の事実からBiassica Rapa L.においては短日はある程度花成の進行を遅らせるが,"Photophase"の段階は花成の要因としては必須条件でないと云うことがいえる

    First multicenter survey on infectious keratitis following excimer laser surgery in Japan

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    AbstractPurposeTo report the first multicenter survey in Japan on infectious keratitis after excimer laser surgery.MethodsThe laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) Safety Network (LSN) Committee sent questionnaires to 28 LSN member hospitals to assess the total number of laser corneal surgeries, the number of infection cases (including suspicious cases), and the postoperative follow-up rate during a 3-year period.ResultsResponses were obtained from 27 (96.4%) of 28 institutions. One phototherapeutic keratectomy infection case was reported among 22,415 excimer laser surgery cases, which equates to an incidence rate of 0.004%. The follow-up rate was 94.14% (67.2–100%), 80.11% (41.0–96.1%), 57.95% (11.5–93.0%), and 46.64% (4.7–93.0%) at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months of follow-up, respectively.ConclusionInfectious keratitis is a potentially devastating complication of excimer laser surgery. We did not see any infectious keratitis for refractive cases. This first multicenter survey in Japan on infectious keratitis provides important information on the safety of this therapy