23 research outputs found

    Resilience of Economy: Its Essence and Challenges for Ukraine

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    The article is concerned with the conception of resilience, originated from ecological studies and then subsequently applied to social and economic systems. The aim of the study is to determine the contents of the concept of «resilience» and identify the key challenges of resilience with regard to the Ukrainian economy in the 21st century. The essence of the concepts of «resilience», «resilience of economy», existing approaches to their interpretation, difference from the concepts of «sustainability» and «stability» were studied; the key risks and shocks that posed the challenges in terms of resilience of the Ukrainian economy in the 21st century are identified and examined. It is defined that resilience in the economy means the ability of the system to recover and adapt after crisis, stressful situations. The concept of resilience differs from sustainability and stability, emphasizing the post-event adaptation of the system. Two approaches to understanding resilience have been defined: the first is focused on recovering the system to equilibrium after crisis events, and the second – on the constant adaptation to changes. Situations in Ukraine, such as the global financial crisis of 2008, russian aggression in 2014, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the russian invasion in 2022, have significantly affected the country’s economy and underlined the need to develop resilient mechanisms to ensure sustainability and recovery from shock events. The importance of understanding and researching the conception of resilience for the development of effective strategies for crisis management and creation of stable economic systems in changing conditions is substantiated. Implementation of experience and study of resilience factors of other countries that faced similar challenges after military conflicts can be useful for Ukraine to overcome the crisis, ensure stability and growth, as well as preserve the potential for further development after the cease of the war

    Strategic Management of Agrocluster Structures Development: The Foreign and National Practice

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    Modern economic conditions require the intensification of partnership, cooperation and network interaction based on the creation of cluster structures in various spheres of economic activity; association of small enterprises for the proper execution of contracts (cooperation); joint activities of two or more companies and different groups of stakeholders to achieve a common goal and synergistic effect (collaboration). The article studies and generalizes foreign experience of formation of cluster structures in the agrarian sector, which are a powerful means and opportunity for structural institutional changes in the national economies of different countries of the world. A statistical analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of activity of economic entities in the agrarian sector of Ukraine is carried out. The correlation coefficients of Pearson, Spearman and Fechner are computed to determine the correlation between gross value added and agricultural output; volumes of produced and sold agricultural products; value added by production costs and volume of capital investment in agriculture. Based on the carried out analysis, the key obstacles to the development of the agrarian sector associated with russia’s full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine have been identified. It is substantiated that in order to remove the above barriers, it is expedient to form an appropriate infrastructure support for the domestic development of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of creating a cluster structure. A structural and logical diagram of the process of strategic management of development of agrocluster structures in Ukraine has been built. It is found that an effective implementation of the mechanism of strategic management of agrocluster structures development necessitates the creation of appropriate institutional, organizational, logistical and financial conditions

    The Impact of Training Highly Qualified Personnel on Scientific and Economic Development

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    The aim of the study is to determine the impact of training highly qualified personnel on scientific and economic development. To achieve the goal of the study, the methods of logical, statistical, correlation analysis, as well as the matrix approach to positioning countries of the world are used. The article puts forward and proves the hypothesis of a significant positive impact of indicators characterizing the level of training highly qualified personnel on indicators characterizing the condition of scientific sphere and scientific results, as well as economic results of the country for selected advanced nations of the world successfully implementing an innovative model of economic development. For Ukraine, the hypothesis is not confirmed. The results of the correlation analysis of indicators in absolute measurement show that an increase in the number of people with a master’s and doctoral degree has a positive effect, contributing to an increase in the number of researchers, the number of articles in scientific and technical journals, the level of GDP, and research and development expenses. The average positive effect of the number of population with a doctoral degree on the number of patent applications of the corresponding country at the level of high-tech exports and the low positive effect of the population with a master’s degree on the number of patent applications of the corresponding country at the level of high-tech exports are revealed. The results of Ukraine’s positioning relative to other countries of the world, based on the matrix approach, demonstrate that in the plane of coordinates of the number of people who have a master’s and doctoral degree and indicators characterizing the level of economic and scientific development our country is in quadrants that characterize a low level of chances in economic and scientific development. This makes it necessary to improve the system of training highly qualified personnel

    Assessment of the Ukrainian Industries’ Participation in Global Value Added Chains

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    The article aims at assessing the Ukrainian industries’ participation in global value-added chains and identifying prospects for intensifying these processes. The research methods used are the following: statistical analysis, comparison, and graphical analysis. The rise of the role of exporting products with high added value, as well as that of their integration into global value creation chains has been identified. A methodical approach to assessing the Ukrainian industries’ participation in global value creation chains is proposed, making it possible to determine the level of the country’s involvement in the process of international labor division by industries. The export pattern of Ukrainian industries has been analyzed, and the industries that have a significant export share in total exports and in the output composition have been identified. The main indicators of the country’s participation in global value-added chains have been calculated, namely: the national value added in the country’s exports by industry; the contribution of certain sectors of the economy to the national value added of gross exports; the share of the total national gross exports value added accounting for the national value added in specific industries. The positioning of industries in the plane of coordinates ‘share in the exports pattern – share in the national value added in exports’ has been carried out. It has been determined that the share of national value added in the exports of Ukrainian extractive industries is higher than the average one in the countries surveyed, while in the manufacturing sphere it is lower, which confirms the nearly total lack of knowledge-intensive and innovative stages of manufacturing in the latter, thus raising the share of low-grade products in exports. Several directions of the rational integration of Ukraine’s economy into global value added chains have been suggested. State policy measures to intensify the involvement of Ukrainian producers in global value added chains have been designed

    Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Education, Science and Business Integration: The Modern University Model

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    The article is aimed at forming an organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration on the basis of University 4.0. To achieve this goal, the methods of logical analysis and analytical modeling were used. The article clarifies the concept of “organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration”, which is proposed to be treated as a set of organizational and economic interrelated elements, namely: instruments, forms, tools, levers, factors, and methods of management that work to improve the effectiveness of innovation and achievement of certain goals by coordinating the interests of the parties involved in its work. The organizational and economic mechanism of science, education and business integration should promote effective implementation of all the stages of the research and innovation cycle to ensure the socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole. The organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration according to the university 4.0 model is suggested, and its following components are substantiated: the purposes and tasks; legal norms; priorities and principles of its creation; organizational and economic forms, management methods, tools; means of implementing educational, scientific and innovative processes; levers and factors of influence; management effectiveness measures; resources. Actual use of the organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration based on the formation of an innovative ecosystem around the university can enhance the positive influence of academic activity on the socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole due to providing highly qualified personnel training according to innovative development needs, involving young people in research and startups development, stimulating the commercialization of research results, promoting large-scale use of scholarly knowledge as a virtually inexhaustible resource of economic growth for the development of high-performance technologies, tools, products, services, new knowledge, etc

    Justification of Promising Areas for the Development of the Manufacturing Industry in Ukraine

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    The article deals with the analysis of the state of the manufacturing industry in Ukraine and justification of promising directions for its development. It is determined that one of the most important branches of the manufacturing industry is mechanical engineering, and the industries that have the potential for development in Ukraine are the manufacturing of civil aircraft and passenger cars. There analyzed the state of the civil aircraft manufacturing industry: the dynamic patterns of aircraft manufacturing in Ukraine, the capital equipment stock and its age composition, the country’s fleet of aircraft; there considered an integrated assessment of the competitiveness of domestic airplanes AN-148-100A and AN-140-100, the global aircraft exports, the structure of the global market for the final products and the global market for general aviation, the structure of the global market for aircraft engines, technical and economic indicators of national manufacturers of aircraft for general aviation and of most widely represented light Ukrainian-made airplanes. The comparative analysis of the aircraft manufacturing industry in Ukraine and individual countries is carried out. A strategic matrix of SWOT analysis of the aircraft manufacturing industry in Ukraine is developed. It is proved that the priority directions in the development of the domestic aircraft manufacturing industry are the production of small general-purpose airplanes as well as of aircraft components (aircraft engines, etc.). There analyzed the state of passenger car manufacturing: models of domestic-made passenger cars, the dynamic patterns of their production in the country, market segments in which Ukrainian automotive products are represented and the competitive environment, an integrated assessment of the technical level of domestic cars ZAZ Lanos T-150 and ZAZ Lanos T 100 in comparison to similar products from leading manufacturers in the C-Segment, positions of Ukraine and some European countries in the world ranking in terms of the number of passenger cars per 1,000 inhabitants, the dynamic patterns of the global passenger car manufacturing, the top 10 countries – car manufacturers / the largest passenger car exporters / the largest passenger car manufactures / global manufacturers of automotive components / countries leading in terms of sales of electric cars. A strategic matrix of SWOT analysis of the automotive industry in Ukraine in terms of passenger car manufacturing is built. It is justified that promising areas in the development of the domestic automotive industry in the context of passenger car manufacturing are the component assembly of electric vehicles in chain order: SKD (semi knock down assembly) ? MKD (medium knock down assembly) and production of components for passenger cars of global leading manufacturing companies

    Modern Wars and Military Conflicts: The Essence, Classification, Features, and Impact on the Economy

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    A characteristic feature of the modern confrontation between individual countries is the lack of a common understanding of the signs of the onset of a military conflict and the procedures for the transition to a state of war, which leads to the use of military force without a formal declaration of the beginning of the war, the difficulty of determining the main actors of hostilities. In this regard, the scientific substantiation of the typology and classification of military conflicts and wars acquires fundamental importance and relevance. The purpose of the article is to study the essence, classifications and features of modern wars and military conflicts and their impact on the economies of the countries that are their participants. To achieve this purpose, using the methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction, the interpretation of the concepts of «war», «military conflict», «armed conflict» proposed by various scholars is investigated. Using the comparison method, similar and distinctive features between these concepts are determined. The analysis of theoretical views on the typology and determination of the essence of the modern military conflict and types of wars was carried out, their main classification features were determined, allowing to draw conclusions about the causes of contradictions in the qualification of generally accepted procedures for the transition from armed conflict to a state of war. The proposed classification of military conflicts and modern wars made it possible to better understand the current tendencies in these processes. Carrying out a typology and definition of types of modern wars and military conflicts allowed to examine their impact on the economy. It is determined that the economic consequences of modern military conflicts depend on many factors, in particular, the nature of economic consequences and macroeconomic indicators are influenced by the duration of a military conflict, which can reduce the negative effect in the event of low-intensity clashes, which is not accompanied by significant destruction of infrastructure; the impact on changes in GDP per capita, government spending, public external debt, export and import indicators, and domestic investment may vary from the nature and conditions of armed conflicts (interstate or civil wars)

    Network Economy: Evolution of Development, Prerequisites for the Formation of the Conception, Conceptual Approaches to the Definition

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    New economic conditions in the context of the information and technological revolution led to an increase in the role and importance of intangible factors of production, in particular information and knowledge resources. Transformational processes that covered all aspects of society, turned it from industrial one to post-industrial service-information (network-based) one with the appropriate type of economy. All this, in turn, determines that the dominant tendency of the contemporary world economic development is the formation of a network economy, which leads to radical transformations of various spheres of economic activity. In view of this, the study is aimed at the theoretically summarizing and systematizing the exitant conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «network economy»; substantiating the authors’ approach to defining the content of this scientific category. As result of the study, it is found that the concept of «network economy» is synonymous with such definitions as: high-tech economics; knowledge economy; global, new, informational, digital, digitalized, virtual, information and network-based, electronic, cognitive, noospheric, creative, service, innovative, intellectual economy; post-industrial society; information society; network intelligence society; e-business, etc. Using a system approach and the classification method, the interpretations of the term «network economy», which are proposed by various scientific schools, are conditionally systematized in the following groups: the basis of the information society; new economic system; a new type of economy; state of the economy; specific form of organization; a qualitatively new form of management of the national economy; type of economic system; type of post-industrial economy; characteristics of the global economy; form of innovative economy; innovation factor; system of new economic relations; multilevel spatial structure; structured information space; interactive environment; form of economic activity; an instrument to increase the level of development of the knowledge economy; national security mechanism. The article provides an authors’ approach to defining the category of «network economy» as a new type of economic environment resulting from the digitalization of fast-growing, highly interactive real-time connections between economic agents, different categories of stakeholders, digital technologies, information systems, devices, electronic networks. It is proposed that network economy as a category be considered according to the three positions: as an economic activity carried out through electronic and computer networks; as a global information environment where subjects of economic relations can contact each other about joint activities using digital technologies; as a fundamentally new form of management of the national economy, based on horizontal (direct) long-term partnerships between economic entities in a single digital space in the context of globalization

    Analyzing the State Policy on Development of the Electric Power Industry of Ukraine

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    The article proves that modern energy economy in general and electric power industry in particular is one of the backbone elements of national economies, determining the direct interdependence of the general economic and energy economic tendencies of their development. The article is aimed at analyzing the State policy of Ukraine's electric power industry development and defining the problems and prospects in this sphere. The basic provisions of legislative acts regulating issues of functioning and development of generation, transmission and distribution of electric power in Ukraine are analyzed. It is proved that these documents were developed separately from each other and at different periods of time, therefore not coordinated to each other, and the main reason of contradictions of the official forecasts of development of electric power industry is absence of strategy as to development of the country as a whole. The conclusions, proposals and forecasts developed by the economic entities in the sphere of electric power industry are analyzed. It is determined that the greater need for investment resources in view of limited own resources and limited access to credit resources requires the development of a rational sequence of construction, reconstruction and modernization of generating capacities, first of all thermal power plants

    Promising Areas of IT Development in the World

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    To study promising areas of IT development is very important not only because it helps find competitive advantages for IT managers, but also because of the impact it makes on various aspects of economic activity, such as customers, clients, ecosystem, etc. The article in question is aimed at determining promising areas of IT development in the world by analyzing the current trends and predict researchers’ publication and patent activity. The methodological basis for the article is made up by the following: research review, analysis of general trends in the IT development, bibliometric and patent analysis, and graphic and statistical analysis. A general approach is suggested to identify promising areas of IT development in the world, the approach being comprehensive, unlike the already existing ones. The main trends in the IT development are studied by reviewing scientific literature and reports on the technological development of the industry. In particular, Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies is analyzed. The world’s technological foresights, in particular those of the EU countries, the USA, South Korea, and Japan, were analyzed, which allowed us to identify the most probable trends in the IT development in the world. The dynamics and structure of scientists’ publishing activity on the topic of “Computer Science” are analyzed according to the bibliometric indicators of the SCImago Journal & Country Rank portal, and patent applications published in the field of information technology is analyzed according to the data of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The changes in the structure and number of publications and patent applications for the period 1996–2020 are analyzed. The most promising areas of research in the IT sphere are determined. Due to grouping the obtained results we can determine such promising areas of IT development in the world: artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, blockchain technology, information and communication technologies, big data, computing memory, chatbots, cybersecurity, language recognition, digital communication, computer networks, and IT management methods. The obtained results of the research can serve as a basis to determine the priorities of developing IT research in Ukraine