11 research outputs found


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    Malezija je prepoznata kao zemlja visoke razine raznolikosti s obiljem različitih slatkovodnih vrsta. Malezijska slatkovodna bioraznolikost ugrožena je nakon uvođenja invazivnog paun grgeča (Cichla spp.). Prisutnost ovog grabežljivca mogla bi ugroziti suživot autohtonih vrsta slatkovodnog ekosustava u Maleziji. U preglednom radu obrađeni su najvažniji aspekti u vezi s prijetnjama paun grgeča budućoj biološkoj raznolikosti lokalnih vrsta. Trenutno su u Maleziji prepoznate četiri lokalno neprisutne vrste paun grgeča. Do danas, vrste paun grgeča raširile su se u sve dijelove Malezijiskog poluotoka, s još nezabilježenim pronalaskom u Kelantanu i Borneu. „Invazivnom uspjehu“ podložnija su malezijska jezera (84,38%) pri usporedbi s rijekama i rezervoarima. Brzi način širenja ove vrste izrazito je povezan sa sportskim ribolovom i ribolovcima. Način razmnožavanja, povoljno stanište, brojnost plijena i ponašanje pri ishrani odgovorni su čimbenici uspješnog uspostavljanja ove vrste u Maleziji. Vrste su, prema hranidbenoj prirodi, generalisti i ribojedi. Paun grgeča je teško iskorijeniti u Maleziji, između ostalog, i zbog toga jer je kroz doprinos gospodarstvu povezan sa zapošljavanjem ljudi (kroz rekreativni ribolov i turizam). Moguća šteta koju će vrsta uzrokovati na slatkovodnim ekosustavima u budućnosti je nepredvidljiva. U ovom trenutku preporuča se primjena pravilnog upravljanja ovom vrstom kako bi se smanjila njena populacija. To bi se moglo postići ažuriranjem popisa slatkovodnih površina u državi, poboljšanjem sustava praćenja stanja (monitoringom) i podizanjem svijesti o navedenoj problematici.Malaysia is recognised among the mega-diversity countries with the abundance of various freshwater species. Malaysian freshwater biodiversity is under threat after the introduction of an invasive peacock bass. The presence of this predator could challenge the coexistence of the native species. In the current review, the most important aspects regarding peacock bass threats to the biodiversity future of local species are addressed. Four non-native species of peacock bass are presently recognised in Malaysia. To date, the peacock bass species expand to all parts of Peninsular Malaysia with no records yet found in Kelantan and Borneo. Invasion success is more susceptible in Malaysian lakes (84.38%) compared to the dams, rivers and reservoirs. The mode of rapid expansion of this species is highly connected to the sport fishing and anglers. A propagule pressure, favourable habitat, prey abundance and feeding behaviours are responsible factors for the successful establishment of this species in Malaysia. The species are generalist feeders and piscivorous in nature. It is difficult to eradicate peacock bass since it provides physical jobs (recreation and tourism). However, the damage the species will cause in future is unpredictable. At this point, proper management of this species must be implemented to reduce its population. This could be achieved through updating checklists of freshwater bodies, improving monitoring systems and public awareness

    Effect of Probiotic on Microflora Population and Carcass Yield of Quail, Coturnix japonica

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary probiotic on intestinal and fecal microflora and carcass yield of broiler quails during the four weeks of feeding period. The quails were fed a basic diet (group 1) which acted as the control group; another 3 groups were fed basal diet with probiotic added at concentrations of 0.05%, 0.20% and 0.35% respectively for 28 days after two weeks of brooding. On day 42, fecal sample and intestinal sample were collected for microbial analysis and carcass yield of the quails was evaluated by cutting the selected parts of the carcass. The results showed that there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus population in quail’s feces between control and treatment group. Otherwise, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in Escherichia coli population in quail’s intestine between control and treatment group, but significantly (p < 0.05) different in Lactobacillus population. Different inclusion rate of probiotic including control showed negative result of Salmonella in both intestine and feces of quail. In addition, supplementation of the diet with probiotic resulted in higher dressing and legs percentage of the carcass but do not affect the breast percentage. This shows that adding probiotic to the broiler quail’s diet can improve the performance of the quails by increasing the beneficial microflora and reducing the pathogenic microorganisms, and relatively higher carcass yields

    Abattoirs – A Hidden Centre for Livestock Genetic Resources Loss in Nigeria

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    Nigeria is naturally blessed with wide diversity of native animal genetic resources. Indigenous ruminant livestock such as cattle, camel, donkey, sheep and goat contributes largely in both protein supply, revenue generation and national economy. In Nigeria, these animal resources are mismanaged and undermined through the indiscriminate slaughter of pregnant animals and foetal losses in abattoirs. This unethical practice resulted in the loss of genetic diversity, preferred traits and superior females ruminant animals. The current research focus on reported incidences across abattoirs, which is a centre where such practice is highly occurs within the country.  Lack of modern facilities, law enforcement, poor management and animal welfare in abattoirs to protect pregnant animals are among few factors responsible for an increase in incidences. It is unprofitable to continue the tradition of pregnant animal slaughter that causes foetal losses. This is a condition that significantly threatens the animal genetic resources and general livestock industry in Nigeria. This practice must be discard with a proper conservation and documentation of these valuable animal genetic resources. Both long and short terms conservation programs must aim for substantial benefits of these resources. Laws must be enforced with strict penalties to those involved in pregnant animal slaughter. Genetic resources of these species and meat industry future could be safe with proper implementation of these laws and conservation measures

    Morphometric Characterization of Donkeys (Equus asinus) in D/Kudu Kano State For Selective Breeding and Genetic Conservation

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    Donkeys (Equus asinus) is a domestic livestock popular in helping farming activities and providing food for some societies. Population of donkeys were drastically decreasing due to the overexploitation for its hides and industrialization. Little is known regarding the morphometric measurements of this species which provide a useful information for selective breeding and genetic conservation. One hundred and forty-four male donkeys from D/Kudu Kano state where enrolled in this study for morphometric characterisation. Seven morphological parameters were analysed in association with age and coat colour of donkeys observed. Descriptive statistical analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as correlation coefficient among parameters were evaluated. Result revealed that donkeys in the studied area were categorised into 7 different coat colour with light grey (30.6%) being the dominant colour. High Frequency distribution of donkeys between the ages of 5-7 years (41%) were recorded. Also, both age and coat colour showed a significant (P <0.01) difference on face length, ear length, chest circumference and body length. Significant and positive correlation (r = 0.43–0.91) is observed in all morphological traits except relationship for tail length which is negatively correlated. In conclusion, the morphological features analysed in this study can be regarded as a preliminary for further studies on the Kano donkey breed

    Prey identification of invasive peacock bass from Telabak Lake Malaysia using DNA barcoding technique

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    Invasive peacock bass Cichla spp. have recently invaded freshwater habitats across Malaysia. Stomach contents of 135 peacock bass captured from the Telabak Lake of East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia were analysed. The preys were examined using visual identification method and mitochondrial DNA barcoding technique to identify the partial digested and decaying preys in the stomach. The current study identified 7 prey species (6 fishes 43.0% and 1 shrimp 5.1%) belongs to 5 families in fishes’ stomach. The results revealed that peacock bass is highly predator and generalist feeder with an opportunistic feeding behaviour. It is highly important to reduce and monitor the abundance of this species for future survival of native species in the lake

    Growth Performance and Carcass Merit of Japanese Quails (Coturnix japonica) Fed with Sorghum as an Energy Source Substitute for Maize in North Western Nigeria

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    A feeding trial was conducted to determine the growth performance and carcass characteristics of Japanese quails fed diets containing sorghum. A total of ninety of one-week old Japanese quail chicks were used for the experiment. Five diets were formulated in which sorghum was included at graded levels 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% dietary levels designated as treatment 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The experimental period was five weeks when the birds reach six weeks of age.  The results of the growth performance showed significant differences (P<0.05) in the final body weight (161.70 – 180.10 g) and daily feed intake (21.34–25.12 g). Significant (P<0.05) differences was also observed in all carcass parameters measured except for dressing percentage. Liver weight and large intestine with T5 (65% total replacement) recorded the highest means value of 6.00 g and 6.66 g. Non-significant high values of feed conversion ratio were also obtained among the treatments. Treatment 1 (0%) and Treatment 5 (60%) showed better results in all parameters measured compared to other treatments. In conclusions, sorghum grain can play a significant role in formulating quail feed and can completely (60%) be used to replace maize without affecting the performance and carcass yield of the quails

    Genetic variability of wild populations of invasive redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) von Martens 1868 across Peninsular Malaysia

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    The redclaw crayfish had been listed as an invasive species in Malaysia following the various negative impacts displayed on both environment and economy. The species are largely culture in Malaysia for food, but unluckily escaped and expands to several waterbodies across the country. For effective control management of redclaw crayfish species, a total of 52 wild samples were collected from six locations in Peninsular Malaysia and analyzed using a 16S mitochondrial DNA to assess their genetic diversity and introduction history. Five haplotypes were detected associated with an overall low genetic diversity (Hd = 0.385, π = 0.00133). A single genetic structure was detected with a phylogenetic relationship showing two clusters related to the haplotypes from Australia and Papua New Guinea. The finding of this study provides the basic data that will aid the appropriate Malaysian authorities for both monitoring and management strategies of redclaw crayfish in Peninsular Malaysia

    Predicting Cherax quadricarinatus habitat distribution patterns through the usage of GIS and eDNA analysis in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) is a highly invasive species that is resilient and highly adaptable to environmental conditions in new locations. Its presence brings along ecosystem imbalances and causes socioeconomic losses in invaded areas. Due to the destructive behaviour, it is important to conduct preliminary assessment methods and scientific studies especially on its behavioural and dispersal patterns. Thus, this study aims to determine the habitat distribution patterns of C. quadricarinatus based on the methods of GIS and environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis. The study was done at Felda Tenang, Terengganu, Malaysia. Based on the geographical features and climate conditions of the study area, we theorized that there are fewer and older C. quadricarinatus present at higher areas but more and younger C. quadricarinatus at lower areas. We found that 91.67% of the study area to be invaded, thus imploring the need for future mitigation plans to curb their dispersal into new areas. Future studies should also be done to determine the habitat distribution patterns of C. quadricarinatus in other areas

    Introduction of Invasive Peacock Bass (Cichla Spp.), Its Rapid Distribution and Future Impact on Freshwater Ecosystem in Malaysia

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    Malaysia is recognised among the mega-diversity countries with the abundance of various freshwater species. Malaysian freshwater biodiversity is under threat after the introduction of an invasive peacock bass. The presence of this predator could challenge the coexistence of the native species. In the current review, the most important aspects regarding peacock bass threats to the biodiversity future of local species are addressed. Four non-native species of peacock bass are presently recognised in Malaysia. To date, the peacock bass species expand to all parts of Peninsular Malaysia with no records yet found in Kelantan and Borneo. Invasion success is more susceptible in Malaysian lakes (84.38%) compared to the dams, rivers and reservoirs. The mode of rapid expansion of this species is highly connected to the sport fishing and anglers. A propagule pressure, favourable habitat, prey abundance and feeding behaviours are responsible factors for the successful establishment of this species in Malaysia. The species are generalist feeders and piscivorous in nature. It is difficult to eradicate peacock bass since it provides physical jobs (recreation and tourism). However, the damage the species will cause in future is unpredictable. At this point, proper management of this species must be implemented to reduce its population. This could be achieved through updating checklists of freshwater bodies, improving monitoring systems and public awareness

    Predicting Cherax quadricarinatus Habitat Distribution Patterns Through the Usage of GIS and eDNA Analysis in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) is a highly invasive species that is resilient and highly adaptable to environmental conditions in new locations. Its presence brings along ecosystem imbalances and causes socioeconomic losses in invaded areas. Due to the destructive behaviour, it is important to conduct preliminary assessment methods and scientific studies especially on its behavioural and dispersal patterns. Thus, this study aims to determine the habitat distribution patterns of C. quadricarinatus based on the methods of GIS and environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis. The study was done at Felda Tenang, Terengganu, Malaysia. Based on the geographical features and climate conditions of the study area, we theorized that there are fewer and older C. quadricarinatus present at higher areas but more and younger C. quadricarinatus at lower areas. We found that 91.67% of the study area to be invaded, thus imploring the need for future mitigation plans to curb their dispersal into new areas. Future studies should also be done to determine the habitat distribution patterns of C. quadricarinatus in other areas